‹ Prequel: He Could Be the One
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Wish You Were Here

A Possible Pawn In The Game Called Love.

Zack's POV
I can't believe Claire and I are actually together now. I mean we gotta be after what happened last night, right? I shrugged off the thought as I pulled into the hotel I had checked into the day before. I parked Claire's car in the hotel's parking lot, headed inside, and straight to my room. Just as I was about to slide my key to open the door to my suite, my phone rang. I answered the call right when my door unlocked.
"Hey dude."
I closed the door behind me and set the key on a nearby table. "Oh hey Rian."
"So were you able to find her?"
"Yea, Hunter and Gabe were home alone when I got there but I didn't have to wait too long after that."
"Awesome, did you guys do anything?"
"Yea, she took me out to the downtown mall for a look around, but..."
"But what? Did something bad happen?" Rian asked, sounding a bit worried.
"Something bad happened to Sevie?" asked a familiar female voice in the background.
"Was that Cassadee?" I asked.
"Yea, she's here with me. You're on speakerphone just so you know." Rian replied.
"Would you guys just tell me what happened to my best fran?" Cassadee asked.
I sighed. "Nothing horrible happened so calm down."
"The what did happen?" Rian asked.
"Well we kinda bumped into Jonathan Cook and some girl."
"Did he say anything to you?"
"He didn't really say much."
"How was Sevie when she saw him?"
"She was shocked..."
Cassadee sighed. "She's still in love with him."
"I hope that can all change soon."
"Why do you say that?" Rian asked.
I blushed a bit. "Well you see me and Sev, well uh we may have spent the night 'together'."
There was a slight pause.
"You fucked Sevie?!"
"Damnit Jack, shut up!" Cassadee yelled.
I then heard Jack scream. What the hell... The sounds of Jack and Cassadee's voices soon faded away as I heard a door shut.
Rian sighed. "Sorry about that Zee. Jack had just come out of the bathroom when you said that."
"Yea but hopefully there won't be anymore interruptions while I'm in my room. Anyway, so you and Sevie huh."
I blushed again. "Yea..."
"Hmmm I hate to say this but maybe Sevie's just using you to forget about Cook."
I sighed. "She is."
"Zack then why..."
"Because Rian, I love her. I don't care if she's using me. If that's what it takes for her to forget Jonathan then so be it."
There was a slight pause before I finally heard Rian sigh. "If that's what you want, then fine. I can't stop you but all I ask is that you be careful."
"I will."
"Can I ask you something though?"
"Uh sure."
"What will you do if Claire is unable to forget about Jonathan, no matter what you do?"
I ran my hand through my hair. "To be honest, I don't know."
"Just think about that. I gotta go. We might have to find a new guitarist if I don't go save Jack from Cassadee."
"Heh, alright. Later bro."
With that said, we hung up. Rian made a point with everything he said. What will I do if Claire fails to forget Jonathan? I deeply sighed and headed towards my bedroom, chose some clothes, and hit the shower soon after.
♠ ♠ ♠
New chapter.
Trying to update as much as possible on every story.

So do you guys think what Zack is doing is right or wrong?

Might post another chapter soon.
Depends on you guys and/or feedback.
Let me know what you think about the story so far. :)