Status: fresh story, hoping i will get some subscribers.

Help Me Fly

Ankle bitters

I swear if this damn over grown rat would not leave me alone, I am going to flush it down the toilet and send it back to the New York City sewers!

Running down the spiral staircase of the house I lived in for only a few days, an addition to my nightmare, I was being chased by the rat of a dog owned by little Ms. Perfect herself, Valary. Oh how I hate her. Matt needs to back his trash talk up and dump her as he always says.

I had a fear of little dogs. Mine are boxers, not as small. Damn ankle bitters.

I would scream, but the lack of my voice kinda made it a small problem. But I should have slowed down before hitting the stairs. Shit.

Before I could stop, I hit the wood floor and went sailing onto the floor. Face first. Hearing the soft barking of the little rat, as it trotted down the stairs to me. More like hopped like a freakin bunny. Really who likes these things?

Attempting to grumble and growl, but with failure, I turned on my side and bolted away from the tiny terror. Reaching the living room, I bolted over the couch that had its back to where I was, ran into the kitchen, nearly missing Vengence and J.C. with food. I hoped onto the counter and pulled my legs up.

“Running from Bella, again Ivy?” Matt was leaning over the stove cooking dinner. He knew my fear of dogs, especially that one. First time I meat the damn thing, it litterally bit my ankel.

Looking at him with pleading eyes I nodded and hoped he knew what I needed.

“Val, come get the dog!” He yelled to his whore of a wife. Really she is a slut, cheated on him a few times, he knows about them but is still with her.

“Really, Bella isnt gonna hurt her. I don’t know why she is so afarid, he just wants attention,” She walked in, bent down in front of Ivy and scooped her dog up. “So why wont you speak? I can see it in your eyes, your just faking.” But she was cut off.

“That’s enough, Val. You know why she cannot talk.” Matt stood infront of me blocking Val from me.

“Mattie, we all know she’s faking. She’s just doing it to get attention form her big brother who left her sorry ass back in Kentucky!” She was askin for it, I was ready to take her skinny fake ass out. I don’t care if she had that damn rat in her arms. Val and I never got along, for some reason she always had to put me down around the other guys. I hated her more then I hated that dog.

“That’s enough! Go!” Matt was red, he had a vein that was popping out thr side of his neck.

“What’s going on in here?” Michelle walked in, and Bella went crazy. Val released her tiny terror, sealing her fate, and turned to face her husband.

“Ivy is being a child over her dead husband.” Before anyone could yell at her, I threw myself at her, but sadly I landed over Matt’s shoulder. But luckly, I managed to scratch her face, drops of blood seeped out from under her lip, as it began to swell.

“See, look at her, acting as a child. Lashing at anyone! She shouldn’t be here! I want her out of my house!” Val was furious, and you heard her right. I was living with her and Matt. Brian was decorating a room for me at his place; my intervention was last minute for him. I am a burden to my older brother.

Blocking out the shouts of the ‘happy couple’ I wiggled out of Matt’s tight grasp, I was still on his shoulder, feeling his grip get tighter as he yelled more with his wife. My stomach felt like he was popping my organs. No, he had to let me go. This could be bad for my baby. I know he means well, but this was bad. He has a temper, and the muscles to back it up. Right now, Val was causing his muscles to flex and squeezy my lower abdomen, like a python.

Looking up, I tried to get someone’s eye sight, but I could not. They were watching the spit fly from Val’s silicone lips. Matt’s face turn red. I was kicking, but only getting air, hoping to hit something, but there was nothing behind me, at least where I could reach with my legs.

I could feel the bruses already starting to form. I know he means well, but he has to put me down! Squirming more, if possible I could only think of one thing to get his attention. I knew the hitting him hadent worked since I already tried it. Moving my jaw in a painful motion, lips closed I swallowed saliva hoping to mositen my throat. Here goes.


Yep, there I went. A small squeak. My brother saw me, he heard me. His eyes were big enough to reach the hair line of his spiked hair. Here he comes, to my rescue from the python.

“Matt put her down!”

“Your hurting her!”

A mix of Brian and Jimmy’s voices could be heard, as I felt the pyhon loosen up on his prey, but I did not stop wiggling, and was getting closer to the tile floor. My body felt like it was flying for a few seconds. That’s when the pain started, shooting through my left arm that I used to brace my fall, and my lower abdomn. Something wet, from my area felt off. I know I didn’t pee my pants, this felt like when you get your period on the first day. Oh no. How could he? But he didn’t know.

Grasping my abdomen and wimpering in pain, Brian saw the blood. Leeking through my light color sweat pants.

“Call 911!”

My head felt heavy on my shoulders, maybe just a little nap. Brian is here, he will make sure me and my baby are ok.

And sleep I did.
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HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY. sorry for the spelling mistakes. i rushed this.