Status: Will update when I can! And please don't be a silent reader!

Dear God


It has been 34 hours since Michelle gave birth. And I'm glad. Seeing my wife in so much pain just killed me. But now, with my baby girls in my arms, I'm the happiest man alive. Bending my head, I placed a kiss on the top of my dark haired children before placing them back in their plastic cribs. Jamie and Melissa Haner. Jamie was named after out late band member and brother, Jimmy. Melissa, well, Michelle really loved that name. Smiling at my twin girls, I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out two necklaces. It was a chain with a simple bolt on it. The bolt came from Jimmy's drum set before it was out on display in the Hard Rock Hotel in Vegas. Only the band, family members and close friends have these. Taking on, I placed one over Melissa and one on Jamie's neck.

"This is a piece of your uncle," I whispered to them as I caressed their cheek.

As I did so, their eyes snapped open and, I know that babies can't see for the first three or four months, but I swear to God, They were looking straight at me. We looked at each other for an endless amount of time before they both yawned at the same time and closed their eyes, going back to sleep.

I smiled at them before kissing their foreheads again before moving to the bed where Michelle was resting at.

"You did good, baby. You did good," I whispered to her and kissed her cheek.

Grabbing the extra blanket that was on the foot of her bed, I settled into the reclining chair and fell into the darkness of sleep.


The sound of shuffling and frantic whispers was what woke me up. Opening my eyes, I saw nurses and doctors rushing around.

"What going on?" I heard my wife ask.

"I don't know. But I'll try to find out," I said, getting up.

It took a while, but when I finally got a doctor to tell me what was going on, it was something that I did not want to hear.

"What do you mean you don't know where they are?" I boomed in anger.

"Sir, I am sorry. We are trying as hard as we can to locate your daughters."

And with that, he rushed off.

I sighed in anger and ran a hand through my hair before walking back into the room. Looking at Chelle, tears running down her face, I knew that she heard everything that the doctor just told me. I walked over to the bed and sat down at her side, bringing her close to me.

"I just got them," she cried into my chest," and now, their gone? Why, Brian? Why?"

"I don't know, baby. I don't know," I said, tears falling from my eyes as well as I stroked her back," But we will find them. I promise."

Dear God, I prayed, Please let them be alright and safe.
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New story!!

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