My Chemically Tragic Romance

Part 15- Mood Swings and Unusual Cravings

“Ellie…honey, wake up.” Frank shook me gently awake, I hadn’t realized I had dozed off. I rubbed my eyes and looked up to see Frank’s light brown, green eyes, “lets go home and take the day off there.
Its been two days since Frank had been able and willing to go home, I was exhausted just watching them be exhausted. I yawned and sat up, I saw that Gerard and Mikey were still there but Bob and Ray were gone, I looked at my phone and saw that it was 5:00 a.m.
Frank took hold of my hand to steady me as I walked, I was still drowsy from sleeping, “We’ll see you guys tomorrow night.” Frank waved bye to Gerard and Mikey who just nodded and went back to their coffees. “Bye Gee and Mikey.” I said groggily. I must have fallen asleep on the ride home because I woke up a couple hours later on my soft bed and Frank’s arms around my waist. I turned around and saw that Frankie was still sleeping, I kissed his nose and quietly got up. It was nine p.m. I showered and went downstairs to the kitchen to eat something, I was about to sit and eat a very weird sandwich I made when I heard Frank come down the stairs.
“Good evening beautiful.” Frank announced as he walked into the kitchen. He immediately looked at me like I was crazy. “what are you about to eat?” frank raised an eyebrow waiting for an explanation.
“I dunno I just felt like eating that.”
“it’s a sandwich made of an egg over easy, cheese, pickles, and mayo??” he gagged jokingly, “are you sick or something?” he hugged my waist carefully.
“I dunno Frankie…maybe. I have been feeling pretty nauseous all the time lately.”
“maybe I should take you to the doctor.” Frank grew worried, he grabbed the keys and our coats as well as my purse and he took me to the nearest clinic.
After waiting for a short while we finally got called in to see the doctor. He asked the usual questions, family history of serious illnesses? Weight? Height? Do I smoke? Do I drink, if so how much? Tattoos? Piercing? Last period? Around what time do I get it?….ooooohhhhh…..
“Mrs. Iero? I have the results back from the test you took earlier, would you like to hear it?” A tall, white man looking to be in his mid-forties walked into the exam room where Frank and I were waiting nervously.
“Well I have your results back from the tests we took as a precaution, your blood results came back clean but I have to ask Mrs. Iero, have you been vomiting in the morning?”
“no, I just get nauseous when I get up and then again when I smell something I didn’t like.”
“well you are one of the lucky ones then, Mrs. Iero, your pregnant.” my jaw dropped to the floor, I wasn’t suppose to be able to have a child.
“I’m not supposed to be able to have a child.”
“She was beaten horribly and the doctor said that she wouldn’t be able to carry a child, or if she could get pregnant she would have a lot of complications, that the risk would be severe.”
“the risk will be severe, he said you were not likely to be able to carry a child because of the damage done but I’m sure he didn’t say you couldn’t conceive. Now because of the damage that was done to your uterus you will have to take it easy and the likeliness of having a miscarriage is great so please be ready for that. Mrs. Iero I know that you travel a lot but please be careful, I would like to see you every two months to check the development of the baby and to see if there isn’t too much strain on your uterus. I will tell you now that because of your health and for the health of the baby that you will be on bed rest for that last few months if there are complications later on so be ready for that as well. Do you have any questions for me?”
“in two months you want us back?” Frank asked
“if you would, yes. Just as a precaution and to check Ellie’s blood pressure and check for anemia and so on. We want to be sure that Ellie is the priority at the moment because her health is a crucial as the baby’s.” I looked over to Frank and he looked so confused, fighting emotions between utter happiness and sadness. I was just surprised and having a fight with my own emotions, should I be happy or worried. Damn Darren for what he did to not only me but to Frankie too, I knew how much he wanted to have kids and then Darren goes and ruins it for the both of us…now I’m just furious. This is going to be tough but I have to be strong and be well so that Frank and I can have that child we’ve been wanting to much to have all to ourselves. A little bit of our own bliss incarnated.
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ah the mood swings of a pregnant woman, they begin. Lol Yay! Ellie and Frank are pregnant! But hot damn the complications are going to squeeze themselves right in there. sorry for all the technical stuff in there about pregnancy, i went through it so i know :P (i didnt have the unusual cravings though, or morning sickness; yeah i was lucky :P) Hopefully all turns out okay but hey didn’t we say this story is a tragedy? We’ll see soon enough, thanks for the patience with me writing this and having a whole bunch of other stuff on my plate. Thanks for reading dearies! Till next chapter:D -Disaster Darling :X message, comment, subscribe and all things that make me happy XD