Status: Work in Progress- I'm still editing and writing this one!

Thinking Of You


I no longer had any feeling in my fingers or toes, and my nose had turned a lovely shade of red from the cold wind. I scanned the matching line of players for the number 68. There he is; helmet in hand, blond hair mussed, cheeks red and hazel eyes shining from the adrenaline of the game. The quarterback ran in the winning touchdown and the fans went crazy, jumping to their feet. The team swarmed the field, along with fans and parents. Gloved hands clamped onto my arm and drug me down the bleachers and onto the field. He towers a few inches above the rest of the team, making him easy to pick out of the crowd. Spotting us, he made his way over to us. Hugs all around and congratulations were giving to passing team members. The parents began to slowly disperse to go talk and wait by the locker rooms. I turned to follow his family when he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to where he stood. Before I could speak, he pulled me into a hug, and when he released me, he kissed me lightly on the cheek. Winking at me, he jogged off with the rest of the team towards the locker room.

Our victory dinner was at a slow moving diner, with me clad in his extra jersey. His family sat across from us, clueless of what was brewing on our side of the table. I was confused. We were close, like brother and sister, but there had always been something else there, a possibility you might call it. I watched him out of the corner of my eye. Was he thinking the same thing as I was? Was that kiss just a normal thing? It had never happened before, but did that really mean anything? At that moment I wished so desperately to know what he was thinking, but I would have to wait until we were away from his family to talk. The rest of the night passed quickly, excitement still high in the air. They dropped me off at my house without us exchanging any more than smiles.
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For the chapters I'm doing every day, so some of them will be much shorter than others. Let me know what you think! Comments and critiques are always welcome!!