Status: I'm finally done!!!

Crash Landed In Camelot

Chapter Seven: Do You Have To?

Today, Merlin was with Arthur on a hunt. It was common for them to hunt for sport. However, in Camelot, the creatures one killed were not always a deer. Merlin was telling me not long ago Arthur killed a unicorn, he suggested one never do because it damned Camelot but he and Arthur were able to save the day. No, hunting in Camelot was much more fun than in 2011.

I was talking with Morgana and Gwen when Arthur and Merlin came back to the castle, earlier than the trip was supposed to last. They went straight to Uther and an emergency meeting was called. Morgana and I nervously awaited the news. Finally the meeting ended and I followed Merlin and Gaius to Gaius’ chambers.

“Spill. What’s up? I’ve never seen you both so grim.” I said as I shut the door.

“A questing beast.” Merlin answered as he prepared his sword.

“The questing beast is no ordinary beast.” Gaius warned.

“Don’t worry.” Merlin shrugged it off.

“No, Merlin. Listen to me. This is very serious. Uther may not respect the old religion but it is real. When facing this beast you need to know where it comes from.” Gaius persisted.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“At the heart of the Old Religion lies the power of life and death itself. The questing beast holds such power. One bite. Just one bite, you die. And there is no cure.” Gaius continued.

“Merlin, do be careful?” I asked worried.

“Cadi, Gaius. We’ll be fine. Arthur is a great warrior and I have my magic.” Merlin assured us.

“We know that but overconfidence can lead to people’s down fall. Just promise you both will not act like this is your common hunt.” I continued.

“I promise. Nothing will happen to either of us.” Merlin said. “Arthur and I will be leaving early so it’s probably best I get some sleep.”

“It’s late, walk me to my room?” I asked.

“Of course.” Merlin responded. Though it was down the corridor I didn’t feel like walking alone.

“Merlin. Something about this gives me a bad feeling. Like an omen. I fear something bad will happen tomorrow.” I said as we walked.

“It’s just nerves. You’ve seen what Arthur and I can do. Don’t worry. We’ll be safe.” Merlin replied.

“I know. But I just can’t shake this feeling. It probably just nerves as this is the first magical encounter in a while.” I relayed. But truly these feelings seemed much more than that. I could not understand it.

“Here we are. Good night Cadi.”

“Good night Merlin.” I watched as he turned to walk away. I feared that this might be the last time. “Merlin!” I ran back to him and embraced him in a hug. “For luck.” I whispered in his ear. “I know I’ve said it but be safe.” I continued.

“I will.” He whispered in return as we broke loose. I returned to my room. Where I retired to bed but sleep did not claim me as quickly as it normally did.

I awoke startled the next day. My feeling of danger had intensified over night. Flashes of death and despair had taken over my dreams. But dreams were powerless. It was just my subconscious working out my fears, Freud 101. I dressed to go see Gaius.

“When did they leave?” I asked as I walked in.

“Moments ago. The Lady Morgana is hysterical. She was begging Arthur not to go. Can you take her this calming remedy. I fear her nightmares have come back.” Gaius said as he handed me a vial. I left the room and headed towards her chambers. I could hear her sobbing from outside. I knocked and Gwen opened the door.

“Gaius asked me to bring this.” I stated as I handed her the vial. “It’ll help calm you. How are you?”

“The dreams were just so horrid. It was the most intense I had had in a long time.” Morgana recalled.

“What did you see?” I was both curious and anxious to see if maybe we had the same dreams. But I know we didn’t. We were both just worried for our friends.

“I never saw anything clearly. It was like quick flashes of images. I saw the beast and Arthur laying in his bed, dying. Then a dragon and a woman. It was quick but it felt so real.” Morgana answered going into hysterics again. I could be no comfort to her and decided time would be better spent helping Gaius. Morgana’s description of her dream worried me for one reason… it was similar to the description I would have given about my dream. Could Arthur and Merlin actually be in mortal danger? Two people having the same dream could be considered just a coincidence but this is Camelot people. Camelot where Merlin is a warlock. Wait… Morgana… Morgan Le Fay? No it couldn’t. She’s so nice! This is too complicated.

“Gaius!” I heard Merlin yell as the door slammed open. “Gaius! You have to help him!”
Following Merlin came Sir Leon carrying Arthur, who appeared unconscious. I quickly cleared the table so Arthur could rest there. Gaius hurried over and examined him. “He’s been bitten!” He declared after a moment.

“I’m going to get the king,” Sir Leon announced.

“Gaius, surely it’s just a scratch?” I asked already knowing the answer. If he were bitten, he would die. But his destiny… Merlin ran to his room and grabbed a book.

“Merlin.” Gaius said sternly. “The king will be here any moment.” Magic! He’ll save him!

“You have to let me save him. I know I can.” Merlin begged. I could only stand and watch as they debated. Arthur’s skin was balmy and pale. He lay neglected as Merlin begged. I prepared a wet cloth for Arthur as he had a fever. Eventually, Gaius relented. I went to stand guard for the king.

“Gestathole Thurhnaeke.” Merlin tired and there was no response from Arthur. He tried again with another spell, “Hálige.” Nothing. He fumbled through the pages and found another, “Lácne bealubenn!” He was becoming desperate but still no response.

“Merlin, Uther’s coming.” I whispered warning him. His magic couldn’t save Arthur. Arthur was going to die. Uther arrived distraught. I had never seen the emotional side of him before. He ordered Arthur be taken to his room for comfort. He even begun to carry him there himself. But his emotions got the best of him and the knights took Arthur.

This was not supposed to happen. Gaius did his best to make Arthur comfortable. As we returned to his chambers, Merlin was pulled aside by Morgana. She warned him of darker times to come. The dreams. They were happening. Should I tell Gaius and Merlin? Merlin wasn’t going to let Arthur die. I entered Gaius’s chambers and began to clean up the broken vials on the floor. Anything to keep this from being real. Merlin had disappeared.

“Where’d Merlin go?” I asked Gaius as he opened a book to find a hidden cure.

“I suppose he went to talk to the Great Dragon.” Gaius said pausing from his studying.

“Does Arthur had any chance at all?” I inquired. He has to, there’s no way Merlin would let him die.

“I don’t know. We’re dealing with the Old Religion. We need a miracle.” Gaius left his book to begin mixing herbs to help with Arthur’s fever. There was a pause in the conversation.

“Morgana’s dreams came true.” I stated simply trying to gage a response.

“She’s has these dreams before. I wouldn’t read into it.” Gaius shrugged it off, but I couldn’t. The details were too similar. Arthur being bit and now Merlin was going to see the dragon. Why did I believe so strongly in these dreams?

“Gaius?” I said a after a pause “What if I had the same dreams?” Gaius stopped his mixing.
“What do you mean?” He asked curiosity in his voice. I explained the images of Arthur and Uther. I told of a woman sick and dying.

“I know I don’t possess Merlin’s magic but it was too real. I saw my dreams come to life and soon someone else will arrive, dying. I don’t know who she is.” I was becoming desperate for an explanation and the day’s events were finally hitting me.

“I don’t want to upset you but it’s most likely coincidence” Gaius said starting again on his herbs. I sensed there was something he wasn’t telling me but didn’t have the energy to act on it.

“I suppose it is. But if a woman appears here sick, I’m going to talk to the dragon for answers.” I said tired.

“Very well but I am sure it’s nothing.” Gaius said deeply distracted by his brewing. I’m probably overacting. I’ve had déjà vu before, this is basically the same. Sure I was aware of the dreams and it happened the next day but it was just nerves in the face of danger. I looked up from my pensive position to see Merlin return. He was anxious.

“Gaius. I need a map to the Isle of the Blessed.” He immediately asked. Gaius abruptly stopped his work and looked at Merlin alarmed.

“What’s so important about the Isle of the Blessed?” I asked curiously.

“The Isle of the Blessed is considered to be the center of the Old Religion. It’s very dangerous there. Merlin, I must warn you. Magic always asks for something in return. Are you sure you want to go there?” Gaius asked with concern and anger in his eyes and voice. Ask for something in return? I was beginning to worry for Merlin’s life too.

“I have to save him. His life is important. More important than mine. Gaius. Please.” Merlin persisted becoming desperate. The conversation was heated before Gaius relented drawing the map. The journey would take the better part of a day. Merlin began to pack, he would leave in the morning. I walked to his room.

“Merlin.” I said quietly standing in the doorway as he didn’t notice me. He acknowledged my presence but continued his preparations. “What did Gaius mean, magic asks for something in return?” I asked.

“A life for a life.” Merlin said after he hesitated for a moment. He planned to surrender his life for Arthur! But he couldn’t, Arthur needs Merlin to help him rule. I sat on Merlin’s bed thinking of solutions. Anything to save them both. Anything. Their destinies are intertwined. Destiny.

“Merlin. When they ask for a life, offer mine.” I stated realizing I could afford to die without ruining the time stream.

“No. Cadi, I can’t. This isn’t your burden to bear.” Merlin stopped his packing and sat by me on the bed.

“You don’t get it. I don’t belong here. Maybe the reason I was sent here was to save Arthur. It makes sense and the timing’s right.” I explained taking Merlin’s hands in mine. “Please. I can’t see you or Arthur die. And dying… it’s not so bad.” I jested to add some light to this somber day.

“I can’t. Your life is not mine to offer.” Merlin said looking straight into my eyes. I realized that he would never let me die for Arthur or himself.

“I understand… I had to try.” I said sadly realizing this may be the last time we see one another. “You should finish packing.” I say stopping the tears from forming. I looked towards Merlin. Camelot wouldn’t be the same without him. Before standing, I kissed his cheeked and whispered, “For luck,” and left the room. I rushed to my room collapsing in tears on my bed. I stayed there the rest of the night, crying, before I finally fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, yeah the dialogue is almost the same and the plot is definitely the same but at the same time its different haha :P The story focuses more on Cadi than the beast.

To my subscribers and commentors, thank you so much it means a lot me!

Disclaimer: I do not own parts of the dialogue on the Questing Beast, Isle of the Blessed, or when Arthur is bitten. Along with the Questing Beast. All rights belong BBC.