Status: Will update when I can! And please don't be a silent reader!

Dear God

Chapter 9-Brian

I smiled as I watched my daughter close her eyes. Looking down at Chelle, I saw that her tears were still falling.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked her as I took a seat in one of the reclining chairs and brought her to my lap.

Chelle shook her head and looked at me in the eye.

"I'm just so happy to have my babies back."

I sighed happily and brought her to my chest.

"Me too, babe. Me too."

There was a moment of silence before Chelle broke it.

"Brian. How is this going to work out. I mean, We're on tour and I don't know if the girls are still in school or if they even want to go with us or-"

I placed my lips on her mouth in order to shut her up.

"Michelle," I said when I pulled away," For one, I know they are going to want to come with us. They are not going back to that place to be abused again. Two, we can ask them when they wake up. And three, I don't fucking care that we're on tour, they are coming with us. We have spent fourteen years away from them. Now that we have them back, they are staying with us. Forever."

Chelle smiled at me before bending and giving me a light kiss. I kissed her back before pulling away and reaching over to my left side and brought one of the wool blankets over us.

"Now," I said as I settled into the seat," we gotta rest. Tomorrow it going to be eventful."

I felt Michelle nodding on my chest before hearing her sigh. As I heard her breathing slow, I closed my eyes and began to drift off.


The sound of muffled cries and shuffling woke me up. Blinking my eyes open, I looked over at the twins to see that they were being attacked by someone. Well, make that two someones. They were placing something over there head. I felt Michelle shifting on me and I grabbed onto her, making her stop.

"Get off my lap slowly," I whispered in her ear.

Chelle nodded and slid off my lap. Standing up, I got up from my seat and reached over to pull them off my girls. They tumbled to the ground and looked up at me, dazed. They didn't stay like that for long before they shot up to there feet and was about to attack me when someone got them. Looking behind them, I saw that it was Matt and Zacky.

"The fucks going on in here," Gena passed the door and came running towards us, telling us that she heard screams from in here," Zacky said.

"That's what I'm going to find out," I said.

Walking two steps forwards, I reached up and pulled off the mask that were on the strangers face. What met me were green eyes and red hair. Behind me, I heard one of the twins whimpering. I turned and saw that it was Jamie.

"Is this them? The ones who hurt you?" I asked them in a soft tone.

Instead of answering me, they nodded their heads vigorously. Turning back around, I harden my gaze on them and before anyone could do anything, my arm shot out and I hit the man hard on the jaw.

"Brian! What the fuck!" I heard Johnny say.

"This is them," I spat, looking at them in disgust," These are the ones that kidnapped my babies."

As I said that, I heard the girls gasp and the guys gave them hard looks.

"I'm calling the cops," Val said as she took out her phone and dialed.

As she did so, I crossed my arms over my chest and asked then in a cold, hard voice why they took our babies.

"They do not deserve to be with you," I man spat.

"They are our children. Not yours. You had no right to take them away from us," Chelle said, coming to my side.

"You are the spawn of Satan! You did not deserve to be with parents that are sinners!" The woman yelled.

I raised a brow at her and said," But didn't you sin? By kidnapping two Innocent children from their mother and father for your own selfish needs?"

They looked at me, flabbergasted. I guess I was a bit flabbergasted as well. I wasn't one bit one religion, but I sometimes go to church. Looking at them in the eyes, I saw that realization went through them before it left.

"But you are decedents from Satan himself!" the woman yelled.

"Dude," Matt said,"are they really going religious on out asses?"

"I guess so, man," I heard Johnny say.

We really didn't have to wait that long before the cops came. Telling them the whole back story and showing them the DNA test results, the cops cuffed and arrested the couple for first degree kidnap and first degree child abuse. Watching them as they walked out the door, I looked over at the girls to see that they both had looks of relief.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked as I stood in the middle of their beds.

Mel nodded while Jamie answered," Yeah. We're just happy to see them gone."

"And I'm happy to finally have you two in my life. Where you belong," Michelle said as she hugged Jamie, then Melissa.

I did the same before looking back into the room. Zacky had his arm around Gena. Val was leaning on Matt's chest and Johnny was holding Lacey's hand.

"So what happens now?" Melissa and Jamie said simultaneously.

I looked back over at them two and smiled hugely before saying," You my dear children, are going on tour with us."
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Soo!?!?!? What do you think?

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