Status: hai

So Keep Your Hands on Your Chest and Sing With Me, That We Don't Wanna Believe

Where to go is up to you, dear.

Today was the day.


Tonight was the night.

In fact, the band was walking into the hotel room as we speak.

Stefanie and I were in the other room, about to use the element of surprise.

I actually felt like I was in Halo. We were about sneak up on a Brute and kill them. One hit.

That's what if felt like.

But obviously we weren't going to kill anyone.

Stefanie and I exchanged looks, nodding.

Stepping silencing toward the unsuspecting crushees, we pounced.

Okay, Stefanie pounced and they started kissing and all that jazz.

I stayed behind Matt's back. When he moved, I moved, remaining out of sight.

"Am I the only one left without my girl by my side? Honestly? Is this really happening?" Matt complained.

His girl?

His girl.


Have we actually made it official?

I know there's something there but we had never really labelled ourselves as 'together'.

Nonetheless, I was trying hard not to smile. This was all too amusing.

"I mean, seriously! This is not fair!" Matt exclaimed. He stamped his foot on the floor. "We are going back to America! C'mon fellas, pack ya stuff!"

"Wait," Josh spoke, holding Matt's shoulders. "Before you leave, turn around."

So, he did.

I smiled, waving awkwardly at him. "Hey there."

"Is this one of those ghost things that you can, like, illuminate from the pooter or something?" Matt asked, taking a cautious step closer.

I couldn't stop myself.

Humor was probably one of the greatest thing to possess.

I ran up to him, firmly wrapping my arms around his neck.

He then wrapped his arms around my waist and started spinning me around. "I can't believe it's you!"

"I missed you!" I said.

"Not as much as me," He replied, laughing. We stopped spinning.

"Take every word he just said literally," Chris told me. "Like, he has seriously been mopey all this time."

Dan clapped from laughing extremely hard. "It's so truehoohooohooohahahahaha!"

"The man stopped eating," Max nodded.

"Actually, no," Riannon started. "He just went from, like, a HUGE KFC combo meal, to just a large."

Matt scoffed, looking back at me. "Don't listen to them, they don't know what they're talking about," He shook his head, grinning.

I nodded. "Alrighty, lets change topics!"

"FOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!" Stefanie screamed.

Josh pointed at her. "Good choice," He complimented her. Josh looked down at Grace. "Wanna go get some pizza?"

Grace, of course, nodded.

"Chris?" Josh asked.

He, too, also nodded.

He took Grace's hand and the three went out the door.

"They're going to have sex," I whispered to Matt.

He nodded. "They should probably get their addiction checked out."

"Not healthy," I shook my head.

"No, not at all," Matt added.

"I sometimes worry about those two," I sighed.

"Teenagers," Matt 'tsk'ed, shaking his head disappointingly.

"OH MY GOD," Riannon frustratingly yelled out. "You are like an old married couple!"

"'Teenagers'," Max mimicked.

"'Oh, would you like me to grab the tea, love?'" Riannon joked.

"'Mmmmmmm scones!'" Max licked his lips.

"Oh, that's original!" I laughed. "You're the married couple! Making jokes together!"

"We are--"

"Not!" Riannon interrupted Max.

"That's so cute," Matt chuckled. "They're already finishing each others sentences."

"Well, I never!" Riannon exclaimed, sticking her nose in the air.

"Wait..." I slowly said, looking around the room to find four people. Josh, Grace and Chris left. That would leave six people. "Where's Stef and Dan?"
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