The Delilah Series: Conspiracy


It was too early into the morn for there to be sunlight, though in her underground sanctum it wouldn't have mattered. Natural light was not accepted in this place. Only candlelight would permit viewing of her pale features, her speckled-grey feathers, the fiery red locks of her hair. These candles were enormous in number, sprawled about on the cobble-stone floor, completely surrounding the Hegodun Empress. With eyes closed she could not see these candles, but merely feel their minor heat. The air blew a faint cold against her tucked wings, stained with the smell of lavender incense that never seemed to leave. She prayed as she held fervently to the iron clad box in her lap. She prayed for victory, for bloodshed. For the true power over those below. The mere thought of it set fire to her veins, a hot red flame burning into her flesh.

A familiar feeling rose within the Empress as she breathed in her favorite scent of the lavender incense; calmness flowed through her and suppressed the anxiety of the days to come. Her concentration was impenetrable after the several hours sitting in the cold. A mind clear of failure, steadfast for victory in the months to come.

"I'll never understand meditation. Just sitting there like a stone, expecting everything will just happen for you, really now Mother? Then again I never understood your need to wear all white either...I mean wearing a white dress isn't exactly going to get your innocence back now is it?" Questioned a well-known voice from the doorway. Turning around expectantly the Empress saw her adopted daughter Lisbet, dressed in her manly garb of brown leather pants and crimson tunic. She even wore men's boots, were it not for her high status, temper and skills in both intellectual studies and combat, she would have been a mockery. For such a beautiful raven-like creature, Lisbet had many issues to defend herself from. Granted, Empress Scathe was far from perfect herself; she simply knew how to hide it.

"There are many things you don't understand Lisbet. What happened to the lost little girl I found at the age of six, who listened and learned to what I said and taught her, what happened to my little raven? You're not the only one who questions things,"

"Fair enough, but let me ask you this: what the hell are you planning with inviting a Komuns to court? Her father resides in our prisons for Tuar's sake! Wh_"

"Don't. Say our kingdom's name in vain." With these words Empress Scathe had stood, wings spreading three feet from her pale body on either side, blowing all of the candles and her crimson curls back dramatically. Her face emotionless save for her anger-filled eyes. "Two-thousand years ago," She began, her voice leveled through her concentration, "My mother and father built Tuar, sent the wingless Komuns back to where they belong on the ground, valued our protectors the mystics, and uplifted us to the sky. Now, explain to me why you would so casually toss this carefully crafted name? Do explain, dearest."

When Lisbet attempted to speak, no words came out. She rarely saw her adopted mother get angry, and this was one of the few things the young girl could do or say that would enrage her. She almost laughed as she thought of the other poor souls that angered the Empress that weren't as loved by her as Lisbet was.

Finally after a few moments, Empress Scathe smiled in-genuinely, "Oh you poor girl, still learning the ways of the royalty," She spread her arms to embrace, automatically the girl rested in her arms, her black wings wrapping around her mother's body in return: the proper embrace for family.

"So...this Komuns girl..."

The Empress rolled her eyes before her daughter could see, wishing then that she hadn't given her the duties of protecting the human when she arrived. There were just some questions that couldn't be answered, no one could know of what was about to take place, not even Lisbet.

"Yes, Lye Willowens. She is vital to opening the Delilah's box, we need her on our side in the future. Now of course the daughter of a rebel 'hero' will be suspicious, and probably have plots of her own. Make sure you find yourself aware of these plots, understand? We need our puppet to dance and sing, not fight and scream,"

"Yes Mother." When Lisbet held in her emotions (a rarity) she made sure to say as little as possible. This had become one of those moments.

"Good. Now take the Delilah." Empress Scathe crouched down to the cobblestone floor as her delicate hands took hold of the box, its iron exterior cold to the touch. She wondered, like everyone else in Tuar, wondered what in fact was the Delilah. All she knew was that like its name it meant treachery, but no one was quite sure who had had it first, the Hegodun of the skies, the mystics, or the Komuns. Therefore, no one knew who it would betray. Standing upright once more she handed the box over to her daughter, who took it into her keeping, hastily draping it in a wool blanket. Both women said no more, too nervous to converse any longer. The Empress turned from her child and faced the burnt out candles, closing her eyes once more to the calm waves of meditation. Whilst Lisbet exited the chamber she made sure to mutter some childish mockery of her mother's prayers, a likely cover up for her now overwhelming anxiety. That box of unknown origin had been contained in that chamber for two thousand years. Pressure and perhaps fear was felt by the raven.

She walked fast-paced through the tunnels, though that was quite regular for Lisbet. Her black wings were tight against her back. Her teeth were clenched as her hands held tightly to the cargo. Passing down the damp corridor her lip curled in disgust. These chambers beneath the kingdom were from the olden times and were prone to falling apart. As a little girl her Governess used to tell her stories about naughty children running down in the tunnels, and the old stones falling from the floors and them plummeting helplessly down to their deaths in the Komuns sector since their wings were still in the making. Yes, a lovely bedtime story.

After half an hour had past of finding her way, Lisbet had gone high enough towards the main surface of the city that there was a baroque-bay window, large enough for her to fit through. She smiled mischievously at a thought. Lifting the latch of the window and letting it swing wide, she backed up, her eyebrow arched as she smirked, her hands now embracing the box tightly. Running towards the opening she threw her self out and into the sky.

For the first five seconds: she fell. Then, laughing into the sky like a mad-woman her wings outstretched and she dipped into a wind current that propelled her upward. Twirling with grace she never forgot the most valued box in her arms. Flying upwards she headed towards the west wing of the main palace, more specifically the bedchamber where in which Lye would soon sleep. The window, already opened as she had done so earlier, was wide enough for her to fly in full wing span (which was five feet either side of her). Flapping her wings once more she dived into the room, summersaulting onto her feet gracefully.

Unfortunately though, she wasn't the only Hegodun in the room. Keeping her face calm she greeted the other person in the room coldly, "What are you doing here?" She questioned the man she in fact recognized. Son of notable General Lester Rouven, Cabe Rouven was on his way to being just as notable if not more so. However his presence in a guest room in the royal sector was suspicious.

"Greetings to you as well, Princess."

"You didn't answer my question,"

"Oh yes of course," He smiled coyly, bowing to her mockingly as to only infuriate her more, "I heard a Komuns was coming up to Tuar. Naturally I wanted to see this myself, after all my Father did lock up hers. We could bond!" He clasped his hands together in the most sarcastic manner as he exclaimed his fake passion. Though underneath Lisbet could see he was hiding something. However there was no time for this. She needed to hide the Delilah, and get Cabe out of there and far away beforehand.

"Cabe. You know I don't care for your dramatics, now leave the royal chambers or I will notify the guards. Is that clear?"

He rolled his eyes, extending his reptilian-red wings. Running towards the still open window he jumped out, not before exclaiming, "Yes little raven!" which made her scream with anger. Only her mother the Empress could call her that, and anyone else who tried usually ended up with some sort of injury. But he was too quick, and gone before she could attack.

"Damn Suge-Hegoduns, always tricky." She muttered to herself as she unwrapped the box containing the Delilah. "Now you my unknown dear, time to play hide-and-seek."

Walking towards the nightstand next to a rather sizable mahogany bed, she pushed it to the side, revealing a door within the floor. Unlocking it with its only key she placed the box inside, and quickly put everything back in its place.

"This had better work." She thought to herself. And once more jumped out of the window and into the sky.
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Tuar's Hierarchy:

Hegodun: Those with Feathered Wings
Suge-Hegodun: Those with Reptilian Wings
Mystics: Komuns with magical powers (born with special marks and are sent to the Temples)
Komuns: To be simple, humans. Very badly treated in this world

<3 Please comment and critique! :)