Midnight Rider


She thought to herself. "I'm an idiot. I shouldn't be doing this." as she pinned a long thick black wig to the top of her head. Braiding the ends together, coating on a thick layer of darker toned makeup, giving her a darker glow. Making her look, Italian. Paige realized that no one was going to take her seriously, and that some initiative had to be taken on her own accord. She fitted her figure with a waitress outfit, one she had kept from her many one-week jobs that Duffy so kindly found for her. Dressed in black, fitted with an apron, she pulled a large coat over the get up - and tied it shut. She was going to walk around that hotel like she owned the place. And it didn't matter if the Murphy followed, or if Duffy told her no, she was going to find Mauricio. And she would kill him if she had to. She had a family to protect, friends to avenge, and even her own personal vendetta.

She had grown a thicker skin. Something in her gut told her that she didn't care if she lived or died. If it cost Paige her life for Mauricio's, she thought that was a fair trade. A whore with no education, living on the street, unable to support her handicapped family. At least maybe her mother's welfare checks would keep them afloat, or maybe Murphy would see that they were taken care of. He knew where they were, and Paige trusted Murphy - more than she cared to.

With the familiar clacking of heels, she made her way to the bus stop - leaving McGinty's bar far behind her. She was incredibly sad. Only now realizing that she had found a proper home there - with complete strangers no doubt. And they had changed her. More than she ever thought she would. Now all she wanted was to do good, to find justice, to keep those she loved safe.

It wasn't long before she recognized Mama Buchelli's, Scoletta Coffee, Frankini' Deli - the ma' and pa' dry cleaners, restaurants, businesses. All Italian, all owned by Mauricio's friends and family. Paige calmly walked from the bus stop to the entrance of the Harbour Hotel. Without a plan in mind, she knew she had to be calm, if she blew that - then it was all over. Paige had only left a short note, hoping it was enough to keep them from worrying.

She walked inside the fancy carpeted lobby, following the first employee that caught her eye. A cook, leading the way with his large hat and white coat. Her coat was left on a coat rack, near the kitchen. She found her attire similar to those around her - a sigh of relief washed over her. But she couldn't stand around doing nothing. She mostly tried to hide against back walls while listening to poor English and rapid Italian. But Mauricio's name rang in her ear like a bell at church. She quickly noted the tray and silver platter, kitchen service.

She walked up behind the cart, like it was her job and she had done this for years, the order, the room number, it was all there. And she quickly pushed it towards the nearest elevator. The plan was working, it was easy, but once those metallic doors shut she quickly felt her pulse quicken, her mind go numb, and her stomach flutter. She reached into the front of her apron and felt the stolen steel. Murphy's pistol, loaded, silenced, begging for her to use it. She opened the silver tray, revealing an undercooked steak and garlic potatoes. She threw them into the trash attached to her cart, and creatively placed the pistol in its place. Hoping to have easy access to it, and the only downside to her plan meant she likely wasn't getting out alive.

Murphy lay awake. Staring at the old ceiling of the bar, he couldn't help but wonder what the hell they were going to do. Connor was too hurt, he wanted to protect Paige and her family. But Duffy was making things difficult. Murphy and Connor were obviously supposed to be laying low, the first incident should never have happened. Now they would likely have to run, stay off radar, and come back in a few years when Connor and Romeo were healed, and they would have the element of surprise.

But that didn't leave much room for Paige.

She'd have to stay, work a shitty job and always keep one eye open for the Italians. It wasn't fair for her, and Eunice advised that newcomers were not exactly welcome due to the fact that they were lucky enough to break prison. Being on the run, meant being on the run, and no one could slow them down. Eunice was sorry, she liked Paige, but Smecker's number one priority was to keep the boys safe, and under wraps. He wished that he had listened to Connor and kept his distance. As much as Murphy liked Paige, he felt like he had lead her to believe that he could save her. He cared about her so much - he wanted to be with her... near her. He sat up, his sleeping brother, heavily medicated, didn't wake. Slipping downstairs he ruffled his hair and grabbed a beer. He looked around, waiting, wondering, but then he saw the note.

I'm fine, went to walk around the Harbour-
not going to be stupid.
may, or may not come back.


Murphy looked at the clock. Nearly two am. "How long had she been gone? What the hell was she thinking?" Murphy pounded his fist against the bar, and let his anger express itself until his knuckles were bloody with rage. It was so complicated feeling this way about her, but being able to do nothing about it. Murphy couldn't talk to her about it, he couldn't get close to her, it wasn't safe. But then again none of them were ever really safe - and her line of work didn't exactly put her in the safest situations. So why did it matter now that they suddenly felt something for each other?

Maybe she wouldn't be wandering around in the cold - looking for trouble. He honestly wanted to hit Duffy ever time he said a condescending remark about her. Duffy hadn't helped the situation, only make it worse. Paige probably felt vastly uncomfortable after what happened to her, then staying with strange people, uprooting her family... then spending time with Murphy. Now he had to go after her, make sure she was okay.

Murphy flung his heavy coat over his shoulders. Reaching in the front pocket he noted that the familiar weight he always checked for, was no longer there. The heavy weight of a pistol was distinct. and Now the left side of his jacket significantly differed from the right. Murphy ran his hands over his face and again through his hair.

She had taken a gun. His fucking gun, and said in her note that she 'wouldn't be stupid?'

"That's a laugh." he thought.

Murphy felt intense worry hit his gut, and he was out the door before another thought occurred in his mind. He knew he should've told someone, let them know the situation. But the worry bothered him enough that rational thought was lost until he was halfway across town. But even then, rationality didn't linger. Sirens of firetrucks and emergency vehicles blazed past him. Sending only the worst thoughts into his head. Dark sky, cloudy, just like a few weeks ago - it had an eerie feeling to it. Last time Murphy was worried about Connor, now, he only had Paige to worry about. A stupid girl - one just crazy enough to risk her own well being for good people. For him, for Connor... Granted he was mad, but he admired that girl. He just hoped she didn't have the guts to go through with it. He hoped he'd find her hiding, afraid to pull the trigger... but he knew better. She was stronger than that.

At first glance, the hotel looked like a mess. Several cop cars strewn about, a couple ambulances, and as he got closer Duffy's detective car.

Murphy waited with the curious crowd - and Duffy caught his glance. Murphy right away would see his irritation. Both of them followed one another away from the building, the caution tape led them around to a dark alley, where Duffy quickly let his anger go.

"What were you thinking?" Duffy asked. "It's a fucking mess in there, you didn't talk to any of us about this."

"What happened?" Murphy asked him.

"What happened?!" Duffy asked astounded.

"It's wasn't me man." Murphy said, "Paige came here, I came to get her."

"That bitch." Duffy said.

Murphy shoved Duffy against the wall, forcefully. Obviously hurting his head.

"I'm partly sure she came here cause you're a right ass to her." Murphy said, "Maybe if you treated her with a shred of respect she would've listen to you, helped us make plans."

Duffy blinked, Murphy let him go. Duffy rubbed the back of his head.

"She came here... on her own?" Duffy asked.

"Yeah, she left a note, said she was comin' here." Murphy said.

"I coulda sworn it was you - I knew it was, but I guess not then. I mean - there were 9 millimeters every where, so I thought it had you written all over it, but then again, no pennies. Course the place is such a mess, I jus' figured you'd run outa time." Duffy said.

"Shit Duffy." Murphy said. "Paige took my gun."

"What the fuck she do that for?"

"Why do ya think ya rotten bastard?" Murphy said, "She was tired of all the disagreeing, and I think she was just tired of hiding."

"Look, there's no way she coulda made that mess - it's not something one tiny girl could do."

"Well what happened?" Murphy asked.

"Well, we think they were taken by surprise, each guy had a couple bullets to the chest. One guy went out the window, but Mauricio, he ain't here."

"Detective." A cop intervened. Duffy aknowledged him. "You needa come see this." he said.

"Stay here." Duffy told Murphy, "I'll uh - finish your witness statement in a minute."

Duffy wandered away from Murphy, following the blue suit to the edge of the Harbour dock, tucked against a small houseboat covered in barnacles, was the body of Mauricio Yakavetta.
♠ ♠ ♠
See, I promise to finish this story, sometime soon. Hopefully not months in-between chapters. Sorry for making you wait, it's mean and it sucks. Thanks for reading and liking this guys - more to come!