Status: hai

So Keep Your Hands on Your Chest and Sing With Me, That We Don't Wanna Believe

'My girlfriend lives there so I spent HEAPS of time there'

Trixie and I had managed to scrape a job each at a coffee shop in town. Luckily for both of us, I had managed to sort out a working visa for the both of us before we left. The English government loved the idea of an American and Australian coming to work in their country and were quick to send out our visas once we had sent money and identity proof. Mostly I was out the back of the shop, doing dishes, while Trixie was out front serving people. I too was out the front at first but my clumsiness did not work well when bringing coffees and plates of food out to people and more than once in the first week of working there I had either covered the floor in food and drinks or the customer. I didn’t mind doing dishes. The manager was nice enough to let me listen to music while I cleaned away. Dan sometimes came in to visit me during my lunch break and we would go for a walk along the street and just enjoy each other’s company.
It was now a couple of weeks after Trixie and I had joined the other girls in England to be with our lovers. However, I used the term ‘lovers’ loosely when referring to Trixie and Matt. Though it was obvious that they both had huge feelings for each other, neither would admit it. They were at the stage in their relationship where they were just touchy feely constantly. I had yet to see them share an intimate moment but they were constantly holding hands and whispering to each other.
Tomorrow was Trixie’s 19th Birthday and we were planning on spending it in true teenage fashion – going out and getting sloshed. The girls and I had found a club in town which played a range of music, from classic pop-punk to current pop songs which seemed a suitable place. We were heading out tonight, and intended on partying as long as our able bodies could last, heading into her birthday happy.

‘Stef have you seen my black bra, I cannot find it anywhere’ Riannon asked me over sykpe at about 4pm that day.
‘Riannon why would I have your black bra I do not even live with you???’
‘Ughhhh I need to for tonight and I have run out of places to look for it, are you SURE?!?!’
I began to answer her when I heard a deep laugh come from her end.
‘Are you talking about this one??’ Asked Max, parading in front of the camera wearing skinnies and Riannon’s black bra. I practically screamed with laugher, falling off the bed in a fit of laughter, causing Dan to run into the bedroom and collapse on the floor with laughter both from Max still showing of Riannon’s bra, and Riannon’s face. Riannon then jumped up and started chasing round the room. The soon disappeared off screen, so I shut the laptop.
‘What are you wearing tonight, dearest munchkin, lover boy, hunny bunch, cuddle pie, sweet lips, cherry top?’ Dan said, looking at me sloshed on the bed.
‘ummmmm clothes probably? I don’t know, man, I have that dress over there but it’s a dress’ I said sighing.
‘Clothes are unnecessary I think’ He replied, sitting down next to me.
‘I don’t think society agrees with you’ I laughed at him.
‘Fuck da police.’

As the night progressed, the lot of us progressively got more and more drunk. We were all generally having a great time. For some reason, the DJ let Grace and I get up and make a speech about Trixie and how wonderful she was, receiving an applaud and laugh from the club goers. After the night wore on, we all lots each other and found each other at different points. We continued dancing, laughing and enjoying each other’s company well into the night.

Once again, after a drunken night, I was not entirely sure how I had made it home, if I was even home. I presumed that I was either at one of the guy’s homes or at Riannon’s family’s home. I rolled over onto my stomach, pulling the covers up over my body. Realising I was only in my underwear and a shirt, I presumed that I was with Dan. Reaching over to cuddle the body next to me, still not having opened my eyes for long enough to see properly, also attempting to see without my glasses on, I stroked dark head of hair next to me.
Wait, what.
I practically bolted up and gasped, looking at the topless body next to me. He rolled over looking at me, then at half nakie body, then back at me.
‘Josh?’ I half whispered, half yelled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Grace will never talk to me again. sigh