‹ Prequel: He Could Be the One
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Wish You Were Here

Remember When...

Sevie's POV
After my talk with Axel, I decided to head up to my room for some pweace and quiet while everyone was asleep. I laid thee on the bed and looked at the stars on my ceiling. Axel's words continued to repeat over and over in my head. Am I seriously prepared to lose my best friend for the guy I'm in love with? I looked over to my windowsill and there I saw a picture of Zack and I on our first day of school that his mom had taken. I couldn't help but smile when I thought back to that day.
"Zacky! Zacky! Wake up!" I yelled as I jumped on the 6-year old's bed.
He groaned. "I dun wanna."
I stopped jumping and crawled under the sheets with him.
"Buh why not? Ish our fus day of school."
"I dun wanna go ta school."
Zack blushed. "Wha if we dun get da same cwass? I wanna be wif chu Cwaire."
I giggled. "We will be Zacky. I wanna be wif chu too."
"Pwomise?" He asked holding out his pinky.
I smiled and took his pinky with my own. "Pwomise."
"Claire, Zachary you two better be getting ready. I don't want you being late to school." shouted Zack's mother, Carla, from downstairs.
We both nodded and yelled. "Kay!"
Zack and I got out of his bed and got ready. I remember I had spent the night at his house due to the fact my parents had gone to the hospital the night before. My mom was with Hunter since he had been feeling pretty bad and got rushed there in an ambulance. Carla decided to have me over so my dad wouldn't have to worry about me while he was with my mom and brother. I didn't have much of a say in it all. As soon as I was done getting dressed, I headed downstairs to the kitchen where I found Carla making pancakes.
"I'm dun!"
She turned around and giggled. "Claire you look adorable in your pink dress."
I giggled. "Tank you Mama Mewick."
"I'm weady." said a quiet little voice from behind me.
I turned around and saw Zack standing there looking down at his feet with his face a light shade of pink.
"Zack, chu wook adowable."
He looked up at me and smiled.
"Ok you two, time for breakfast."
Carla placed two plates of pancakes on the table for each of us. She soon joined us to drink her cup of coffee.
"Hey Cwaire?"
I looked over at Zack and smiled. "Yea?"
He blushed again and shook his head. "Nuhtin."
I just looked at him a while longer before finally finishing up my food. Carla checked her watch and stood up.
"Alright time to go."
Zack and I stood up from the table, grabbed our backpacks, and followed Carla out to the car. I remember Zack being a bit less nervous during the car ride. I held his hand to comfort him and he just smiled. When we got to the school, Carla took a hold of each of our hands and walked o the kindergarden hallway. She looked up our names on the rosters posted on the wall and smiled.
"You kids are in the same class. How lucky is that?"
Zack and I smiled at each other.
"Alright before you guys go in, want to take a picture."
Zack groaned. "Buh Momma..."
I giggled and hugged his arm. "Pwease Zacky?"
He blushed. "O-okay."
We stood in front of our classroom and Carla snappd the picture.
I smiled at the picture in my hands. "Things seemed so much easier back then."
I turned around and saw Zack standing at the door. I noticed his eyes gaze from me to the picture in my hands. "What's that?"
I smiled and turned it towards him. "Remember this?"
He talked closer and took the picture into his hands. "Man how long ago was this?"
I giggled. "16 years ago. Hard to believe we've been friends for 19."
He sighed and smiled. "Best 19 years of my life."
I blushed at his comment.
"Hey Claire?"
"About what happened last night..."
Damnit he just had to bring that up. "What about it?"
"I know it just happened because you want to forget Jonathan..."
I sighed. "Zack I'm..."
He shook his head. "It's ok. You don't need to apologize."
"But Zack..."
"I know you're still in love with Jonathan and I'm ok with that but I wanna know something."
I nodded. "What is it?"
"Will you give 'us' a try? I love you with all my heart. All I ask is for a chance to be with the woman that I love."
I felt tears form in the corners of my eyes as I remembered what Axel had told me again. Zack noticed my tears and gently caressed my face.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm scared..."
"Scared, of what?"
"What if 'we' don't work out, break up, and stop being friends? I'm scared of losing that. I'm scared of losing you Zack."
He suddenly pulled me into a hug and held me tight. "No matter what happens between us, we'll always have our friendship. I don't want to lose you either Claire. I need you in my life if not as a lover, as a friend. I just need you in my life."
I slowly pulled away from our hug and held my pinky out to him. "You promise?"
He looked at my pinky then at me with a smile. " promise."
Zack then brought my hand closer to his face and placed a sweet kiss on my pinky. This only made me blush and he noticed.
"You look beautiful when you blush."
I pulled my hand away from him. "Shut up."
He chuckled. I giggled along with him. Maybe this won't be too bad...
"Alright so like I mentioned earlier this morning, I'd like to take you out for breakfast..."
"Then what are we waiting for, I'm starving Merrick."
I grabbed his arm and pulled him all the way out to the driveway. We then got in my car and drove off.
♠ ♠ ♠
new chapter.

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