Status: hai

So Keep Your Hands on Your Chest and Sing With Me, That We Don't Wanna Believe


Grace POV

Seventy four days. That’s how long You Me At Six have been on their first American tour. Seventy four long days I have not seen Josh. I sat on my bed, legs crossed, my laptop rested on my lap. On the left of me I had my Ipod blasting Blinks new album, trying to drown out the noise from the chaos that was going on downstairs. I was webcaming with Josh on skype, for the last time before I got to see him in person. Only three more days before the tour was over and he’d be free for two whole months.

“I miss you”, he said through the tiny screen. “I miss you t-“

“YO HEY MA YO HEY MA YO HEY MAMAMA HOOTCHIE”, Stef came flying into my room, shouting her head off. “I GOT THE FEVER FOR THE FLAVOR OF THE COOTCHIE”. She came running at me and jumped on my bed, holding a bag of chips in her hands.

“If these chips had a dick I would make love to them”.

“Clearly nothing has changed these past few months”, Josh laughed through the computer.

“Hello Joshy Woshy”, she sprang up next to me and shouted at the webcam.

“’Ello love, having fun?” he asked.

“Josh, have you seen my phone anywhere?” we could hear Dan ask on the other end.

“Uh… no”, he said as Stef left the room, obviously not wanting to stay if Dan was in anyway involved. Ever since Trixie and Matt had locked them, along with Riannon and Max, in a room, things had been.. awkward. After Riannon and Max decided to just be friends, although I thought it was mostly because neither of them could survive a relationship without the ‘physical’ aspect of things, Stef was still holding a food grudge against Dan. There was no talking sense into that woman. Matt and Trixie, however, were something else. I wasn’t quite sure what had happened with them. In the end, Josh and I were the only ones who came out of it without complications.

“I’ll see you in three days Gracey, I love you”, Josh said after another hour.

“I love you too, goodnight”.

I shut down my laptop and decided to venture to the ‘party’ downstairs. Riannon and Trixie never needed a bigger excuse other than it was Friday night to drink and have a good time. Stef was happy as long as there was enough food.

I walked down the stairs to the three of them dancing to the music in the lounge room, drinks in hand.

“Soooo how is your boyf?” a very tipsy Trixie asked.

“He’s good”, I laughed.

“Did you ask about Chris?” Riannon asked.

“Yeah, he’ll be coming with Josh in a few days.”

“Just the two of them?” she asked.

I nodded, and noted the hint of disappointment in her expression. Riannon would never
admit it, but I knew how much she missed Max. The truth of the matter was, those boys had changed our lives in the few weeks they were here, as cheesy as it sounds. I’m hoping against everything that when they come back, it won’t end so badly again.
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this chapter is shorter than riannon, if you can believe it