Status: fresh story, hoping i will get some subscribers.

Help Me Fly

The letter V

“So what would you like to do today?” The voice I grown to love was once again speaking to me.

“Umm, I do need to finish the painting for the art museum by next Friday.” She was currently laying in a complete dream. Sunday morning, on the couch, wrapped in her husbands arms. Sundays were there day together, and she spent the whole week waiting for this day.

“Well, I was going to suggest a classic for us. But we could always do something else.”

“What classic would that be?” Turning her head, looking over her shoulder she was meet with a pair of gray, silver, ice blue eyes all mixed into one intense color. Those eyes could read right into your soul. She could get put into a trance just looking at them.

“Dinner, a movie.” That was always their date, sure they always tried new things. But this was their “official date.” When she would actually dress in heels, and make his head turn as she walked out of their bedroom ready for the date.

“I believe I would enjoy that. But I do have an early doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning.”

“I remember you telling me about that, where you were feeling off last week. Well I promise I will have you home by curfew.”

“Cant wait.”

“Well until then, you need to wake up.” His face turned serious, hard and sad at the same time. His voice seemed to change some.

“What do you mean? I am awake.”

“Your going to be okay, and so is your baby. But I just need you to wake up.” The more he spoke the more I seemed to float away from him. His voice became a distant whisper.

This wasn't right. Where did he go? I felt this is where I belong. Reaching out, I tried grabbing for him, but he just stayed put. Watching me float away.

“Wake up, Ve-ve.” That wasn't my hubby, which is what Matt called me. He started when we were younger, I had a backwards lisp, and always smiled when I said his name so it came out Vatt. He turned my name the same way.

The flying was so fast, my head became dizzy. I wanted to stay, I had to stay with him. I could not let him get away again.

“Ve-Ve, please wake up. I am so sorry.” That was definitely Matt. But where the hell was he hiding and why was he in my head? Wait, why is he sorry? What did he do and how did he know about my babies? No, he said baby. Oh no. I need to go back home and talk to my hubby. First I need to open my eyes.

Feeling like my fat cat, Pudgy was sitting on my eye lids, I forced them open.

There sitting next to me in a very bright room, was Matt. Wait, what the hell is going on. He was crying. I heard his sobs, his head hung low, in his hands.

Trying to open my mouth and speak to him, my mouth was dry. Still no voice. Lifting up my right arm that seemed to triple in weight I moved my fingers slowly, and then carefully I moved my arm closer to his shaved head. How long have I been in where ever I am?

Jerking his head up at the sudden movement. I saw his red face. Wow, he had been crying. I wonder why?

“Ve-Ve, your awake.” Stand up, he leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

Opening my mouth, no sound came out again. This was getting old. I wish he would start talking and tell me what was going on?

“You hit your head. And fell on your stomach. I-I was fighting with Val when you fell. I-I am so sorry.” He looked like a small head bump and stomach bruising would be bad. Wait, my dream what was that about my babies?

“You have been here almost two days. Everyone is either getting food, home, or in Brian and your dads case down in the café getting more coffee.”

Smiling softy, I did not think dad would come out here, for a bump on my head. But what about my babies? My twin babies? Looking at him, he seemed to know what I needed to know.

“Um, there was a problem. With your babies.” He tried to avoid eye contact but I grabbed his hand and squeezed. Gaining his eyes, I pleaded with him to continue.

“Ve-Ve, one of you babies did not make it. The other one is going to be okay. The doctors said that there could be complications closer to your due date. You would have to check in for a c-section before your due date.” His face turned soft with every word he spoke. He looked ashamed. Guilty, even.

“I know you want to talk, so here you go. I will answer all questions I can, But if you want me to leave and not talk to you again, I will.” A single tear slid down his cheek.
Grabbing the pad of paper he handed to me, I opened the first page. I was going to put go get Brian and the doctor. But no.

‘Why would I want you to leave?’

He looked as if he did not want to answer that. Looking at him I pleaded, with what I could. Squeezing his hand I truly hoped he would tell me what is going on.

“I-I k-killed your b-baby.” A single tear turned into many.

There was no way. How? He would never. Hes just a big teddy bear.

My memories were flooding back to me, like flashed from a camera. Running from the ‘tiny terror’. Val accusing me of faking my mute. Me trying to attack her. Jumping on Matt, landing on his shoulder. His grip getting tighter around my waist, as he and Val argued.

Me falling. Someone screaming for 911.

My tears soon caught up with his downpour. It wasn't his fault. Why did he believe it was? No this was wrong.

‘No, it wasn't your fault. You were arguing with Val. I shouldn’t have tried to attack her with you there. I should have gone around you. You’re a wall. You keep my temper grounded.’

“Ya, but no one can control mine.”

‘You need yoga.’

“Nah, I'm too manly for that.” Smiling at me, I knew what kept his temper down. It was not Val. His music was apart of it, but I was as well.

‘do you remember my first high school dance?’

“Ya I do, why?”

‘I had a date, he was in your grade. You all were there. Brian, jimmy, Zachy.’

“Wow, that was an interesting night. We all went to make sure you were okay. Val, Michelle spent hours on making you look perfect.”

‘Ugh, I hated all that makeup they caked on me.’

“You looked beautiful.”

“Do you remember what happened’
“Ya, Jimmy and I saw him trying to get to frisky with you over by the bleachers. I lost my temper, yet again. If you hadn't,” Looking at me, his voice softened as he realized what I was trying to say. “It was you Ivy. You got me to calm down.”

“Your awake!”

There’s Brian. Damn,
♠ ♠ ♠
So here is another chapter. I had no clue I would get so many readers!!! I also got a Comment and af ew subscribers!!! You guys make me want to update more and faster!!!