You Better Fear Me Dear, for I Am Death

Early Mornings and Another Meeting

I awoke to a loud ringing sound.

4:45 A.M.

I screamed into my pillow.

It was fucking early.

“Bianca, are you up yet?” Taylor said through the door.

“Yeah, I just got up.” I said getting out of my bed.

“Good, you don’t want to me be late!” He said leaving.

I walked toward the closet of the room. I picked my outfit of choice which consisted of flats and waist jacket by Chanel, a corset by Versace and a Marc Jacobs skirt.

All in black of course, it was classic and fun.

I got dressed and showered in a flash. I ran back into my room to get my book bag.

That’s when I glanced up and saw the sunrise of Paris.

I was hypnotized by it.

It was something out of a movie. Like those classic Hollywood days.

“Bianca, are you ready yet?” Marcus asked opening the door.

“Yeah, just going through my book bag and making sure I have my stuff. I’m going to be shadowing you and other things.” I said placing my stuff inside.

“Well don’t forget Bi, that around 12 you’ll be shadowing Drop Dead Clothing. As I told you yesterday Mr. Sykes will be waiting for you at Gate Tent 12.” He said looking at me.

I nodded at him and grabbed my things.

But I didn’t feel all there.

I guess because I was wondering about him.

Oli’s POV:

A loud ringing sound awoke me from sleeping.

It read 4:45 A.M.

I threw the other pillow I wasn’t using at the alarm clock.

I growled viciously into my pillow from that point.

Fuck I really didn’t want to get this early.

But I needed to.

“Hey, Oli are you up mate?” Curtis asked.

“Course,” I said through the door.

I heard the door open and in came Mattie.

“Hey, I have your itinerary for today, remember your whoring yourself around in the beginning. But in the afternoon you’ll be shadowed by a girl. You’re supposed to meet her at Gate Tent 12.” He said handing me my booklets.

Gate Tent 12

I stood there waiting at Gate Tent 12. The day was a war raged with fashion.

I’m pretty much tired but I need to wait for this girl.

She wasn’t here yet. But then again I was a tad bit early.

11:45 a.m.

I stopped and looked at my watch.

11:59 a.m.

I was starting to worry a bit. Fuck I never get worried. What’s wrong with me?

That’s when she came inside.

The girl from the hotel, I met outside my room.


She walked up toward the Gate Tent 12.

That’s when she saw him.

The guy from the hotel, she was staying at.

She wanted to run again. But she knew she couldn’t, she needed to be strong.

With a deep breath she held her head high and walked toward him.

“Hi, you must be Mr. Sykes?” Bianca said looking directly at him.

“Uh, yeah that’s me.” He said looking slightly confused.

“Alright, so where do you want to take me?” She said looking at him.

He looked at her questioningly what he really wanted was to take her. But the way she was acting was making him slightly uncomfortable.

“Why are you acting like you’ve never seen me before?” He asked her abruptly.

She looked at him like a deer in the head lights.

“Because I’m scared,” She said looking at him.
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