Status: Will update when I can! And please don't be a silent reader!

Dear God

Chapter 11- Brian

We were all now currently back in the rental SUV. Me being the driver, I looked into the rear view mirror and looked to where my twin girls were. They were both huddled together, hand in hand. Looking over at Michelle, who was in the passenger side, I saw that she was looking over her shoulder, smiling at our daughters. As if feeling me looking at her, she turned to me and smiled. I smiled back adn interlaced our fingers together. After a thirty minute drive, and directions from the twins, we were finally at their old home. Shutting the SUV off, we all stayed seated for a few minutes before getting out. Walking behind the girls, I saw that Melissa reached under the 'Welcome' mat and pulled out a house key. Placing it in the lock and turning it, we entered a very light room.

"Damn," I heard Johnny say from behind us," I haven't seen this much white since.... Who knows."

The twins laughed before heading up the stairs. EVerywhere we looked, I either saw crosses or Mary, Jesus mother or something like that. Stopping infront of a wooden door, Jamie pushed it open and entered the room. Looking around, I saw that it was much more different then the rest of the house. The walls were a dark blue and the blankets were either dark- for Jamie- or light- for Melissa. They seperated and went to their own bed. Walking in the room behind Chelle, I went over to Jamie to help her.

"Need any help?" I asked her.

Jamie looked up at me, smiled, and said," Yeah. You can get my clothes. It's in the closet to your left. My clothes are to your right hand side."

Nodding my head, I went over to the closet and threw the door open.

"Whoa," I mumbled, seeing the amount of clothing she had.

Their was a chuckle coming from behind me and I turned to see that it was Michelle.

"I think they're worse then you and Val mixed together," I said as I began to take the clothes out.

"They're twins babe," Val said as she got Melissa's clothes," and so are Val and I. OF course shopping runs in our vains."

I chuckled and shook my head before going back to Jamie, her neatly folded clothes in my arms. By now, Jamie place a suitcase on her bed. Placing the clothes in it, I walked back to the closet and continued this proccess for about another ten minutes.

"Aren't you guys done yet?" Zacky said as he walked into the room.

"They have a shit load of clothes man," I said as Jamie sat on her suitcase while I tried to get it closed.

"Worse then all the girls mixed together?" he asked, a hint of fear in his tone.

"Yeah. Much worse," I huffed out.

I heard a groan before feet walking down the hallway. After five minutes of trying to get the thing cose, I was finally sucessful. Looking over at Michelle and Melissa, I saw that their case was already closed.

"Wha- how?" I stuttered out.

"Girl power," Melissa and Michelle said.

I just looked at them for a few more minutes before shaking my head. Looking back at Jamie, I saw that she was trying to keep her laughter at bay. Grabbing hold of her suitcase, I walked over to Melissa's bed and took hold of hers. Waiting for my girls to walk out, I closed the door behind me before following them down the hall. Waiting by the front door, I saw that the guys were looking at the pictures.

"Dude," Matt said, looking over at me," if you look at these pictures of them, they look miserable."

Giving him a 'What the fuck are you talking about' look, I walked over to him and stared at the picture he was taking about. The girls were at a park, sitting on swings. Looking closer to it, I stared at their faces and saw that he was right. Looking back at my twins, I saw that they were both looking at me.

"We were never happy here," Melissa began.

"It's like we knew we didn't belong here," Jamie finished.

"Well now your here," Chelle said.

"And we're never going to let anyhting happen to you," I finished.

The girls looked at each other before looking back at us and smiled widely. I smiled back before tightening my hold on their suitcases. Walking out the door, I went to the trunk of the Suv. Opening the trunks door, I placed their bags inside before closing the door. Walking back to the front, I saw everyone walking out. My teins each holding a messenger bag.

"You all ready?" I asked.

"Yeah," they all cheered.

I chuckled and shook my head before getting into the SUv. After everyone was in, I started it up, pulled out, and drove down the road to our hotel. All the while, running through my mine, was, 'I finally have my babies back'.
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