Status: It's being worked on :) Copy, and we'll stab you in the neck with a fork:)©2011 AshTheBash et MONKEIII-FAYISH

It All Ended With a Deal

I Told You I Was Trouble

Skye’s POV

Hmm nice face, I sat thinking while the big Australian hunk blabbered on about his life… at least that’s what I think he was talking about. I was zoning out when all of a sudden my attention was snapped back by a big ass hand waving itself in front of my face. I looked up and found this stupid, yet very cute looking face looking at me expectantly.

“What?” I mean seriously. Is this like a regular custom in Australia? The face wave, now that is some annoying shit.

“Crap. Something is wrong with my cell phone” he retorted in his thick accent. I wonder if they wrestle kangaroos over there, maybe that’s why they’re so built all the time! Extreme Kangaroo Fighting, now THAT is something I’d watch instead of that fake ass WWE shit.

“huh?” I replied, I guess I was still out of it. Oh right his phone. “What’s wrong with it?” might as well help a dumb blonde out while i'm stuck here.

“It’s just that…your number is not in it”…say what? Was this some kind of dumbass way to ask for my number? Please tell me this is a joke. He started giggling. No I am not fucking you, this big meathead started giggling! Like the “hehehe” type shit! Did Alora put some acid in my drink? Because this isn’t natural. Grown men don’t giggle, especially buff, drug-dealing, grown men. I just kept staring at him, until he finally stopped giggling…ew.

“I just wanted a fun way to ask for your number, can I have it?” and he couldn’t just say that two minutes ago? I guess not all of us are blessed with brains and good looks. I sigh, grab his phone and punch my number in, before I clicked save something came over me. I'm still with Bill right? So I shouldn’t give my number to random men. Wait, no, scratch that shit. If you’re with someone you at least call them one a week to tell them you’re alive, or if you fucking moved onto someone else. I scrolled back up to name, and typed “bootycall” instead of Skye on his phone, clicked save and handed it to him. He took a look at it and started a giggling fit again, great. We need to solve this issue if there is any hope for us.

The rest of the night went by in a blur with meatman trying different pick up lines every two minutes and the rest of the crew flirting with the guys, except for Alora who just kept puffing on her ciga-weed.
We were about to leave when meathead grabs my arm and says the stupidest, most cheesiest thing I’ve ever heard.

“I lost my teddy bear, can I sleep with you?” everyone else awe-d while I just busted out laughing. Lulu jabbed me with her elbow in hope that I would stop cracking up. I stifled the laugh for a second to get out a sentence. I mean try not laughing when a big buff dude talks about his teddy bear!

“Pfft, sorry no can do maybe next time” I walk out laughing again while meathead yells after me.

“I’m going to call you” I wave to him and smile; he’s a funny one that guy. We finally get home after a long ass drive and I straight run up to bed and crash.

I wake up the next morning to my phone ringing. I run my hand along the cabinet next to me in hopes of finding it. AHA! Got it!

“Hello” I said with a yawn.

“Yes! So you didn’t give me rejection hotline!”… He really did call. At least this one is reliable enough! Yeah, Bill what now. OH SHIT BILL! Today was the day we were going to see THEM AGAIN!

“Uh yeah, no I didn’t. But hey let me call you back later I'm sort of busy”

“No…tell me it’s not true! You’re not intercoursing another man are you?” I snorted. Dumb blonde, intercoursing isn’t even a word!

“No I'm not I just have some business I need to take care of” with that I hung up, got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I got out feeling super refreshed. I waxed all the necessary parts, showered, and put some nice scented lotion on. I hopped onto my bed with only my bra and boy shirts on. What was I hoping for? There really wasn’t anything left anymore. I don’t need to look hot for him, not that he even cares anyways. Actually, maybe I should, just to give him one final look on what he’s missing out on!

I ran to my closet but felt at a loss. I needed Lulu! I ran to her room but knocked first. I don’t need to walk in on one of her “intercoursing” moments so to speak.

“Who is it?” said a very tired Lulu voice.

“Uh… it’s me I kind of need help with clothes…” I said this in a small voice; I didn’t want to make it into a big deal. But all of a sudden things got lively in there.

“Give me a sec” she yelled and there was a dudes voice groaning in there too. Good thing I knocked.

“No just hide in the bathroom doofus!” I heard her hiss. Wow maybe this guy is an ugly one…she usually shows off what bait she got into bed. It was a couple of minutes until she emerged out of her room with only a bathrobe on and bunny slippers. Go figure.

“So what do you need?” she chimed with her morning breath. Mmm nasty.

“I…I just need help picking what to wear” I confessed. Lulu’s eyes brightened like a fat kid laying his eyes on donuts after his long diet. Holy cow, maybe I was wrong to ask. She grabbed both of my hands and led me to my room.

“This is going to be. So. Much. FUN!” she screeched and started jumping up and down. Oooh buddy...

Adrian's POV

I picked up lip gloss, and put it down. I picked it up again...and then threw it across the room. I groaned falling back on my bed and felt the cold sheets on my back. I was still in my bra and underwear and outfitless for the meeting with Bill and Tom. A million and one questions were on my brain. When did they get to America...why didn't Tom call?

I tugged on a black v neck with some leggings and my favourite tan uggs with buttons on the sides. This was cute right? NO NO NO! I DON'T CARE! I battled with myself and grabbing the lip gloss from my pile of pillows on the floor. I smeared some on quickly before I changed my mind again. It felt like the hours just zoomed by and I almost jumped out of my skin when i heard Skye at my door.

"Adrian...It's time..." She said ominously. I felt like Queen Mary on her way to be executed. Yeah, thats right...I said Mary, the badass queen who always wore black and submitted her subjects to bloody deaths. Thats me.

I swung the door open and saw that Skye was actually looking cute. She just wore jeans with a see through shirt. I could totally see her Tee Tah's, well at least her black bra. She saw me looking and blushed, covering her chest with her arms.

"Lulu?" I said nodding my head. She nodded too.

"Let's just go." She said turning on her heel. We greeted Alora who hung upside down from the couch and flipped channels with her tongue which was on her face. I stared at her.

"What the shit are you doing?" I asked as her blue eyes snapped to mine.

"That Australian shit is making me see stars Adrian!" She said, making spit bubbles. Skye and I looked at her. Yeah there was no way she was in any condition to see Bill and Tom.

We climbed into my Porsche and blasted Lil Wayne's new mixtape. I knew how to get to the docks by heart. I could drive there in my sleep, as long as I had the neck of a bad dealer in my grasp. Skye was nervous, I could tell. She jiggled her leg and tapped her fingers on the dash. She mumbled something under her breath.

"SKYE! COOL IT! You're making me nauseous." She looked at me sheepishly.

"Sorry." She said wiping some make up from under her eye. Whoa wait...Skye? Make up? This was just too weird. Usually, Bill too that role. "Aren't you just like...a little bit nervous?" She said putting her TOM clad feet on the seat. I glared at her, NOBODY steps on the baby. She put her feet down and shrugged. I put my eyes back on the long road.

"No, nothing scares me. These boys are just babies that like to play games." I thought about my little sister and smiled a bit. I missed her. She actually convinced my step mom to dye her hair red like mine. She was the background on my smartphone. We screeched into the empty harbor, the waters of the river lapping and splashing at the walls. I turned the car off and peered over my sunglasses. There was nowhere in sight.

"Keep your guard up." I told Skye as my hand immediately went to the glove compartment for my Glock. I heard the boys before I saw them, the bass from their car vibrating the ground as they pulled up in their Rolls Royce, grill shining and wheels still spinning when they stopped.

"What.The.Fuck. Who do they think they are? Sir Mix-A-Lot?" Skye said, taking her 10 dollar Vans shades off and chucking them. I slipped the Glock in my sweater and got out of the car as they parked right next to us. My heart hammered in my chest. I hadn't seen Tom in the longest time...and i'll admit it, I was fucking scared. Skye followed me, her thumbs looped in her belt. The Rolls Royce finally stopped and the guys got out. It was just the two of them, no security, no guards. Just Me, Skye and the Kaulitz twins.

Bill was tall, his pale skin defined and manlier than i remember, his blonde hair perfectly shaped and scruff growing on his chin as he loped over. But it was Tom that I couldn't keep my eyes off of. He definately got taller, His body lean and tan and hair cornrowed like I remembered. He also had scruffle growing on his chin and his ears gauged. The wind blew and raised goosebumps on my arms as I rubbed them.

"Ladies." Bill said cordially. He leaned against the car and took his glasses off. Tom looked me up and down and I looked away.

"Bill. Tom." Skye and I replied at the same time. We looked at each other discreetly. Tom ran a hand over his braids and sighed.

"It's been a while." He said, taking a cigarette out. He offered me and Skye one, but for once we declined.

"Who's fault is that?" Skye said coolly, her face icy and blank. Bill's face looked a bit sharp for a second and then he relaxed.

"We had a lot of business to take care of." He said lighting his cigarette and blowing smoke out of the side of his mouth. I wasn't sure if he was doing that so as to not his us in the face, or to blow Skye's comment to the wind. There was a moment of silence.

"Why are we here?" I blurted out, tapping my foot and feeling as if I were going to let my emotions show. But I couldn't, I WOULD NOT BREAK. Tom grinned as my bra strap fell down my arm and I yanked it back up. Why do I ALWAYS do something embarassing when he's around??

"We have a proposal for you. And you two only." Bill said grimly. I could hear Skye cracking her knuckles.

"See...there's an unnamed amount of money in our great uncle's estate and we can't access it." Bill continued. I laughed, a short barking sound.

"You want us to steal money." I said wiping tears from my eyes so I wouldn't ruin my eyeliner. Tom put a finger to my lips with his free hand.

"Shhhhh oh small annoying one...we're not finished." He took his finger back and i had to keep myself from lunging at it and biting the shit out of him. My blood boiled.

"Well get talking. We have places to be." Skye said speaking for me since I was too mad to conjure up words. Bill crossed legs and sucked smoke back into his mouth, pretty impressive.

"In order to get that money, we must do a requirement of his."

I rolled my eyes, since when did he know all of these big words? I thought biting my tongue.

"I need you to 'fake marry' me." Tom finished, his eyeteeth gleaming as he smiled wolfishly at me.

Skye's POV

I started laughing hysterically I had to hold my stomach. This kid was joking right?

“Are you fucking me?” Adrian snapped. It was then that I realized...oops they might have been serious.

I held up my hands in a surrender position, “Wait wait you’re kidding right?”

I mean no way is this happening, why would a gang banger want to get married? Especially since he got all the honeys.

Bill smiled at me “I bet you wish it was us."

I blushed for a quick second then regained composure.

“Fuck that, I wouldn’t want a man who couldn’t communicate to save his life.” I turned back to Tom.

“Give us details” I could feel Adrian fuming right next to me, I swear to god her face matched her hair color completely, haha it could’ve been her Halloween costume… super tomato Adrian! But for real, she was so pissed, I pretty much had to do the talking for her.

“Well my gramps is forcing me to get married and not Bill since he’s keeping up our reputation by being a fashion icon and what not. Y'know the whole 'no sex or drugs or arrests and shit'. But gramps thinks I'm messing up the family name for being on T.V 24/7 and being questioned about my heroin addiction and player ways… I mean in all honesty it's only media attention for the band. I'm not really like that.”

Adrian and I slid each other quick glances of doubt and nodded for him to continue.

“Moral of the story, we have to prove ourselves worthy of the money, by me showing responsibility and getting married. And I thought, 'hey why not ask my main lady?'” and with that he winked at Adrian who just scoffed and turned her head. I knew she felt special at that moment, even if she was fuming and pretty much was ripping a hole in her shirt with her clenched fingers.

“…Then why drag me and Bill out here? You and Adrian could’ve had a private talk on your own.” I mean seriously why put me through this torture? My eyes met Bill's and I reconsidered this thought.

“Bill couldn’t shut up about you and how much he wanted to see you so I told Adrian you had to come too.” Now it was my turn to blush like shit. Darn these boys always know what to say…I thought I was going to be forever alone, maybe not.

“One more thing how much was the money in the will?” I mean if he’s wiling to get married for it, it must be a crapload of money!

“Ich habe keine-I mean I have no idea. But I'm bout to get my ass married and find out. Uncle Dieter was rich as hell.” I mentally rubbed my palms together, yeeeesss....very nice....lotsa money! I'd marry Bill if I had a nice pile of cash waiting for me.

I waited a couple of seconds to let my thoughts settle and then I made the guys wait dragging Adrian to the side so we could chat in private.

“What do you think?” I asked her, my breath coming out shallow. All this talk of money got me excited. She looked at me as if I was crazy for even asking the question, her brown eyes now hot as coals.

"If you want the money so much, why don't YOU sacrifice your life to the booty master!" She hissed crossing her arms over her chest.

“Come on, that's a good ass amount of money! Just listen to me before you freak out. Marriage is a one day thing, and who knows you might even have that happy ever after chicks always dig! ITS FAKE REMEMBER?? Plus you could always file for a divorce right after, let’s make a deal with them: you agree to marrying him as long as he gives us half the money. We’ll make him sign a contract and everything.” I paused and stared at her hard she seemed like she was still not buying it. Wow maybe she actually did have a soul, unlike me, I just wanted some cash to buy a new Range Rover since I crashed my last one.

She finally looked up and stared at me honestly. Yes, YES, YEEEEESSS! SHE'S GOING TO AGREE!! I think ready to do the happy dance.

"FUCK. NO. I value my pride way to much to marry that sister fucker, even in his dreams."

She was a hard ass nut to crack...
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Sorry we took forever! lol don't be made! WE LUH YOU!
-Mimi and Ash <3