Status: Active

Killing Me Slowly

Chapter 3

Abby’s P.O.V.[/center

The next day, I walked into the school building with more confidence than I had yesterday. I told myself last night that I wasn’t about going to be weak, but strong. I ignored the stares that I was getting as I walked toward my locker, swinging my hips back and forth like a model on a runaway. I was wearing my mini-jean-skirt with a black shirt and black converse sneakers, my hair was down my shoulders and once I reached my locker, I spun the locker combination expertly. I pulled out my first period book out and breathed out. Then his scent filled my nose in a second. I smiled as I shook my head and looked behind me. Even though there was distance between us, I felt him much more closely than I should.

“Hello, Jordan, ready for round two?” I said, closing the locker, and turned around to face him. Sure enough he was standing looking at me. Instead of his heart-breaker look from yesterday, today he was wearing jeans with a sky-blue plaid shirt with its sleeves rolled up 'till his elbows and a few buttons were left open, making him show his beautiful chest, and clean, white sneakers - which, all in all, made him look like any other teenage guy . . . with the exception of him being a drop-dead, gorgeous model.

“No . . . I'm actually here to apologize. I was out of line yesterday,” he said, looking so apologetic that it almost made me want to believe him.

I nodded my head, knowing that I wasn’t going to believe any of this.

“Also, I felt that you were lying to me for some reason - with your name.”

My heart went through my throat at that. I raised my eyes up to him, trying to look very innocent.

“Why won't you believe that Janette my real name?” I asked him, feeling curious.

His eyes trace my face as if he was looking for an answer. Then he breathed out.

“I don’t know . . . I guess because it does't suit you one bit. Janette is too long for a short, fiery creature like you.”

“Really,” I said, as I felt a smile spread across my face at his statement.

“Yeah, and then there is something about you that’s very familiar but I can’t quite put my finger on it,” he started to said still looking at me with curiosity. I guess what they said it’s true, curiosity kill the cat. “Not yet anyway.” He finished with a satisfied smile on his face.

I nodded my head in understanding that he was declaring some sort of game and that it included me.

“Well, then when you figure out whatever is you need to figure out. Let me know.”

“Oh, honey, you’ll be the first. Believe me.” he said winking at me then walked away as girls looked at him with a dreamy expression on their faces.

“Ooo, this is going to so much fun than I thought.” Kyra’s voice said cheerfully as she walked toward me and hugs me in excitement.

Once she pulled away from the hug, I turned to looked away.

“What is going to be more fun than you thought?”

“Oh, don’t you dare go give that look, missy. I finally figure out what are you trying to do.” She said with a knowing expression along with an evil grin in her face.

“Really.” I said as I walked away toward the doors that lead outside to the patio and then once outside I let out the oxygen I have been holding out.

“Yes, you are going to take revenge, aren’t you.”

I immediately turned to looked at her and she was serious, dead serious. She figured it out.

“How did you…”

“Yesterday was his friend and today it was him. Girl, you got game and I am with you all the way. I think that Jordan deserves to learned his lesson once and for all.” She said liking the idea as she walked toward a bench underneath a big tree and sit down.

I sit down as well as my feel my hands starting to tremble.

“Don’t tell me you are afraid of him?” she cried out in shock.

I looked at her and smile at little.

“Kind of, it just sometimes I am not sure.”

Kyra breathed out then turned to me facing me. “Yes, you are sure. You know what you want. Make him suffer a little bit besides from what I have seen yesterday and today he is interested in you.”

That it wasn’t that hard to believe knowing that Jordan was attractive to anything that looked innocent and defenseless.

“Because he doesn’t know who I am.”

“Which makes it interesting, because once he knows who you are; he is going to be the one chasing you.”

“Chasing me?”

“Yes, and he is not going to stop till he does get you. Didn’t you tell me yesterday that you were not warned of Jordan’s effect on women just burned?”


“Then this is it, you are the one that got away right,” she said and I nodded my head truthfully. “then you are the one he is going to chase till he finished what he started and that’s it’s you. Trust me no guy likes the one that got away.”

Hmm that actually made sense more than I thought it would. It was interesting.

“Hmm, you are right.” I said gathering myself together for the last time.

“That’s it, you got it.” Kyra said encouraging me.

“I’m not going to let Jordan Eugene Tyler mess with me again. This time he is the one that is going down.”

“That’s right, wait what…” she said cheering for me but then stop. “Eugene. His middle
name is Eugene.”


At that Kyra burst out laughing making me laugh as well.

“How do you know this?” she asked a short while later still laughing.

“He told me while we were dating.” I confessed honestly as the sudden memory of that day flash before my eyes before I could stop it.


“If there is one thing you would change, what will it be?” I asked as we both laid on the blanket underneath a tree on the patio of his house.

He looked thoughtful for a minute then said “My middle name. It stinks.”

“Why? What is it?” I asked wanting to know curiously as I lay my head on his chest and
started playing with his fingers one by one.

“I don’t want to tell you. I don’t know what my mother was thinking.”

“Oh come on, it can’t be that bad.” I said honestly looking at him through my glasses.

“Believe me it is.” He said as his hand stroke my hair softly as he looked down at me.

“Oh come on, tell me, pretty please…”I said changing my position from laying on my back to my stomach and looked at him closely.

“Pretty please, what are we five years old now.” He asked as he smile and stroke my right cheek softly.

“Pretty please…” I said smiling even more moving close to him.

“Pretty please.” he repeated after me in a teasing tone.



“Yes.” I said as I finally reached him and kiss him softly on the cheek.

He breathed out as he looked up at me. “Definitely not.”

“Oh come on, I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.” I said honestly.

After a minute of silence, he asked as he brought me closer to him than I have ever been. Instead of laying on his side, I was laying on top of him as he pulled my head closer to his.

“Kiss me first and I’ll tell you.” He said and my eyes went wide open.

I have never kissed him before first; he was the one that have always kissed me first. But now he wanted me to kiss him. I reached slowly down and touch my lips with his gently. He put his arms around me bringing even closer to him as I continue to kiss him. Then something change, his lips open and slowly were moving against mine. I followed his lips as much as I can since I didn’t want to disappoint him in any way and he moan. I pulled back thinking that I have hurt him but when I looked at his face I realize that I didn’t.

“Are you okay?” I asked wanting to know still if I did hurt him.

He smile then nodded. “I am fine.”

“So what is it?”

He chuckles at that but still told me it was “Eugene.”


“Don’t do that it’s awful.” He said as he put his hands over his face feeling self conscious at
his confession.

“No it’s not. It’s cute. Like you.” I said removing them.

He frowned while he looked over at me.

“Hmm, you are unbelievable, did you know that.” He said as he took a hold of my face and kiss me.

I smile at that.

“Now what’s your middle name?”

“Oh it’s Jane...”I started to said but a voice in the distance called “Jordan, you have a call.”

“Ughh.” He said looking frustrated and pulled me away from him then stand up and started to fold the blanket and pick up the books in which were studying earlier.

As we walked back to the house, he took a hold of my hand which made my skin tingle underneath. I lay my head on his arm as we walked.

End of flashback

Looking back I never did finish telling him my middle name, now I thank god that I didn’t otherwise he will have known instantly unless one of his girlfriends were name Janette as well.

“Are you okay?” Kyra asked looking at me concern.

“I am fine.”

She nodded and patted me on the hand. “I think that whatever you and Jordan had, he told you things that he didn’t seem to want for anyone to want know.” She said thoughtfully.

“And that’s bad.”

“Nope…” she said as she pop the p then looked at me with a smile. “It’s good. It means that you know him more than he wanted you to know. So it’s good. Really good.” She said with a mischievous expression as the bell ring loudly.


“So now all you have to do is use that against him.” she said as we both stand up from our chair and walked toward our classes which were right next to each it turned out.

Somehow I have feeling that Jordan wasn’t going to enjoy this at all but I still he have told
me things he haven’t told anybody else in his entire life and that’s was going to be one of my weapons for my revenge. I just hope that I don’t go to hard on him because sometimes they were things no one had to know and things that could bring bad yet sad memories of an unforgettable past.
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