Welcome to My World, Paul

Welcome to My World, Paul

---Anne’s POV---

This was it the day I was finally coming home at the age of 22. I have been in the Military for 4 years, I was young but got to the level of a General it was unbelievable, and I made wonderful friends and met amazing people while serving.

But it was time for me to come home at least for awhile I was shot in the shoulder and lost a lot of blood, so they decided I needed a break to be with my family and I had only signed up for 4 years.

So here I am standing at the Seattle airport waiting for my family to be here to get me and bring me back to La Push. I couldn’t wait to see them or my long time friend Leah Clearwater. I wonder what has changed since I’ve been here, hopefully not a lot but I learned from some letters that Leah’s long time boyfriend Sam Uley broke up with her she was devastated but she told me that she met someone new. His name is Jason something I really don't remember his name.

I look around the airport then I here.

"ANNIE!!" I turn and see it’s my brother Jared and damn he has grown!

"Jar-Bear!" I scream and run and jump into his arms not wanting to let go, I felt something warm on the neck and I look up to see he is crying.
"Oh Jar-Bear please don’t cry please, I’m here I’m safe." I whisper to him, he gives me a small smile and squeezes me tighter and accidently brushes the spot where I was shot.

"Ow" I whimper hoping he doesn’t here cause I don’t want him to be sad that he hit it.

"Are you ok? What did I do?" He asks worriedly freaking out. I knew this was going to happen.
"It's alright you just hit the spot I was shot at. It’s all good." I told him even thought it hurt like a bitch I wasn’t going to let him know that.

"Oh my god I’m so sorry I really didn’t mean it I promise." I look behind him to see our parents smiling but both crying but not sad ones more like happy tears.

"Hi mom, Hi dad." I whispered and they both pulled me in a hug, I think my mom is going to have a panic attack.

"Hi sweetheart" my dad whispered while mom was still crying too hard to speak.

After mom calmed down she let me go and we headed to the car with my bags my brother smiling.

"So how has La Push been? Anything new happening?" Jared smirked.

"Yeah something’s have changed but nothing to drastic." He smiled but he had a look in his eyes like he was sad about not telling me something since I don’t like to be nosey I changed the subject.

"What up with the muscles?" I questioned him and he smirked. Again with the damn smirk.

"I guess puberty hit hard."

"Hit hard? More like it beat the shit out of you!" I told him.

"Anne that isn’t appropriate language." My mother turned around to scowl me.

"Sorry mom it’s just something I picked up from the Military sorry." I said back to her, which was true all the guy and females there didn’t use "appropriate" language and I don’t think it’s going to leave my vocabulary anytime soon.

She just gave me a look and turned around to the front, Jared smiled and me and winked.

A couple hours passed and then we passed the "Welcome to Forks" sign then 20 minutes later we entered La Push I smiled and rolled the window down so I could smell the sea smell and woody smell that I have missed so much. Just one person I havent missed Paul..

Here I am La Push. I’m back!
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Sorry if i got somethings wrong with the Military things. I dont mean to offened familys with a loved one in the Military, Army, Navy, or Marines.

I do not own Paul or Jared or Leah clearwater or any of the wolf pack or anything that the Lovely Stephenie Meyers came up with. I do own Anne Moore and her parents and any friends she may have.

This is my first story so i would just love some feedback!(: