Status: Active

Killing Me Slowly

Chapter 4

Jordan’s P.O.V.

I stared at Janette as she walked into the lunchroom that same day with another girl, guys definitely did turned their heads around her presence which somehow I couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed about. I rolled my eyes at the sight of her talking to Daniel Morrison who was standing right in front of them in the line to get your lunch.

“Wow, what’s with the crazy look in your eyes, man?” Austin’s voice asked me as my eyes stood on Janette and the way she looked up at Daniel.

“What look? There is no crazy look.” I said positively as I shifted my gaze away from them and back to my lunch.

Austin chuckles at that then turned back to find out where I was looking earlier and then turned to me with a mischievous expression coming across his face.

“Ah, so you are interest in the new girl?”

“So, what if I am? Is she yours for the taking?”

“Not yet. So don’t bother besides you already have Kristen?”

“Kristen is someone to have fun with once in a while besides she is getting pretty boring to me lately.” I confessed honestly then took a sip out of my blue Gatorade.

All my friends laugh at that, which include me, Austin Lowell, Jack Sharpe, Michael Lindsey and Declan Willows.

“I thought you said the new girl turned you down yesterday, Austin?” Jack Sharpe said with knowing eyes as he was sitting next to me eating his lunch.

I laugh at that now that was unexpected knowing how Austin was with woman.

“Man, shut up.” he said blushing from embarrassment.

“I am just saying like it is; besides to be honest I don’t think you stand a chance.”

“Oooo….” Michael and Declan said like they couldn’t believe it.

Austin shot angry looked at Jack, “What’s that suppose to mean? You don’t think that I can take her, is that it?”

“I’m just saying that she hasn’t looked at you once since she stepped into the room.”


“And…from what you told me yesterday she was blowing you off big time.”

“She is just playing hard to get.”

“Hmm, okay if you say so but it’s still your funeral, bud.” Jack finished saying in his most honest tone that I knew too well.

“Whatever, I’m going to make her mine. Just you wait and see.”

“Fine, but that does not mean that I won’t try as well.” I blurt out truthfully as my eyes shifted to Janette once again who was, laughing along with Kyra at something that moron said.
Jack, Austin, Michael and Declan looked at me with wide open eyes in shock and surprise.

“That’s not fair; we never go for the same girl. That’s it’s our golden rule.” Austin said angrily.

That much was true, but I wasn’t going to give up this chance. I wanted to know her. I wanted to know who she really was. I wanted to know how far she’ll go in our little game of cat and mouse.

“This time I’m making an exception besides she intrigues me way too much to give up. I want to find out what she is hiding.” I said as Janette’s eyes went from Daniel to me.

I smile devilishly at her as her eyes turned into defenseless prey about to be pounce to a master of seduction. Hmm, looks like practice makes perfect. I suddenly realize I was been seduce rather than the seducer. She smile innocently at me then with no interest whatsoever looked away from me.

“Ok, what was that about?” Michael asked wanting to know as he looked from her to me.

“Like I told you, I tend to find out everything that I can about her. She is a familiar mystery that
I am going to solve.”

“Familiar…” Declan said confused as he spoke for the first time.

“Mysterious.” Michael added confused too.

“Yes, she wants to play a game with me. I know that much since I spoke to her this morning. I’m game and trust me when I say that I won’t lose.” I said smiling at them with my game on smile.

“Okay, Casanova, since you want to play games. I’m assuming that you know her name
what is it?” Austin said very much interested.

I looked at me and wink at him. “Sorry but that would be ruining my chances of winning.
Looks like you have to find out on your own.” Then I remembered our little conversation this morning: “Why will you not believe that Janette is not my real name?” her sweet lovely voice said echoing inside my head. Then I remembered my response which to be truthful it was the god most honest truth that I ever told anyone “I don’t know, I guess because it does not suit you one bit. Janette is too long for a short fiery creature like you.”

Oh yeah, she was definitely up to playing games with me, but why? She barely even knew me. Well, I wouldn’t be surprised if she has already heard about my reputation with women.
After all that Kyra girl had a big mouth and I am pretty sure she already told “Janette” about me. What I couldn’t help but wonder was why she wanted to play games with me so bad in the first place? I sense that much about her when I tried to kiss her already on the first day. Hmm, this should be the best game that I have ever played with anyone in a long time.

“May the best man win, Austin?” I said to him with a playful smile on my face.

I stand up from the chair and walked away throwing my lunch in the way to the door and not once that I looked back at my friends.

I walked through the endless deep silence hallways of the school until someone that I knew too well grab me by the shirt and pulled me closer.

“Hello baby,” Kristen said with a smile that should be sexy but wasn’t. “Miss me.”

I breathed out, “No.” I said honestly.

“Ohh, then I guess you are not up to play games now.” She said in a seductive tone as her hands went from the front of my shirt to underneath my shirt.

I smile down at her knowing what was up to but to be honest what I said before was truth.
She was so boring but then I decided to teach her a lesson.

“Kristen,” I started to said in sexily mouthwatering tone as I leaned close to her and whisper into her in ear. “You are a really bad girl. Are you really trying to seduce me at school?”

“Hmm.” She said nodding her head.

“And what did I said about that?”

“Not to but I can’t help it. I just want you so bad.” She said taking a hold of my face between
her hands. I took a hold of them and pulled them away from me and then back away
breaking complete contact with her.

“That’s too bad.”

“Why are you saying that all of the sudden?” she asked curiously as she stare into my eyes
almost as if she was sensing what was going through my mind.

“Because I don’t want you anymore, because you are boring me to death. It was fun over the summer but now it just pure…suffocating.’

“I don’t believe you. This has something to do with the new girl, isn’t it? I saw the way you were looking at her yesterday.” She said in shock and in a demanding tone that I wasn’t about to take any longer. “What does she have that I don’t?” she added wanting to know

“Nothing, you just boring me to death. It’s over, Kristen. It was fun while it lasted even though it was for like what 3 weeks or so.” I said trying to be gentle and much as a possible honest.

Two months!”She yelled at me, correcting my mustake. I rolled my eyes at that.

“The point of is I am not into it anymore. You should really look for someone who really likes you for who you are not what you think you are good at.” I said honestly smiling at her.

As she was about to raise her hand to slap me, I took a hold of it before she even touched me. No way was she going to slap my face and no way was I going to let her. One person had done it then yesterday another person did it and I am tired of it.

“I’m sorry, Kirsten.” I whisper to her as I notice that a set of twin tears were falling out of her eyes.

I broke the hold I had on her arm and walked away without looking back. Ignoring the sound of her crying as I continue to walked away.

“You will pay for this, Jordan Tyler.” She yelled after me and I ignore it.

Abby’s P.O.V.

I walked out of the lunchroom minutes after Jordan did wanting to go to the bathroom to wash my hands since I finished eating my lunch and I heard the sound of someone crying nearby. I frowned at that then follow the noise and found the girl that Jordan was with yesterday morning sitting on the floor crying her eyes out.

“Are you okay?” I asked wanting to know if there was any way that I could help her.

At the sound of my voice, she looked up at me and angrily stand up then yelled, “Why do you care? This is your all fault.” She said then shot me a stared full of hatred and run away.
I wanted to go after her but something told me not to. What happened to her? I couldn’t help but wonder all of the sudden. Then one word pass my mind like a incoming train. “Jordan.” Why wasn’t I surprise about this? Why did he like to hurt girls over and over? Was he never truly satisfied of what he had in his life? Why did he have to ruin and break so many hearts? But not matter I was about to teach him a lesson he will never forget.

When school ended hours later, I avoided Jordan at all cost when I spotted him in the hallway or somewhere nearby. Then the last bell of the day ring loudly echoing all over the school. I remained in my chair not knowing how to start my plan of my revenge but one thing was for sure he was going to pay not matter the cost?

“Ms. Collins, are you okay?” a concerned voice asked me pulling me away from my thoughts.

I blink my eyes twice then looked up and found my teacher looking down at me. I smile at her and nodded my head.

“I’m okay. Just a little space out I guess.”

She nodded at that as I gather my stuff and walked toward the exit of the classroom. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Do not forget to do your homework.”

“I won’t.” I said assuring her knowing that will be the first thing that I will be doing after dinner today.

She smile at that and as I wave her good bye smiling back at her.

I step out of the classroom and walked toward the exit of the building since I didn’t have to worry about stopping by locker to get the other textbook from my other class that I needed to do my homework because I stop by before my last period and got it.

Once I exit the building I almost step back in but then decided that was the most cowardly thing that I could do, I took the risk and walked down the front steps of the school. I stop and stared at the sight of Jordan leaning against the hood of his grey mustang looking at me.

“Why do I feel like you are avoiding me?” he asked.

I smile at that, “Maybe because I’m.”

He also smile at that then move away from the hood of his car and toward me, “You know, Janette if we are going to play games you can’t avoid me. The game will be over before it begun and that will be boring for both of us.” He said standing on the last step that was in front of me but even though I was one step ahead of him. He still looked taller than me. His eyes locked into mine.

“Hmm, you are right. It will be boring if I avoid you.” I said nodding my head playing along
with him. Then I reached out and stroke the side of his face softly as he stiffen at the gesture like I hope he would then he relax and smile at me. “Besides I play to win.”

He smile even more at that. “What do you want to win?”

“Let see you destroy once and for all.” I thought to myself but out loud I said “Now that will be telling and it won’t be fun.”

“Hmm, you are right. So we play the game, no rules apply, no holding back.”

“That’s right.” I said smiling leaning closer to him. I heard him take a deep breath and I smile at that. “Besides think about how much fun will it be if neither of us knows what the winnings are?”

“Just what are you playing to win, Janette?” he asked as curiosity was filling his eyes.

“Hmm, sooner or later you’ll know. For know just chew on that.”

“Fine, I’ll play it your way for now…but,” He said nodding his head as his eyes looked over at me up and down then without realizing what he was doing he took a hold of the back of my head and brought me closer to him. “I will find out your secret soon enough.” He whisper.

“What secret?” I asked wanting to know as I tried to pulled my head away from him.

His eyes went down at my lips then at me again, “Why don’t you just for now chew on that?”

Hmm, he wasn’t kidding. He really wanted to play games. Sooner or later I know that he will figure out who truly I am but since he does not know yet I was going to have fun.

“Okay.” I said then push him away from me as my mother’s car drove into the parking lot. “See you tomorrow, sweetheart.”

“Yes you will, cupcake.” He said as I started to walked away from him.

Once my mother park the car in front of where I was waiting for her, I turned to looked back at him. He wink at me and I smile at him then I step in the car and my mom drove away.

“Isn’t that Jordan Tyler?” my mother asked as she drove away from the school.

“Yes it is, mom.”

“I didn’t know you two were friends now.”

“No we are not.” I whisper silently as I laid my head on the seat.

That night I as continue to work on my homework, I was planning of what will be my next move because I knew that I didn’t have a lot of time. Sooner or later he was going to know it was me, and I will be vulnerable. I needed to defeat him now while he didn’t know. But how will I do that begin with? One think I knew for sure, he likes to play games and I am going to make sure he plays one he will never forget.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow, I am such a terrible person. My writing is off I haven't had time to edite this story yet but i will when i find time so please do not report. People likes this story you know. SO anyway i really hope you all like this chapter. PLEASE comment to let me know. :D