Status: hai

So Keep Your Hands on Your Chest and Sing With Me, That We Don't Wanna Believe

We only breathe for so long.

Trixie's POV

It had been around 7AM when a body jumped onto my bed. In my jungle of hair, I shoved my fringe behind my ears as I opened my crisp eyes.

Matt was next to me shirtless.

I buried my face into the pillow. "What?" I mumbled.

"Thought I'd come in while everyone was asleep," he told me.

"Mhmm," I hummed nonchalantly.

"We're leaving for the acoustic show in a few hours," Matt continued.

Eyes still closed, I nodded. "Uh huh." I pulled the covers over my head and tried to go back to sleep.

I peered at Matt who was now under the covers and stared at me as I stared back. I grinned slightly, closing my eyes sleepily.

Soon after, someone else came bouncing on my bed. I found out it was Riannon being her flamboyant self. She was yelling something about sex.

Awake by her loud yelling, I looked in front of me to find Matt.

I ruffled my hair. "What time is it?"


"You're still here?!" I exclaimed, falling back into the pillow.

"You bloody look like a mess," Matt laughed.

I rubbed my head. "Not everyone can handle their alcohol like you can."

He chuckled. "Obviously."

I turned my body, facing him. He had such nice brown eyes.

Stop, Trixie. Stop what you're doing now.

"Are you coming to the acoustic show today?" He asked.

"Why should I go?" I smiled.

"Because your friends are going and those friends of yours are hooking up with my friends?" Matt answered.

"Touche, Matt. Touche," I clapped.

He shrugged. "I try."


Stefanie, Grace, Riannon and I headed out to the mall to watch their boyfriends--well, no. I don't know if they were official. It was more of a summer fling. I don't know what they were. It confused me.

But whatever the case was, we were here to watch some friends preform.

Ha. 'Friends'.

"What are you laughing at?" Stefanie asked.

"Nothing," I shook my head, giggling to myself.

We took the escalators to Level 3 and found a sea of people crowding around a stage.

"That is great," mumbled Riannon. "We are right at the back."

"It can't be that bad," Grace commented, standing on the bench behind us. We followed her and stood on these benches. Thankfully, we were just on time because the show was just about to start.

The set was for about half an hour before it was just Q&A.

"Yeah, you, love," Josh pointed to a girl.

"Um, do you have a girlfriend?" She asked.

Josh seemed to glance at Grace, who was next to me, before looking back at the girl. "Uh, no I actually don't."

I could feel Grace stiffen.

I panicked, looking at Stefanie and Riannon who were fixated on the show in front of them.

I stared back at the band, knowing what was to come.

"Yeah, uh, none of us do actually," Dan added.

That's when Stefanie left, pissed off.

Followed by Grace, who was looking up, trying not to cry.

I saw Riannon shaking her slightly at Max, then Max sheepishly staring at his feet.

That's when Riannon decided to leave.

There I was, standing on the bench. Lastly, I looked at Matt, telepathically asking him what the hell was happening.

Matt's eyes didn't say anything.

And that's when I left.


"Grace, let me explain," Josh said through the apartment door.

Neither Grace, Riannon or Stefanie wanted to see them.

Hell, I didn't even want to see them.

"Grace, please open the door so I can explain," He begged.

Grace was on the couch, staring off into nowhere.

After Max had tried talking to Riannon, Riannon angrily bolted for her room.

Dan didn't come around though. Matt texted me saying that Dan was too ashamed of himself.

I laid on my bed with the text message open.

We only have two days left and the boys wanted to cut the relationship now before it got too painful. They all grew too close. We'll miss you.