Status: hai

So Keep Your Hands on Your Chest and Sing With Me, That We Don't Wanna Believe

It's the most wonderful time of the year

Talking Grace’s idea, Trixie and I had decided to keep the fact that we were coming to visit the boys in England a secret. What better way to surprise them, right?
The 5 days of babysitting dragged on. It really was not all that bad. The three kids were perfect. I mainly spent time with the two boys, playing with the cars and running around in the backyard. Except it was too big to call it a backyard… it was more… the arena out the back of the house. Trixie spent most of her time with Abbey, pulling off fashion shows and the like. During quiet time in the middle of the day while the kinds were passed out in the lounge, Trixie and I cleaned. For someone so messy, she was pretty amazing. We worked as a team, getting all the jobs done. Throughout the week, I had been skyping Grace, Riannon and the rest of the boys, though I did spend most of the time staring at Dan, wondering what the fuck I did in my past life to get some extremely attractive English man to want a long-distance relationship with me.

On the last day of our babysitting job, I woke up at 5am, way before anyone else, too excited to sleep. The kids were to spend the day at Kindy, so all Trixie and I had to do was drop them off in the morning and make sure the house was spick and spam clean, before leaving at 1pm to catch our flight to England. I felt bad for not being sad when saying goodbye to the kids in the morning, but I was just too excited to get to England. It was going to be a long flight. We would arrive at the airport at 1:30pm, two hours before our plane jettisoned off to Surrey. Luckily, because of the new QUANTAS planes, we could catch one single 14 hour flight all the way.

As we borded the plane, Trixie was practically jumping as she walked. I honestly had no idea how she was intending on living through this flight, as she had refused the flying pills I had offered her. I had done a bit of flying in my time and I had learnt that sleeping the whole way was best way. As the plane began its take off, I fell asleep to a smiling Trixie, bouncing up and down in her chair.

I awoke to Trixie shaking me.
‘STEF WE ARE HERE NOW OKAY GET U P!!!!!!!!!!!’ She half whispered, half yelled in my ear. ‘WE ARE GOING TO SEE THEM AGAIN S T E F A N I E WAKE UPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!’
‘Mmm-kay Im awake Trixie, calm those tits.’ I groaned, attempting to adjust myself to the light.

The plan was simple. We had organised for Grace and Riannon to book a hotel room for the night, telling the boys it was just for a nice get away, party time. We would arrive at the hotel before the boys, and then await their arrival.
As Trixie and I walked out of the airport gates, Riannon and Grace where there to greet us. After the initial tears and screams of joy, we made our way to hotel. It was nice to be re-united with the girls. We spent most of the afternoon chatting and just general catch up, before Trixie and I found the Xbox. God knows why a hotel would provide an Xbox, let alone some games.
At about 5pm, the boys texted Grace, informing her that they were on their way and would be there in half an hour or so.
I couldn’t help but smile. I was so excited to see Dan again. Though it had not really been THAT long, it felt like years. Trixie and I decided to continue to play Halo, to cool our nerves as we waited for the boys to arrive.
I was in the middle of owning Trixie at best to 25 when Grace got a text.
‘THEY ARE HERE GUYS’ She yelled, telling us to get into positions. Trixie and I were to hide in the other room, and sneak up on the guys while they were talking.
It was practically impossible to stop myself from leaping at Dan as soon as I heard him walk into the room, arguing with Josh about something. I watched him, as he chatted to the others, his back facing to me. I looked over at Trixie and gave her a nod. Game on. I snuck up behind Dan, placing my hands over his eyes.
‘GUESS WHO ENGLISH ASS?!?!’ I said, smiling as he turned around and practically jumped me on the spot.
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idk man idk