

Two weeks. I’ve been a high school art teacher for two weeks. So far, I don’t mind it. Of course, I would prefer to work with children since they’re much more fascinating compared to hormonal teenagers.

“Mr. Elliot.” I hum, not looking away from the novel in my hands. It’s a boy’s voice, but I can’t register which one. “C-Can I stay in here for lunch, since I have third period with you anyways” The boy stutters out, nervous and timid.

My eyes tear away from my book shortly, looking at the small blonde boy. Collins, Darian Collins is his name. His hair is bleached blonde although his natural colour, brown, would look much better and would make his blue eyes seem much more noticeable.

I nod, motioning for him to sit down at one of the three art tables in my classroom. Looking back at my book, I find myself losing interest at the moment and I bookmark it before closing the novel and placing it on my desk in front of me.

“Elliot, do you have a moment?” I look to the front door of my classroom, seeing the principal and a bitter looking boy. I motion them to come in, glancing at Darian while he sits in the back of the class, looking out the window. “This is Nova”

I fold my hands together on my desk, pushing my novel to the side mindlessly. “Well, please, come in Sir” I smirk a bit and watch the two walk to the front of my desk.

“He’s having trouble with being able to stay in school after lunch, I was wondering since you’re free for second period and for lunch you’re always in your class anyways, could you possibly pick up Nova at his second period class and keep him for lunch?” The principal’s words are a bit timid, as if he’s scared of me, but I ignore it and look at the boy, Nova.

His wavy, black hair is messy, his black eye liner is smudged under his eyes and the ring that goes through the middle of his lip is much too large. His clothes are mostly black, about three or four layers of shirts with a black and red striped scarf. Bracelets adorn his wrists and a metal chain hangs from his black, baggy pants. To top it off, he wears thick, black boots.

I clear my throat, before speaking. “I suppose so.” I answer, looking at the principal blankly.

“He also needs an art credit and you have a few spots left in your third period class.” The principal adds, smiling at the boy who rolls his eyes, slouching foreword a bit. “I’m sure he’ll be happy to join your Grade 10 Art class, right Nova?”

The boy ignores the smug principal and looks at me with a glare.

“You may go sit down, front row, if you will” I tell ‘Nova’ with a motion of my hand. He sighs and walks to a desk and falls into it, dropping his backpack on the floor and taking out his phone from his pocket. I ignore the device and look back at the principal with a smirk. “Don’t worry, he’s in good hands” I muse, almost laughing at the irony of me watching a ‘trouble-maker’.

The principal thanks me dearly and then leaves, slamming the door a bit too harshly, I must add.

I walk by the texting boy and snatch away his phone swiftly, looking at his text. I scoff and take the battery out of his phone and placing it on the desk he sits in. “We’re going to be seeing each other every day for two hours and fifteen minutes. Texting rude things about me won’t get you anywhere from where you are now” I whisper in his ear sternly, tucking the phone battery in my pocket.

I have a feeling we’re going to be the best of friends.
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This is pretty much a filler, I'll try to make the chapters longer, but if I do so then the chapter will most likely come much later.

I'm not sure if anyone wants character pictures, but just suggest so and I will add some. I already have thoughts on how they would look based on pictures.
