Neverland's Ravens


Dear Diary,

It's been a long time.
And I weigh 152.
I lost a lot.
And there is so much that has happened.
And I will sum it all up for you.
I got better.
I hung out with so many people.
I felt loved.
I was barely home.
I was loosing weight.
And it wasn't because I was starving myself or puking.
I was healthy.
I was happy.
Was. Then I got in trouble. No I don't wanna talk about it.
I don't eat. and when I do, I feel so sick with myself that I puke it all up.
I lost about 10 pounds in the last four days.
I'm unhappy. And I tried to kill myself.
It wasn't successful. My parents continue to remind me that I love them. and I just look down and nod.
I hate myself. And nothing makes me happy.
I don't want to do anything. My parents keep telling me to do things.
Don't want too. I'm changing myself. I'm going to get a job. I'm going to get guitar lessons.
I'm going to be alone.
For the rest of my life.
I'm starting my senior year in the fall. And I wont talk to anyone. I'm changing myself diary.
For the better.
For survival.
I lost someone important to me Diary. And I am going to get him back.
I have too.
And because of me. He's not friends with half of my friends anymore.
SO I have to fix this. But until then. Or until I'm 18 I have to do this. This will work.
And I'm going to lose a shit ton of weight. I'm going to be skinny as fuck when I'm friends with him again.
Because Diary.
I love him.
I am the master at losing friends. and not giving a shit.
But I cant fall asleep and when I fall asleep I can't wake up.
I love him.
I know I do.
AND I NEED. To fix this.
I can't live with out him.
And lord only knows I'm a stubborn bitch.