Status: Will update when I can! And please don't be a silent reader!

Dear God


"Because your pregnant," I said as I placed a hand on her stomach.

There was silence all around the room as every eye was on me. All except for my twin sister. For as long as I can remember, I had always had this... Thing. A thing that made me know what's going to happen to someone of if someone is in pain. and sometimes feel things. Hunched. Looking back at the woman in front of me, I saw that she looked a little like me. I kept my hand on her stomach for a few more minutes before Brian asked if I was just playing with them. This time, Melissa answered for me.

"Jamie has always had this. She would get hunches. Whenever someone lost something, she would be able to find it. There was a teacher that was being abused by her boyfriend when were in fifth grade and she told her that she was going to get really hurt. The teacher brushed it off and three days later, she was in the hospital with three broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder. So believe Jamie when she says your pregnant. Congrads!"

Looking around the room, I saw that they were all looking at me, wide eyes. Removing my hand from Michelle's stomach, I walked back to stand next to my sister. I looked at the couple and, for some reason, it felt as if I had met them once before. Before I voiced my thoughts, Melissa spoke.

"Have we ever met before?" she asked, confused.

"Not that I know of," Matt said.

"Strange. It feels as if I had met you once before," I said, Looking at Brian and Michelle.

"If we had, I would have remembered it," Michelle said, wiping some tears away.

I smiled at her and I heard someone gasp. Looking at the direction it came from, I saw that it came from Lacey. She looked at me before looking over at her husband. She whispered in his ear and he nodded. Looking over at Melissa, I saw that she was looking down at her watch.

"Jamie," she said, looking back at me.

"Yeah?" I said.

"We have to go. We're an hour late," she said, a hint of fear in her tone.

I looked at her, wide eyed before looking back at the room.

"I'm sorry. We have to go, " I said as I took hold of my twins hand and rushing out of the room.

"Wait!" A voice called from behind us.

"I'm sorry! We can't!" Melissa said and began to run down the hall to the exit.

When we reached it, I shoved it open and we continued to keep running. The bus was at its bus stop and we tried to run faster, but missed it be a foot.

"Shit! We're going to have to run for it!" I said.

Melissa nodded at me and we began to run as fast as we can. Home was three miles away. Trying to keep my breathing regular, I encourage Mel to keep up with me. Which she did. An hour and a half later, we were running up the driveway of the house. Looking down at us, I made sure that we had our sweaters on. Trying to control our breathing, I placed the key in the slot before turning the knob. When we entered, Ben was there, arms crossed and an angry look on his face.

"You late," he said, anger filling his tone.

"We know. And we're sorry," Mel said, looking at him, wide eyed.

"Not as sorry as your going to be," he said and before we knew it, he came towards us and whipped us with the unseen belt that was in his hands.

I screamed in pain and I heard Mel do the same. Out of nowhere, Donna came out and began to hit Mel.

"Stop! Please!" Mel and I cried out at the same time.

"You need to learn your lesson," Donna said.

Mel and I kept crying out and at one point, it felt as if I blacked out. Coming back, i looked at Mel and she looked at me. We looked into each others eyes and saw that she knew what I meant. Together, we pushed Ben and Donna away from us and ran out the door.
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