Welcome to My World, Paul

Welcome To My World, Paul

---Anne's POV---

I started to stare at the girl who was screaming at my brother which frankly was pissing me off.

"I can't believe you would lie and say you were staying home all day. So I believe you like a good girlfriend and here you are with some girl. I bet she's a slut to!" ok and that was my limit how dare that shank call me a slut!

Well I can see how she must have misinterpreted in all but that just went over the edge.

"Excuse me? What did you just call me?" I yelled at her.

I guess I intimidated her or something cause she looked kind of scared. Ha she should be.

"Uhm-well-you see I called you a slut." she then glared at me. Ok really?

Jared looked kind of pissed off. Why?

"Kim I can't believe you could even think-" he was cut off by 'Kim' who smacked him and began to walk away. Jared looked heartbroken.

So I turned to him and smiled and said "It's ok. Is she going to the bonfire tonight?" he nodded and I smiled.

"Then we will see her there then and set her straight ok?" he nodded again still looking heartbroken I feel so bad for him then, then again I did know what he was going throughout sorta.

"Come on let's go get some ice cream!" remembering that always made him happy as a kid.

He smiled brightly and nodded his head vigorously.

I finally got all my shopping done and Jared looked tired and bored so I had to hurry and I bet he probably feels bad about that Kim girl situation. I get where she is coming from but assuming I’m a slut and that were dating and crap, and then just yelling at him and not letting him explain anything was just plain immature.

“Let’s go home Jar-bear.” I told him once we were done checking out my shoes.

“Okay.” He smiled lightly. I felt so bad for him. I have to make this right but I kind of want to embarrass the girl for what she did to my brother so now I have a plan, but Jared won’t know about it, he probably wouldn’t let me do it anyway.

Once we got home it was 4:50.

“Okay we still got another two hours why don’t you go take and shower and begin to get ready.” He offered and I smiled and nodded and ran upstairs and turned the water on ready for a nice long hot shower, it’s going to be the best one I’ve had in a long time.

I took a good 30 minute, so once I stepped out I got my bra and underwear and put it on and slipped on my silk robe and went to my vanity and brushed my wet hair then got my blow dryer, and once I got done with that I plugged my straightener in and began doing my make up (http://www.polyvore.com/make_up_for_bonfire/set?id=36975659 )

Then I started to get dressed (http://www.polyvore.com/bonfire_outfit/set?id=36958092)


“Come in.” I shouted to whoever it was at the door.
It was my mom.

“Hey mom.” She smiled at me.
“Hey sweetheart. You ready to go?” She asked while looking over my outfit. I smiled at her.

“Yeah mom lets go.” She nodded and went to get dad.

Once I got downstairs I didn’t see Jared he better not be apologizing to that chick.

I stepped outside and saw him waiting in his truck.

“Are we taking separate cars?” I asked and he nodded so I ran inside and made sure mom knew I wasn’t bailing she nodded and I raced back outside.

“Mush Mush” I told Jared and laughed lightly.

It only took 10 minutes to get to the beach.

“Here we are.” Jared told me.

They both hopped out of his truck and began to walk to where everyone was. The first person she saw was a red-eyed Kim who was glaring at the both of them.

“You seriously brought her to the place where your sister is coming do you think your sister is going to want all this drama for her coming home party. Really Jared?” She snapped at us. Everyone else looked confused some even amused at the young girls outburst.

“Eh I really don’t think she minds too much.” I told her.

“And how would you know what she would want?” She questioned me rudely, I chuckled under my breath. Ok it’s time to end this game.

“I don’t think we have been properly introduced my name is Anne Moore formally known as Cameron.” I said using my brother and parents last name.

I have never seen someone’s face change colors so fast but Kim’s did.

“Oh-um-uh.” She stumbled out and I started to laugh and tears started to come to my eyes and then the next person to laugh was Leah. My best friend Leah.

“It’s alright Kim. Just don’t call me a slut again or were going to have some problems.” I threatened. Everyone else chuckled, I smiled and went over to Leah and hugged her with my one arm.

“Hey Le-Le.” Everyone held their breath after I said that sentence what so wrong about my-ooh same called her that to.

“Hey Annie.” She smiled at me and everyone seemed shocked and confused.

Seth was the next one to hug me then Quil, Embry, Collin, Brady, Jacob, Billy, Sue, Sam, and Emily looked a little scared to hug me probably because I am Leah’s friend.

I gave Leah a questioning glance and she must have understood and nodded saying it was ok for me to hug her.

I hugged Emily and told her she should be scared of me. Then I looked behind Emily and saw Paul sitting there staring at me I looked at him in the eyes and I was immediately captivated his eyes are so beautiful like brown-

I immediately cut off that train of thoughts this is the same guy that hurt me and made me cry and feel worthless and I will be damned if I fall for him and his crap again.

While I was thinking this, Paul was sitting there with a love struck look on his face and it immediately went away when I glared at him. He looked heartbroken and I immediately wanted to comfort him, where in the hell is this coming from why would I want to comfort him?!?!?!

I immediately began to think of the day Paul and I broke up.


I was 16 and in love with Paul Lahote he treated me like a princess and with so much love and I didn’t give a second thought about it even thought all my friends warned me about him but I didn’t listen.

I thought he changed and he really loved me but as usual that thought came back and bit me in the ass.

I was walking to his house having plans of giving him my virginity I was ready to give it to Paul and I didn’t want anyone else to have it but him so when I walked up the porch I heard strange noise I thought it was his mom but this remembered that she worked on weekends. I opened the door and walked quietly around the house wanting to surprise him and as I opened his bedroom door I saw him and Rachel Black in bed fucking doggy style and I instantly felt sick and I wanted to cry but I didn’t want to show him how much he hurt me.

“Hope you have fun with your slut Paul were done.” I told him in a calm voice even though I wanted to cry my heart out I didn’t.

He looked over at me shocked and I guess he was going to start some stupid explanation but the slut cut him off.

“Slut? And who do you think you are?” She questioned me angrily.

“His girlfriend, well now ex girlfriend!” I told her and she looked shocked and pissed off and screamed.

“GIRLFRIEND?” At Paul I turned and left the house vowing never to talk or look at him ever again but I knew in this small town that wasn’t going to happen so I decided that once I finished college I was going into the Military and that no-one could change my mind about it.

End of Flash Back.

After I finished thinking about it, I saw Rachel and some guy holding hands and she had a baby bump and she smiled at me and came across everyone and hugged me everyone else was shocked. I hugged back of course.

Once I started the military I got a letter one day from Rachel explaining that she didn’t know he was seeing anyone and she was apologizing saying if she would’ve known she wouldn’t have even looked at him twice.

I smiled at her and looked at her belly and said.

“Damn you have gotten huge girl!” She slapped my arm and told me.

“Don’t cuss in front of the baby.” She said in a stern voice I laughed.

“Yes mother.” Then I started to think about beer, what I would do for a nice cool Miller light.

“Hey do we have any beer here?” I questioned.

Everyone looked surprised that I would ask a question like that I was usually the one who was against the whole drinking thing but I changed.

“Why are you looking at me like I have three heads damn?” I asked them with an attitude. Jared and Kim and Rachel and her husband or boyfriend chuckled.

“Anne Moore and you are?” I introduced myself and asked him.

“Jason Adams. Nice to meet you I’m Rachel’s husband I have heard much about you.” He seemed nice enough pretty cute to. I gave a quick nod to Rachel and she understood and smiled.

We shook hands. Jared gave me a miller light. We were all having light conversation except for Paul who was still staring at me but I continued to ignore him.

Kim then asked the question I was hoping no-one would ask for awhile.

“Why is your last name different?” This got everyone’s attention.

Shit its confession time.
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Hope you like it.

I do not own Paul or anyone that Stephenie Meyers came up with. I down own Anner Jason or any other characters not in the twilight saga.