Status: hai

So Keep Your Hands on Your Chest and Sing With Me, That We Don't Wanna Believe

Where you say you're goin'?

Grace POV

The drive to the airport was nearly silent the whole way. We took a taxi, mostly because it was the only way we could all stay together and party because neither Stef or I really felt up to driving. Josh and I sat in the back, his head rested on my lap the whole way while he fiddled with my hands. I sat there, staring into his perfect blue eyes the whole way, fighting back tears.

“Don’t be sad, it’s not forever”, he whispered, kissing the back of my hand.

But I couldn’t say anything. I couldn’t tell him it was okay; that I’d be alright. Because the truth was, as horrible as it sounds, I can’t be without him. The two months that we were apart were the worst of my entire life, and now, not knowing exactly when we would see each other again, was killing me. But I knew why he had to leave, making music and touring is what he loved to do, and I was not going to be Yoko.

"Guess this is it," Josh rocked on his heels as we all stood around the gate.

"Now boarding: London, England," the speaker said. My heart sank.

Josh and I looked at each other one last time, and he hugged me tighter than he ever had before. He pulled back and looked into my eyes, wiping tears I could no longer hold back away from my face with his thumbs.

“Goodbye Gracey”, he said, kissing me one last time. The five boys exited through the gate, and made their way out of eyesight.

The car ride back to the house was even more quiet than the previous one had been. Except this time Riannon’s head was resting on Stef’s lap, while Trixie’s rested on her shoulder. I sat alone in the back, my head resting on the window.

“What are you doing with those?” Trixie asked as Riannon and I came down the stairs, each a giant suitcase in hand. It had been exactly a week since the boys left.

“We’re going to England”, I announced to her and Stef, who nearly choked on her chips.

“You’re… You’re what?!”

“We’re going to England”, Riannon repeated.

“We’re going to the airport right now and getting on the next flight out. Riannon talked to her aunt and uncle, they agreed to pay to fly her out if we stayed with them and agreed to help work in their bookshop for a couple months until we paid off her ticket, and I’ve got some money saved. Enough to get me there, at least. And I talked to my teachers at Uni, I’m going to do online courses for the rest of term four.”

“The guys are recording their new album, they’re not touring. We’re going to see them”, Riannon explained.

“And what the hell do you expect us to do, huh?!” Trixie said standing up, furious. “Just sit here while you two go gallivanting around England?!”

“Yeah, askfslkjfaei!” Stef shouted; her mouth full of food.

“Of course we want you to come!” Riannon shouted back.

“And how the hell are we supposed to get there? With all our invisible cash?!” Trixie yelled.

“I’ve got an idea…” Stef said.
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