Status: hai

So Keep Your Hands on Your Chest and Sing With Me, That We Don't Wanna Believe

You keep me on the edge of my seat.

Trixie's POV

I drank from the Midori bottle, watching the extremely delicious drink descend down the neck of the drink and into my mouth. My spare arm was in the arm, keeping in time to the music. I was dancing with one of my friends and we decided to dance interpretatively, flailing our arms dramatically.

I didn't feel alone anymore.

I soon left the dance floor, noticing my bottle was empty and my stomach was hurt from laughing too much.

"You look like you're having fun."

I stood up from reaching a Carona from the cooler, smiling at Matt. "Oh, I definitely am! What about you? Having fun?"

"Probably not as much as you," He chuckled.

I set my bottle down on the table and held my hand out to him.

He stared at it like it was something foreign and strange. "What?"

"We're going to dance! C'mon!" I encouraged.

"I'm, uh, not much of a dancer," Matt commented. "Fate? I think so."

I shook my head, grabbing his beer from his hand and placing it on the table. "That's too bad, because I don't believe in fate," I shrugged, taking both of his hands in mine. "Plus, we're only dancing here."

Til The World Ends by Britney Spears blasted in the house, floor vibrating. The bass was so loud, it was amazing.

I smiled at Matt, making him my dancing puppet. "Are you having fun now?"

He shrugged, nonchalantly.

Dropping my mouth, laughing, I pushed his shoulder slightly. "You killjoy! Have fun!"

"Maybe I would have fun if..." Matt spun around, and then caught my hands and wrapped it behind his neck. He then put his hands around my waist and smiled down at me.

Hips moving and things getting more heated, I narrowed my eyes.

"Now I'm having fun," He smirked.

Avoiding his eyes, I made mine roam around the apartment. I nodded over at Stef's direction. "Tarzan and Anastasia gettin' it onnnnn!"

Matt scanned the room and then he fixated his eyes on the pair dancing closely, chuckling.


I stopped dancing with Matt and turned around to the familiar and unpleasant face. His presence rained on my parade. "Hi Chad."

Ex-boyfriend blah blah blah. You get the gist.

Chad stared at Matt beside me. "Who's this?"

"This is Matty boy," I answered, wrapping my arm around Matt's waist.

"What? He your boyfriend?" Chad asked, arms flexing, threatened by Matt.

I looked at Chad.

Trying to think off my feet, I opened my mouth to speak.

"Yeah, we are actually, mate," Matt spoke, bringing myself closer to him. I gave him an alarmed look as he winked.

Chad crossed his arms. "Where'd you two meet?"

"England," I spoke.

"We didn't break up too long ago, you realize that?" Chad asked me.

"It's almost been a year," I laughed. "I don't like you anymore, in fact, I realized awhile ago that I never liked you!"

With that, I pulled Matt away.

"Wanna go home?" Matt asked.

Thoughts racing, I looked at him, forgetting he was there. I grinned at him. "Aren't you gonna miss the party?"

I didn't know if I should have said thanked you for helping me or sorry for bringing him into this.

I wasn't the best at confrontation.

Matt laughed. "A good boyfriend doesn't just leaved his girlfriend to walk home by herself, you know."

I put my hands on my face, embarrassed. "Oh God, I'm sorry!"

He waved it off. "Don't be," He excused. He held out his hand, eyebrows up and lips curled cheekily.

I placed my hands in his.


I arrived home with Matt, placed my huge Native American hat on the couch. "You can have a shower if you want."

He nodded, leaving for the hallway and into the bathroom.

Feeling slightly mischievous, I started raiding the cupboards and hiding all the food under Riannon's bed.

Stefanie is going to freak out.

I started hysterically laughing at myself as I reached for chips in the upper cupboard.

Hearing a laugh from the hallway, I turned my head, seeing Matt put a shirt over his head and adjusting it on his frame.

Eyes on his body, I lost all balance and fell down from the kitchen bench, chips falling on me.

On the floor, I stared at Matt and I started laughing.

"You are so weird," He shook his head, walking in the kitchen and crouched beside me.

Finished with a soft chuckle, I stared at Matt.

He stared back and put a leg on the other side of my waist, straddling me. He leaned down, faces close.

"What did you see in that Chad fellow?" Matt asked.

I sighed, amused by this question. "Exactly that. I didn't see."

"You didn't love anything about him?"

A grin played on my lips as I moved his fringe from his eyes. "There's the thing, I don't believe in love."

"You get mysterious every minute, don't you?" Matt asked.

Matt chuckled, shaking his head. Matt leaned down but the moment was intervened by a bag of chips falling on his head.

Laughing hard, I gripped my stomach. Rolling beside me, Matt started laughing his head off as well.

I patted his thigh, getting up. "C'mon, we have to hide all the food!"


I woke up in my own bed and started to stumble down the hallway. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and heard giggling from the kitchen. I didn't empty out the fridge.

I opened my eyes to Grace and Josh baking...what? Cake? Cupcakes? Brownies? I don't know, something involving chocolate.

"You have a little something," Josh mentioned, tapping his lips.

"Where?" Grace asked, trying to lick the chocolate off.

"Here, let me get it," Josh smirked, holding Grace's chin and kissing her.

Suddenly pokerface, I silently ran down the hallway, running into a shirtless Dan. "Don't go down there!" I whispered.

Concerned, Dan furrowed his eyebrows. "What? Why?"

"Josh and Grace are making out!" I hissed, pushing Dan in the first door to my right.

After doing that, I had realized that was Stef's room.

I giggled to myself and quickly going back to my room.