Status: Updates will be slower cause I got school YAY FRESHMAN!

Dolly Gates: Skater Girl

Drama with Drama

It was 6 am. Rob parked his car on the road and went in to the skate park. The sun was just beginning to rise over the building tops. Rob was SO tired, but he found he wanted to help this girl.
He looked over to see her asleep on a picnic table that was littered with graffiti.

She was curled into a ball on the table top, slightly shivering.

Rob looked at her and found he was right: She was homeless.

Shrugging off his warm DC hoodie, he covered her with it. Dolly pulled it closer as she slept. Rob skated around until hours later, she woke up and studied the unknown hoodie.

He rode up to her and cleared his throat. She sat up and looked at him alarmed.

"Yeah, I saw you. It’s okay. You can keep the hoodie if you want." She shook her head and handed it back to him.

As much as she wanted to keep it, she refused his assistance.

Rob looked sad that she refused to let him help her but excepted the hoodie none the less.

"I never really talked to you. I’m Rob Dyrdek." He held out his hand.

She eyed his hand then hesitantly shook it. "Dolly."

"You tore it up yesterday. Skate with me?" He asked.

She grinned and nodded, standing and taking her board from a bush.

That’s how Max found them three hours later. Skating like old friends together. Joking and laughing. He grinned, maybe Dolly had made a new friend.

He joined them, rolling beside Dolly. "Hey Dolls." He greeted her.

"Hey Max." She grinned.

"Whose your friend?" He asked, eying Rob.

"I’m Rob." He said, leaving out his last name.

"Max." They guys shook hands and went back to skating.

Robs cell rang claiming Drama was calling him.

He skated away from the chatting Dolly and Max and answered it. "Hello."

"Where are you? Haven't seen you all morning." His cousin said.

"A skate park on Southside. I’m fine, chill out."

"This early? Why?"

"Maybe I’ll tell you." Rob hung up.

He was going to get an earful later.

A small scream caught his attention. He turned to see Dolly on the ground and Max at her side. Rob ran over and knelt next to him.

"What happened?"

"She fell." Max said taking a pocket first aid pack from his back pack.

He cleaned the scrape on her knee and bandaged it up. The guys helped her stand and hobble over to sit at the table.

Max grinned at Rob.

"What? Did I grow a second head again?" Rob asked, feeling his neck.

Dolly smiled and laughed.

"Dude, your really short." Max chuckled.

Rob jumped on to the bench by Dolly and looked at Max. He was eye level with the taller boy now.

"Okay." Max shrugged and rode off down the street.

Rob sat beside Dolly and asked her if her knee hurt.

"A little, but I’ll be fine." she allowed.

Her stomach growled and she grabbed it embarrassed.

"McDonalds?" Rob offered.

She held up the fifty from the day before and nodded.

Of course she’d want to pay for herself. Rob was about to tell her that he could pay for both but he was trying to befriend the girl not piss her off.

He nodded and stood.

He held his hand out to her, she took it with no hesitation and let him haul her to a standing position. She weighed less than he guessed.

He wrapped a hand around her waist and she slung her thin arm over his shoulders. They slowly made their way to his car. He helped her get in the passenger seat as she wondered why she trusted him.

Rob got in the driver seat and turned on the car, cranking up the heat for Dolly.

"So what’s up?" He asked, trying to make conversation.

"Not much. Other than my resent injury." she replied.

"Yeah, that sucks."


"What?" He looked at her for a moment as he drove.

"It sucks tits." She pouted, looking out the window.

Rob smirked and pulled into the drive threw.

"Welcome to McDonalds. Can I take your order?" A male voice asked.

Rob ordered what he wanted and gestured for Dolly to place her order.

She unbuckled then leaned across Rob’s lap and placed her order.

"Okay that’ll be $15. 50 at the first window."

She got off Rob and re buckled in her seat. Rob broke her 50 so she only payed $5 and gave her the change as he took care of the rest.

They pulled forward and got their food. Dolly held it as they made their way back to the skate park where the normal crowd had arrived.

They sat at the abandoned picnic table and ate. Dolly ate eagerly as if it were the first time in days (Which it was)

Rob considered taking her to live with him at the Fantasy Factory for the first time as he ate what he ordered.

Shelby rode up and sat beside Dolly, she passed a secret smile to Rob.

He nodded, understanding her gratitude..

Dolly felt better than she had in days, with a full stomach. The sun beat down on the table now, making it 93 degrees.

Food eaten and trash taken care of, Rob and Shelby skated around as Dolly watched.

Rob befriended Shelby quickly and Max too when he returned.

Around 2PM Rob rode over to the table to sit with Dolly. "Can I go over there?" She pointed to a shady tree.

"Sure." Although she hadn’t actually asked for his help, he knew she wanted it.
He stood and helped her stand, putting an arm around her small waist and her arm around his shoulders again.

"Rob!" they looked to see Drama stomping angrily toward them.

"This isn’t what it lo-"

"Really? Rob she’s a teenager!" Drama shoved Dolly away and she fell, sliding into the bowel with a scream.

In a blink; every skater there was either in the bowel with her or surrounding Drama who looked scared.

Some swung their skateboards as a threat.

"You dumb ass! She’s crippled! He was helping her walk!" Shelby who was crouched by her friend in the bowel yelled.

People she didn’t even know where standing up for her!

"I-I didn’t know." Drama stuttered.

Dolly tugged an unknown boys pant leg as Shelby went to join the ‘kick his ass’ group.

The boy turned, knelt and gave her a sweet smile.

"Yes, sweetie?" He asked.

Her eyes widened; he was....really …

"Don’t hurt him. He didn’t know. But I do want to take a crack at him." she said.

‘But he.....fine." He growled the last word and called off the attack as he stood "she said leave him."

Every one looked confused but quit mobbing Drama.

Drama who was clutching Rob for dear life let him go and sighed.

"Can....can I see if she’s okay?" He asked.

The hot boy knelt by Dolly "he want’s to see if your okay."

"Let him. Maybe I can get in a good left hook."

The boy smirked "Despite this situation, your cute Dolly."

She blushed as he stood "Well come down here." He said impatiently.

"Guys, back off." Dolly said.

The skaters got out of the bowel but the boy, Max and Shelby stayed in.

Drama looked around cautiously and stole Rob’s board that he dropped in with in and he stopped by Dolly.

He slowly crouched by her and Rob hopped in.

"I’m so sorry. I didn’t know, I thought.........are you okay?" He asked, looking like he was really sorry.

"Come closer." She whispered, acting.

He bent closer to her face.


He moved closer and in a flash he was on his but clutching his nose.

"She bit my nose!" He cried in disbelief.

Rob laughed as did Dolly.

"Just messing with you. Yeah a few bruises and scrapes but I’m fine. No hard feelings....except......." she sat up and punched him in the stomach.

"That one." she finished.

He doubled over and now every one laughed.

Rob took a picture on his cell as the boy carefully helped Dolly to her feet. He waved over some bigger guys and handed her up.

The bigger guys set her on the picnic table and moved out of the way.

Shelby, Max, the boy and then Rob and Drama gathered around.

Max took out his first aide kit and checked her out, the can you bend this and does this hurt way.

He bandaged up her arm and put cooling creme on the bruises on her torso. Her ribs stuck out a lot, like her skin was stretched over them.

She thanked him then every one who jumped to protect her.

"I really am sorry.....Dolly is it?" Drama said, looking ashamed.

"Yeah, It’s fine.....Drama."

"Why did you come here any way Chris?" Rob asked.

"To find you. Chanel’s been frantic." He answered.

"Oh. She knows I won’t get into trouble." He shrugged.

"Who’s Chanel?" Dolly asked, looking at both guys who looked at each other.

"My friend." Rob said.

"Does Robbie have a girlfriend?" she said like a pestering Little sister.

"NO!" they said in unison.

"Okay, jeez." She raised her hands in surrender.

Rob and Drama skated leaving Dolly with the boy. "Who are you?" She asked him.

"Oh, sorry I guess I never told you. I’m Charles or Charlie." He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh. Well, you already know me."

"Yeah, we all do."

"Oh. Well, thanks for earlier."

He nodded and flashed a smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment! PLEASE comment! What do you think? Too early for a love intrest? This isn't really a romance but he will be in there!