Status: :)

Im Not Ok (I Promise)

1. First Day.

First day of highschool.

I walked onto the bus in my black shorts and a white wife beater. My perfectly straight brown/black hair blew in the wind as I started at my worn black converse.

I hated school. So much.

You get to see all your exs with their new girlfriends and learn shit you would never need in life.
I sat down in one of the brown leather seats. The front of it was covered in sharpie. Of mice & men blared threw my earbuds.

"Hey." I heard a voice say.

I looked up and saw my best friend Hayley sitting next to me.

"Hey." I said laughing a little. "Excited to back to school?" I frowned a little after saying that.

"Yes!" She said. "I wanna see my other friends!"

She loved school for some reason. She was smart, her parents cared about her and she had all the money in the world. She had no worries. I worried about if my parents were going to kick me out, find out about my drugs, or if they would fight again. They were always at each others throats. One day my dad would cheat, then the next day my mom would. It just never ended.

We walked off the bus and into our 1st hour class. P.e. Fun right? Ha.

We sat in the bleachers, since it was the first day of school they wouldnt really have us dress or anything.
I sat theres with my hands burried in my black hoodie that was 4 sizes to big for me.

"Look!." Hayley said hitting my arm.

I look in the direction she was pointing. There was 2 guys. One with Brown/blonde hair that hung a little above his eyes in a white Asking Alexandria shit and black skinny jeans.

The boy next to him..was like perfect.

I dont know how. Maybe it was the way his black hair went to his shoulders and his bangs hung in his eyes. Or maybe the way he wore tight black skinny jeans, a black Escape the Fate shirt and a oversized grey hoodie and DC shoes.

Either way, I felt like it was love at first sight.
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