Status: Being Started Soon :)

Sparks Fly

You must be a rookie, right?


I thought today would be a normal game day. Get to the rink about 2 hours before, tape my stick, watch film with coaches, eat something light, then get dressed. That routine changed as soon as I saw her walk in the locker room, she was beautiful. Her flowing brown hair and her amazing smile caught my eye the second she walked in the door. She seemed my age, maybe one year older or younger. "Hey boys!" All the guys said hi back, they obviously knew her.

"You coming here just to see me?" Burrows asked her with a smile on his face. "Haha, you wish Burr! I gotta see the trainer. Cheering is almost as dangerous as hockey." She showed him her swollen wrist. "What did you do?" Kesler walked up to her concerned. "It's fine, just smacked it on one of the railings while rehearsing some moves." "Well you better get ice for that." "I know." She left room to go see the trainer, I had to find out who she was.

"Hey Schneider?" "What's up Kev?" He sat in his stall to get ready for the game. "Who was that girl?" "Who? The one who came in to see the trainer?" "Yeah, her." "Oh, that's Leah Kesler." "Wait, Kesler? As in the sister of Ryan Kesler?" "Yeah, why?" "No, reason. They just don't look alike." "Well he is older." "I guess that could be it." I got up to go stretch in the hallway. All the other guys were done stretching and were playing soccer, but I'm not a big soccer guy before games. While stretching I heard a familiar voice, "You must be a rookie, right?" "Um, how do you know that?"

"Well, most rookies stretch by themselves and don't play soccer with the guys." I took out my other ear-bud to talk to her. "Well, I am not a big soccer guy I guess." She laughed. "I am Kevin Bieksa." I held out my hand and she accepted. "I am Leah Kesler." "Nice to meet you. How is your wrist?" "What? Oh right, yeah it's okay, just bruised pretty bad. I will live to cheer another day though." We both laughed.

"So you never really answered my question. You a rookie?" "Yeah, 18 years of age. Pretty fresh rookie." "You can say that again." "So what the cheering like during games?" "Okay, but when you get those drunk fans that are making sexual comments at you, you know it's time to move to another section." "That really happens?" "Well sometimes, but not a lot. Well hey I have to go and I'm sure you have to get dressed for the game, but what is your number?" "My number?" "Yeah, your jersey number. So I know who you are on the ice." "Oh right! haha, I am number 3." "Did you think I meant phone number?" "Yeah, at first."

"It's alright, most of the other guys did too when I first met them. Burrows actually had it already written down on a piece of paper and gave it to me." "Wow, that must have been funny." "Well my brother didn't think it was funny at first." "I believe that. Well I will try and listen for you screaming my name." "Don't count on it, I have to cheer for my brother the most, but I guess I could try and squeeze your name in there a few times." "Alright, well it was nice meeting you." "You too, good luck tonight!" "Thanks." I can tell I am gonna like playing here.
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So first chapter tell me what you think. Comment and Subscribe!!!