Sequel: Time Bomb
Status: 3 of 50

Broken Smile

It’s funny, people never realize the people with the most broken smiles are the ones who are always smiling. When someone smiles all the time look, does the smile reach their eyes? Do they have any reason to be happy? What is their life like? Something worth smiling about? Because a lot of the time you’ll see that they are smiling to cover everything up. They are smiling to hide themselves from the outside world. They are smiling to keep people out, not consciously but subconsciously. Sometimes they know they are and they wonder will anyone try to come in anyway? How hard will they try? What happens most of those times is that they are disappointed. No one tries to come in, and if they do they don’t try hard enough. So these people end up smiling alone often times.

Some people smile because they do have a reason to be happy. They have a reason to smile. That is something people who are always smiling as a façade are jealous about. They want that. The people who have a reason to smile have close friends, a happy life, something fun to do, and they know something about their future, maybe it’s where it’s leading or it’s where they want to go, but they know something.

What happens when the girl with the broken smile and the guy who is always smiling with reason meet? Is it true love or a disaster waiting to happen?

Entered in When a Song becomes a Story

Inspired by She Will be Love by Maroon 5
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