Status: hai

So Keep Your Hands on Your Chest and Sing With Me, That We Don't Wanna Believe

Food Time.

Today was going to be a good day. Riannon’s cousin was touring The States with his band and we were shortly going to meet them. Tonight, was Sam’s long awaited costume party. Obviously I was going as Anastasia. It did not matter to me that she was not a Disney Princess because 1. No way in HELL was I anything like a princess and 2. It was freaking Anastasia! What is better than Russian Revolutionary history? NOTHING.

After having lunch with the boys and making further plans for tonight, we quickly arrived home. Trixie ran straight to her room, insisting that she needed plenty of time to get ready and finish her costume.
‘Trixie, you do realise that the party does not even start until 7pm right?’ I asked, catching her arm before she sprinted down the hall to her room.
‘Umm, yes? Of course I do!’
‘Trixie you DO know it is only 3pm right? There are 4 HOURS UNTIL IT STARTS???!?!’
‘ONLY FOUR HOURS I HAVE TO DO SO MUCH…..’ She wrenched her arm out of my grip and headed straight for her room.
Laughing, I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of chips and slumped down on the couch next to Grace, ready to relax my lazy ass before a fun night ahead.

I woke up to Riannon nudging me, telling me we had to leave in an hour. I quickly wiped the drool off my chin, wondering how I had fallen asleep. Oh well. I went up the stairs to my room. Pulling out my costume, I was defiantly having second thoughts about it. It was so short, definitely not leaving much to the imagination. Usually for parties I would don skinnies and a shirt but Trixie had convinced me to dress up.
My dress was predominantly yellow. It had a small sweetheart bust-line which continued to some small chiffon sleaves. It was ridiculously tight around my waist, making me think that I probably would not be breathing much tonight. The dress had a light blue sash around the middle which tied into a bow at the back. The yellow was sparkly. I had curled my short hair as best as I could and applied some makeup, adding some eye shadow. I even pulled back a small amount of hair and placed it in a bow, the same colour as the blue sash. It was probably the most dressed up and girly that I had even been in my life. I looked in the mirror, attempting to pull the hem of my dress down and failing. Frowning, I slipped on my shoes and headed out my room.

As soon as I opened my door I heard the sweet sound of English accents. The boys must be here.
‘Bloody hell Grace, have you seen my black bra?!’ I heard Riannon yell. Stifling a laugh as she was probably running around naked not realising the boys were here, I headed down the stairs.
As I reached the bottom of the stairs, taking each step at a time as to not fall flat on my face, I looked up and stared, thanking the good lord for British men.
Oh. My . GOD.
I don’t even know what Dan was dressed up as, nor did I care. All I cared about was that he was topless and it was a wonderful sight to see.
Luckily for me, Grace nudged my arm and I attempted to compose myself.
‘Is everyone else ready?’ I asked Grace.
‘Hahahaha, good one Stef, Trixie has not emerged from the bathroom and Riannon is just running around naked’ She replied.

It was a good half an hour before Riannon and Trixie had emerged in their costumes. In that time, we decided to have a quick snack and chat in the lounge. In that short period of time, I had managed to eat 2 bags of chips.
‘Have you not eaten in a week or something?’ Josh asked me as I left to get my second bag of chips.
‘You are lucky that is only her second bag,’ Grace replied. ‘She can down three in about 30 minutes. Not to mention the drinks she inhales at the same time’
‘Whaaaaaaaaaat!! I’m just hungry’ I whined.
‘You are hungry from the moment you wake up until the moment you fall asleep. Seriously,’she said, turning to the boys, ‘I feel for any guy who has to pay for her food’
‘Shuddup Grace’ I said, punching her on the arm.
‘Oh you wanna fight, COME AT ME!’
‘Let’s take this outside, brother!’ I replied pulling her up by the hand. As Grace, not knowing what was going on any more, headed for the front door. I on the other hand, headed for the kitchen, grabbing a doughnut and sitting back on the couch next to Dan. I looked up to see everyone staring at me.
‘What?!?!?!’ I asked, munching down on my yummy food.
Luckily Riannon and Trixie finally came back out, and were ready to go.

As we walked down the street, we began pairing up to fit onto the sidewalk. Josh and Grace in front, Matt, Chris and Trixie behind them, Dan and I next and Riannon and Max bringing up the rear. Dan’s hand kept on brushing mine, and being the retard I am, I shied away from it, each time.
‘Man, I hope they have pizza.’ I said randomly.
‘How can you even think about food, you just ate half a horse?’ Dan asked incredulity.
‘I just like food. A lot. Food is like my number one man in life.’
‘You are a strange girl you know that Stef?’ Dan replied, laughing and grabbing hold of my hand. I laughed, attempting to not die on the inside. A ridiculously attractive Englishman had just grabbed my hand. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out.

By about 1am I was exhausted. I had spent the majority of the night drinking and dancing, busting out some of my infamous dance moves. I knew I did not have a dancing bone in my body but this had never stopped me. All throughout the night Dan was by my side talking to me or dancing with me. It was nice, to say the least.
Slowly people started crashing and heading home. Dan and I gradually grouped everyone up and we all headed for the door. We stood outside for a bit, making sure we had everyone. I was leaning on Dan, attempting not to fall asleep.
‘We are all here Stef, you ready to go?’ he said lightly to me. God dammit, his accent was even lovelier than ever.
‘Yep sure, I’ll get up in 5 let me sleep in for a bit, Gracey.’ I mumbled, not really sure what was going on.
I felt Dan’s chest rumble with laughter as he leant in front of me and lifted me onto his back.
‘Mmm you smell like doughnuts’ I smiled into his neck.
‘Sure Stef, whatever you say.’ Dan laughed as I slowly fell asleep to the continuous movement made by his walking.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just like food a lot.