Status: Hope you like it! I do.

The Girl In The Apple Tree And The Boy In The Window.

Chapter 6

The silence around the two teens was thick in the air. Burke never favored awkwardness and as soon as he figured out something decent to say, it flew out of his mouth. School just didn’t seem very appropriate that day. He couldn’t imagine going. “ Would you like to skip with me?”

Danielle turned to him with a sheepish expression. “Skip school? I- I’ve never done that before.”

Burke laughed. “It’s not like you’re gonna get caught or anything. Just for today. We can hang out at the park.”

“Alright. But if I get in trouble, it was your fault.” Danielle shrugged.

“ Deal. To the park!” Suddenly, Burke couldn’t wait to get to the giant patch of green a couple blocks from him. He grabbed Danielle’s hand and dragged her, running down the sidewalk excitedly, like a small child. Danielle was being dragged along quite pathetically. “You’re too slow!”

“Well I’m tired, you big oaf.” Danielle laughed.

Burke chuckled and stopped. He stooped down. “Get on my back then.” Danielle hesitated. “You can’t be too heavy. Just get on, we’ll get there faster.” Danielle grumbled a reply and climbed onto his back, secretly loving every second of it.

“Ready?” He asked. Danielle felt like she was going to fall off, so she grabbed onto Burke’s neck as tight as she could, and he made a theatrical choking sound. Burke took off running, and Danielle was bouncing uncomfortably on his back, but she was light, so carrying her wasn’t too much strain for Burke. They made it to the entry of the park, and to a secluded grassy area, before Burke tripped over practically nothing and the pair tumbled to the ground quite dramatically.

Danielle coincidentally landed on top of Burke, and there faces were close, noses touching. Danielle was getting lost in the endless abyss of green blue that was Burke’s eyes, and Burke couldn’t help but love the weight of Danielle on top of him. He sighed a bit, content. Danielle was so incomprehensibly beautiful, Burke couldn’t help but place his hand on her warm cheek. “You are extremely breathtaking, you know.”

Danielle couldn’t take it anymore, she had to kiss the boy. So she leaned down getting closer by the second.

Inside Burke was panicking. This was all too good to be true, and it had to be a dream. Sooner or later, his alarm would startle him awake, and he would start another monotonous day of not existing. Burke couldn’t lie to himself. This wasn’t a dream. But he also knew that one day, Danielle would come to regret the kiss they were about to share, because she would realize how much better she could do. Instead of letting her make the mistake, he flipped her over onto her back and stood up smoothly. “Ah, ah, ah.” He sang, shaking his head, smiling sadly. “Your lips are way too lovely to touch mine. Not yet.”

Danielle on the other hand was hurt. “You don’t want to kiss me?”

“No. That’s not it.”

“No, it’s okay. I get it. Really.” The beautiful girl stated glumly, in a bitter monotone. She sat up and bit her lip to stop from crying, but a single tear slid down her cheek.

Burke gasped “Why are you crying?” He asked, alarmed. He bent down next to me and wiped her tear with his thumb. “Don’t cry. I hate to see you sad.”

“I wasn’t crying.” Danielle barked.

“You are beautiful, Danielle.” Burke gave her a smile. “I don’t want you to ever be sad around me. Okay? You should never be sad.” Burke sighed before leaning down and pressing his lips to hers lightly. “Don’t ever be sad.” He whispered.

Burke and Danielle lie down on the grass, looking at the clouds. “Burke?”


Danielle rolled onto her side. “What are we? What is this?” She motioned between them. “Who are you to me?”

“I’ll be whoever you need me to be, I’m just glad we’re on speaking terms.” Burke chuckled, still looking at the sky.

“ I really need a good best friend.” Danielle whispered.

“Best Friends Forever, then.” Burke turned and smiled at the girl.
♠ ♠ ♠
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