Unbound The Wild Ride

Background Information

The story takes place in late 2000. Riley is the younger sister of Brian Haner, the lead guitarist for an emerging band called Avenged Sevenfold. She loves hanging out with the guys and often goes to listen to them practice. Her and her best friend Kirin both attend Huntington High, along with Jonathan Seward. Jonathan is good friend's with Zacky's younger brother Matthew, who Kirin happens to have a crush on.

Johnny, as he likes to be called likes to show off whenever he goes over to Matthew and Zacky's. He always rubs it in their face that he is way better than their current bassist, and that angers not only them, but Riley and Kirin as well. Johnny and Riley are always arguing and pulling mean tricks on each other.

Being the younger sister of Brian does have other advantages though. For example, Riley and Kirin always get backstage passes to the shows. And she gets her own little group of "bodyguards" at other concerts, so to speak. The guys keep a careful eye on the two mischief makers and keep them out of harm's way, for the most part.


I ran out of the house as fast as I could. He was gonna kill us for this one, I just knew it. This was one of the best pranks me and Kirin had ever pulled on him, though it was probably gonna come back to bite us in the ass.


We had snuck into Johnny's room in the middle of the night, arms loaded with hair coloring crap. While Kirin started mixing the colors, I went into the bathroom and set up a trap in the medicine cabinet. When I went back into his room, she was already half way done putting the different colors in his hair. I took four neon sharpies and wrote 'Gay!' across his forehead with them. When she finished putting the purple in his hair, we stood back to admire our handiwork.

"I've gotta get a picture of this," I said quietly.

I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture of him in all his rainbow glory before grabbing the small bag filled with our trash. We left the room and ran down the hallway, out into the night, making sure we re-locked the front door behind us.

End Flashback
  1. Same Old Shit
    first day of school
  2. Let's Do The Time Warp Again!
  3. Stupidity At Its Best
    5 Days Later
  4. Barbeque Bonanza
  5. Super Glue and People Don't Mix
  6. Bedroom Brawl
  7. Unholy Confessions
    Bold is Sam's writing, underlined is Kirin's writing, fyi.