Status: Active

Killing Me Slowly

Chapter 2

Abby’s P.O.V.

I opened the door of the classroom as I finally find it by myself two minutes later but when I walked in, I almost run back out. Pair of eyes of every corner in the classroom went directly toward me.

“Can I help you, young lady?” the teacher which was a guy a middle age man looking at me through his eyeglasses.

“I…” I started to said as I continue to look at the students looking at me. Guys were looking at me as if I was something to eat as girls look at me “Who is that chick?” “Are you Mr. Smith?” I added wanting to know for certain that I was in the right classroom and not mistaken.

The teacher nodded his head, and then wave me over to him. “You are my new student.”

“Yes.” I said as I walk toward him and show him my schedule.

He look through it and nodded. “Okay, Ms. Collins, find a sit anywhere. Here is the syllabus that we are going over.” He said as he handed me piece of paper.

“Thank you.”

I turned to face the classroom and with my head down I walk toward an empty sit in the last place that I wanted to sit. The middle of the classroom! I sit down ignoring everyone’s eyes and look down at the syllabus as my hands started to feel sweaty.

“Hey cutie, what’s your name?” a guy’s voice said from the chair next to mine on my left side.

I turned my head and looked at him. He smile as soon as our eyes met then wink. Ughh! I ignore him and went back to reading the syllabus as the teacher started to talk about it once again.

When the bell ring not even five minutes later, I walked out the classroom following everyone out. Then as I walked down the hall looking at my schedule knowing that my next classroom wasn’t very far from here. I almost made it if it wasn’t from some guy not paying attention to where he was going.

“I am sorry.” He said apologizing sincerely as I pick the schedule that had fallen out of my hands on the floor.

“It’s okay, I was in a hurry, anyway.” I said as I stand up once again and almost fell on my feet when someone behind me bump into me but instead I ended up against the guy chest.

“I am so sorry.” I said panicking as I turned my head up to look at him and almost fainted.
Dear lord, the heavenly creature in front of me was to-die-for. He was about six feet like Jordan, his hair was dark brown and then there were his eyes. They were the most beautiful greenish color that I have seen in my entire life.

“It’s okay. I am going to guess that you are new here.” He smile at me in a friendly manner.

Not finding the words to say, I nodded my head then clear my head and snapped out of it.

“I am Daniel Morrison.” He said pulling out his hand for a shake and I took a hold of it and shake it.

“A . . . Abby Collins.”

“Well, A . . . Abby Collins, it was good running into you. Maybe, I’ll see you around.” He said as
he walked by me toward the opposite direction that I was heading.

I turned around to watch him walked away.

“Maybe . . .” I whisper softly to myself and then shake my head clearing my thoughts and walked into the classroom that he just left.

I sit down on a chair far in the corner facing the window then waited for the rest to arrive. I looked more clearly at my schedule then took out a highlighter from my book bag and highlighted the routes more easy to go while waiting for the second bell to ring since it was five minutes to change classes.

“Hi, are you new here?” said a friendly open voice on my left and I turned my head to find a girl with short brown hair and brown eyes smiling at me.

“Yeah, well kind of. I am Abby Collins.”

“Oh, it’s nice to meet you. I am Kyra Lopez, with the y.”

“Oh. That’s neat. It’s nice to meet you too.” I said while I reach out my free hand and shake hands with her.

“So how is your first day so far?”

“It’s not over, yet. I’ll get back to you.”

She laughs at that making me smile. Then slowly my smile faded away at the glimpse of Jordan Tyler walking by the classroom as he stop to say hi to what it seem like friend since he was smiling like he won the lottery himself.

“Jordan Tyler, school’s most hottest guy not to mention rich but that’s beside the point. He is a dream to come true to any girl.” Kyra said as a joke as she turned to looked at me directly on the face.

Well at least she got the dream come true part right. He was what all the girls dream of except he wasn’t all that perfect. Not even anywhere near it at all.

As I continue to look at him, his turned from his friend who was giving us his back to me and Kyra, directly to me. His eyes trace every inch of my face and then a sexy smirk spread across his face.

“Not to mention a jerk.” I added then looked away from him.
Kyra laugh at that. “Well, new girl looks like you have been warned previously of Jordan’s power on women.”

“Not warned, just burned.” I said truthfully while looking at her.

At first her eyes reflected confusion then some kind of understanding.

“You know Jordan Tyler.”

“Not really. The one I knew was a lie, the one I know now it’s the truth.”

“Wait, what does it that mean?” she asked looking confused.

“I’ll let you know one day soon.” I said as the bell ring loudly.

My eyes went to Jordan who was walking away and his friend who now I could see the face of was Austin Lowell. Austin’s eyes went to mine and he smile at me in a flirtious way. I smile at him like I did with Jordan at few minutes ago very seductively then looked away from him pretending to be in something more interesting which to be honest was the truth. I didn’t care one bit about Austin or Jordan.

“Hello cutie…” his voice said from in front of me.

I raise my eyes up to him as he smile at me the way he have never before. Hmm. Two points for me.

“What’s your name?” he asked looking interest in me.

“None of your business.” I said making Kyra laugh once more.

“Oh, ok I see. You are playing hard to get. That’s cool because I got time for games.”

“Hmm, that’s sounds fun but I really don’t want to play games.” I said as I feel proud of myself of everything was turning out to be. I was gaining confidence and that was good because it was what I needed the most.

He frowned at me and I smile at him then I turned to Kyra who was looking at me eagerly.

“Hey, Kyra want to sit with me in the other side of the classroom? It kinds of boring in here.” I said honestly as I pick up my stuff and walked toward the other side of the classroom. Thankfully the classroom was half empty.

Kyra and I took desk chair in the other side of the classroom. I finally breathed out. Thank god that was over with. I thought to myself.

“Nice play, girl.” Kyra said looking excitedly happily.


“I like you new girl. We are definitely going to be good friends.” She said as the teacher walked into the classroom.

“Ok. Sure. If you say so.” I said feeling happy at the sign of having a friend. Yay.

Halfway through the day at lunch time, I was still feeling happy and confident, happy because the rest of the classes that I had were with Kyra and not with Jordan’s friends and confident because I knew that I have a chance to bring Jordan down once and for all.

As we started to our lunch outside of the cafeteria enjoying the beautiful day outside, “So from what I gather this is not your first time meeting Jordan?” she asked as she took a bite out of her tomato from her salad.

“No, it’s not.” I said truthfully then took sip of my apple juice bottle.

“So when you said earlier “that you were kind of new here” it means that you were here before?”

“Yes, I was here till halfway of my second semester of sophomore year but then move.”

“Because of Jordan.”

“He was the main reason, actually.”

“Hmm…I wish I could have been there for you. I came almost at the end of sophomore year myself from New Mexico.”


“Yeah, but at least you came back, right.”

“Yes I did.” I said smiling to myself shaking my head.

After a few seconds fill with silence, eating our lunch and talking getting to know each other, I find it out that Kyra was an easy going person and that we had a lot in common.

“Oh come on, Jacob is the absolute best. I mean seriously, Bella should have picked him instead of Edward. I mean who cares about living forever, right. Sooner or later we all die. It’s human and nature.” She said when were discussing the books of Twilight which I found out that she likes too because she likes fiction mix romance.

“Wow, so you are a die-hard fan of Jacob.” I said as hold the laughter of her reaction. It was way too funny.

“Of course I am. What about you? Who do you like best?”

“Jacob definitely, he is way better looking than Edward.”

“Not mention his muscles and six pack, wooo.” She said waving herself with her hand as if she was feeling hot.

I laugh at that as she did too.

“You know what.” She said after we stop laughing.


“We should have each other’s numbers. You know so we can talk and meet each other outside of school and all.”

“I’ll like that.” I said smiling at that.

Okay, shoot your number to me.” she said as she pulled out her purple case cell phone and flip it open. I told her my number and she inserted inside and then not even a minute later I felt my cell phone vibrate against my leg since it was on the side of my jean pocket.

The bell loudly signaling that lunch was over and we both walked toward the trash can and throw away our food containers along with our bottles of juice and water then we walked toward the building to continue along with our crazy dramatic lovable schedule.

“Ok, so what you have now?” Kyra asked me as we walked along side of each other inside the building.

“Umm, Creative Writing Honors.”

“Oh boo, I have that first period. I have AP Chemistry. What’s your last class?”

“Oh, AP Anatomy.”

“Oh great me too, I’ll see you later.” She said waving at me going to other direction.

I wave her good bye then when she disappear on the crowd, I looked down at my map and realize it was far from where I was. I breathed out then walked toward the direction was pointing at me with my highlighter.

I continue walking toward the classroom even though the bell ring signaling that class already started and I was still lost myself. The school was even bigger than I remember.

As I walked pass by a wall of lockers and looked at the classroom passing me by, I bump into something hard and solid.

“Oh I am sorry.” I started to say for the second time that day and when I looked up I found
him looking down at me with an amusing expression on his face.

“Twice in one day.” Jordan said as he laid a hand in the locker in front of me. “I think fate must be trying to tell us something.”

Oh great. He was flirting with me. Wasn’t he trying to get a girl this morning now he was flirting with me? But then again what can I expect he was the Jordan Tyler.

“I highly doubt it.”

He chuckles at that making him look drop dead gorgeous. I started to walked by him but he reached out with his hand and stop me. I stop feeling frozen somehow I wasn’t prepare for this. his touch. His hand was on my stomach softly pulling me back.

“Are you still lost?”

“No, I am doing okay. Actually I am doing fine.”

“Really.” He said while raising his left eyebrow.

I looked up at him and push his hand away and then move away from him.

“My name is Jordan Tyler.” He said pulling his hand for a shake. I look at it and ignore it by walking by him. I heard his footsteps behind me. “What’s your name?”

“Janette.” I said stating my middle name without even thinking about it first but came to find out that it was actually not that bad.

“Janette.” He said as if he tasted it on his lips then smile even more. “A J name, just like mine.”

Darn him. I suddenly thought.

“I like it but somehow it does not fit you.”

“Well then that’s too bad.” I said rolling my eyes while still walking away and he was keeping with me.

“Are you sure that’s your name or are you lying to me?”

“Hmm, now there is a thought. It just name. Just like any other name in the world.”

He turned me around as he took a hold of my right hand making me stop walking and looked at him directly on the eyes.

I looked at him then at his irresistible lips as I remember that those lips I have kiss many times before. They were very kissable. I looked at him and smile.

“What do you want, Jordan?”

He smile at that. “Now there is a thought.” He said leaning his head close to me.

My eyes went wide open when I realize what he was trying to do and with all my strength I broke the hold that he had on my arm and slap him hard across the face.

I can’t believe it the first day and he was already trying to kiss me again. But of course he didn’t know that. But still.

He looked at me angrily as he rub his cheek.

“Let’s get one thing straight here, Tyler. I am not like the girl from this morning. I am different. I am not easy. Not easy at all.”

“Not problem.” He said still rubbing his cheek as he smile at me. “You are worth the wait.”

“Hmm, not even in your dreams.” I said truthfully walking away without looking back.

That night after taking a shower I was wearing white shorts with a black tank top and my hair was wet from the shower. I looked myself in the mirror wondering if I could do this at all. If I could bring him down for sure. Tears started to formed in my eyes and then started falling out as I remember.


I looked at him then at his irresistible lips as I remember that those lips I have kiss many times before. They were very kissable. I looked at him and smile.

“What do you want, Jordan?”

He smile at that. “Now there is a thought.” He said leaning his head close to me.

My eyes went wide open when I realize what he was trying to do and with all my strength I broke the hold that he had on my arm and slap him hard across the face.

•End of Flashback•

I started to cry even more at the memory of this afternoon. Could he have still kiss me if he knew that it was me? Could have done so? I couldn’t help but wonder. But already knew the answer. No he wouldn’t.

“I hate you…I hate you…so much…” I whisper to myself as I hug myself tightly and with my shaky legs fell down to the floor. I leaned my head against hard wood dresser.

“I love you, Jordan.” My voice from year ago said resounding in my head making me cry even more. I have loved so much then but he had hurt me instead. Burned and wounded me so much that it hurt. He was so sweet and kind to me unlike any other guy that barely look at me at all that I never thought he would do something like that to me.

“I hate you so much…” I said breathing hard and feeling hurt deep inside once again.


Jordan’s P.O.V.

I rub my cheek once more as I sit down on my computer desk chair with an open book on my lab on my half empty huge bedroom. That girl had a tremendous right hook. My cheek was still red from her slap.


I knew that it was wrong to have tried to kiss her on the first date that we met. But still there was something about her. That was familiar. Her was face was very familiar and I still couldn’t shake the feeling that if I had kiss her I would have known that I kiss those lips before, many times before.

“Well Janette, let the games begin.” I said to myself and yet still wondering if that was her real name if it was then I guess it was okay. But deep down I knew that it wasn’t? Her slap on my face must be suffering seriously memory loss side effects. I still couldn’t believe that it was the first time I let a chick hit me on the face. Well not really the first time. The first was Abby Collins, pure innocent Abby, the one that got away from me. Sometimes I even wondered why did I even bothered remembered her in the first place.
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Please comment to let me know if you like it. Two new characters already yay. Do not report please. Thanks to Pixie Dust for the amazing layout. I love it so much.