‹ Prequel: Breathe For Me
Status: Updated often.

Finding You


After getting my bags from the terminal, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a short blond smiling wide up at me. Her hair was almost to her waist and she was really thin. Her face was really pretty, along with her smile, but she was nothing on Noelle. No one was as good as Noelle. I stared down at the small girl, hoping she wasn't a fan that was going to jump me.

"Oli! I'm Marley." She piped up, taking one of my bags from me. I nodded as a thank you and gave her a small smile. She was really tiny and I felt giant standing next to her. Noelle was pretty tiny, but not as tiny as her. It was kind of intimidating.

I followed her over to a bloke who was sitting on a bench, texting away on his phone. He had light brown hair and looked to be as tall as me. Once we approached him, he stood up, shoving his phone in his pocket. He nodded his head once at me, simply saying "i'm Tyler," while taking my bag from Marley, who was smiling at me like crazy.

"Noelle is at work. We should surprise her!" She clapped her hands together, smiling even bigger. She starting jumping up and down slightly. Tyler and I exchanged a look before following the jumpy girl out to the car.


"And this...." Marley said, turning to look at me. She pushed the door open to a bedroom and held her arm out as if to say "after you." I walked inside, placing my bag on the floor. "This is Noelle's room. You'll have to be sharing with her, or sleeping on the couch, considering there are no more rooms."

She patted my shoulder once, then left me alone in the room. I looked around it for a few minutes, taking it all in, but decided against going through anything. I respected her privacy.

I decided to put my things out of the way and take a shower, then lay down for a nap.


After a long day of work, I didn't get home until around 10 at night. With Christmas coming up soon, I needed the extra hours I took. The shop was starting to get serious business, so we extended our hours, which is helping my money situation a lot.

I was thinking a lot about Oliver lately. I felt terrible for not talking to him any more, but these past few months, I've been busier than ever. Marley also has college payments due and I'm helping her out with them.

I walked into the apartment quietly, figuring Marley and Tyler would already be asleep, considering the lights were all out. I walked into my room, turning to shut the door then turned on the light. I sat my bags down out of the way and stripped down to my bra and underwear.

As I turned around, I saw a body snuggled up in my bed. I felt a chill run down my spine. I quickly got on sleep shorts and a tank top, then threw my hair in a messy bun. I cautiously walked over to the body, poking it lightly in what I assumed to be the shoulder.

I heard a groan erupt from the person and they shifted their position. As soon as I saw his face, my heart pounded faster. I couldn't believe he was here.

"OIiver, wake up." I begged, poking him over and over again. Eventually, I started shaking him. Finally, his eyes opened slowly, then slammed back shut from the light. He sighed, sitting up, rubbing his eyes fiercely with his fingers.

"Hmm?" He mumbled, pulling his hands away from his face. He looked up at me, a lazy smile on his face.

"Aye, love, yeh home. How was work?" He asked. I ignored his question, letting myself fall in his lap. I snuggled myself against him, wrapping my arms around his torso, hiding my face against his neck.

"I missed you so fucking much." I murmured, shutting my eyes tight to keep the tears from spilling over. I had missed him a lot. I felt really horrible for basically ignoring him, but I couldn't help it. I really wanted to visit him again, but there was no way to take off work during these past few months.

"I'm so sorry I didn't return any of your calls or texts. I've been so fucking busy with trying to save up money for Christmas and payments for Marley's college and the apartment payments and bills and it's just been hectic. I've missed you tons and all I could think about was how shitty I felt for ignoring you, even though it wasn't really my fault. I had broken my other phone and had to get another one and I didn't know of a way to get your number and I'm just so sorry." I sniffled, keeping my eyes shut tight.

"Elle, it's alright. I'm here now, yeah? let's just get some sleep." He kisses the top of my head, moving us both so we were laying down, me snuggled close against him. I took a deep breath, calming my nerves, only for a minute, though.

This was the first night I would be sharing a bed with Oliver Sykes.
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yep. second one. hope you liked it.
Don't be a silent reader. Comments decide how fast I will update.