Status: hai

So Keep Your Hands on Your Chest and Sing With Me, That We Don't Wanna Believe

And maybe then we'll remember to slow down, at all of our favourite parts.

I. Sucked. At. Poker.
The entire night i spent hiding behind Max who was still clothed and enjoying himself as well as glaring at Stefanie for suggesting this, UNO would of been easier.
Josh sucked as bad as i did considering he was in his boxers as i was in my underwear.

"This sucks let's play "never have i ever" i said clearly getting sick of being naked.

"You've never complained before" said Max grinning as i slapped him with a low "ow" escaping his lips.

"Yes okay i like that!" said Josh

"Okay i will start" said Trixie grabbing the jack off the counter and pouring everyone a shot
"Never have i ever... had blonde in my hair" Grace, Dan, Stefanie and I all took a shot.

"Never have i ever.. had a vagina" said Dan smirking as the girls all took a shot.

"Max why aren't you drinking?" asked Matt

"Why ARE you drinking?" he replied

"Never have i ever.. believed in love" i said as Grace, Dan, Stefanie, Matt, Max and Josh all took a shot.

"Really? Everyone?" i said as i looked at Trixie who seemed just as misplaced as i did

"It feels like that ay Stef?" Dan asked Stefanie causing her to blush and smile.

We took a few more turns after that then casually turned on the Ellen show.

"So, we play our first show tomorrow, it's an acoustic set" said Dan taking a shot

"Yeah it's at that old little record shop in the mall" Josh confirmed.

"You guys can come.. Except Grace i don't want Josh to actually "Save it for the bedroom"" smirked Max causing everyone to laugh.

"You can come baby, and maybe we'll save it for Max's bed" Josh winked at Grace cause her to chock on her drink.

The sun streaming through my blinds cause me to wake up to an empty bed and a headache. Where did Max go? I stretched out and found a piece of paper

Morning love,
The boys and i decided to head back to our hotel to set up for the acoustic show at midday
i didn't want to wake you because you looked cute
don't tell Josh but i left Grace a note saying he turned gay for Dan
love, Maxxy

I giggled to myself and got up and made my way to Stefanie's room which was consumed by food and Stefanie hanging off the bed with her holding Dan's shirt.
I jumped on her bed causing her to fall off with a loud thump

"WHAT WHAT WHAT" mumbled Stefanie rolling around the floor trying to grab the blanket from her bed.

"It's 10am" i sung whilist jumping on her bed, i jumped off and ran downstairs and plugged my IPhone in the stereo which immediately blasted "Girls Freak me out" by my favourite band ever.
I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a pan and spoon and walked over to Trixie's room while singing and banging. As i walked in her room i jumped on her bed.

"SOME GIRLS FREAK ME OUTTTTTTTTTTT WELL DADDY'S LITTLE GIRL KN-" i was cut off by Trixie grabbing my leg and pulling me down causing me to land on not one body but two.

"Oh good morning to you too Matt"i smirked whilist they both groaned.

"Get out oh god Riannon you wait" she warned pointing her finger at me and throwing to covers over her head.

"Sorry to interrupt the morning sex, use protection!" i yelled as Trixie threw a pillow at me. I ran out the door and straight into Stefanie who glared at me and made her way to the bathroom.
I walked into Grace's room i jumped on her bed and found it was empty. That was strange..
I skipped back downstairs to fetch my phone to call the boys.

"Hey Chris! Is Grace with you guys? " i asked him as he answered.

"No love, is Josh and Matt with you guys? Josh left an hour ago and hasn't been back yet, we couldn't find Matty" he asked me.

"Yes and no Matt's with Trixie and Josh is missing so is Grace.. But my spidy senses are tingling they must be together" i mused.

"Right well we're at the shop now setting up are you lot coming down?"

"Yeah let us go retrieve the lovebirds and we shall be down around 11 see ya chewwy" then i hung up

Where could they be?
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