Midnight Rider


Daytime came all but too slowly. Paige couldn’t help but think that it wouldn’t be long before they tried to extract more information from her. But they didn’t have her family, and hopefully someone would find her. But the nagging thought in her head was that Murphy had Connor now, and what if she talked? They would want to be as far from Boston as possible, they might already be gone.

She rolled over onto her back and felt the pain of cuts and bruises. She let a few tears fall down her cheeks while she felt sorry for herself. It had all been her idea to come along, now she was in this mess. She sighed and tried to sit up to look around, but a boot forcefully pushed her back down. She gulped for air, scooted away from the man watching her. She couldn’t help but feel venerable alone in an abandoned building with some man watching her.

He told her to look at him. And she ignored him.

He told her again, and she ignored him.

After that Paige was slightly grateful for the swift kick to the head, at least now she wasn’t conscious. She wasn’t aware of the pain, or what he would do to her.

Paige had come to, and blacked out several times through out the day. Each time she could hear someone talking, but she never clearly put the words together. The next time she could see clearly she saw Caesars face again. He had a wide neck and boxer’s ears, he was a boxer, or had been a boxer before Mauricio picked him up as a goon. Paige was able to hear him now.

“Whore.” He spat.

She looked into his eyes. She could see they were bloodshot, perhaps from drugs. She looked at this man; he might’ve been something once. Perhaps after a few bad fights he gave into the drugs, or Mauricio. Maybe he got paid to throw a fight and Mauricio protected him, she didn’t know. But she knew it was sad. This man had nothing left for him in life, maybe a girlfriend that he beat, or a mother somewhere… back in Kansas, but here in Boston? He was nobody.

That was why when Paige’s face became splattered with Caesars blood, she didn’t care.

She was slightly shocked to see Murphy, he had two pistols out stretched searching for any other target, but the silencer had kept the kill quiet, not signaling others.

Paige waited for him to untie her, and help her up but before he did he used his shirt to wipe away the spatter across her face. For a moment his hand was on her cheek cupping it gently, then the next moment she was leaning on him for support as the headed down a hallway towards an exit.

Several times they stopped, checking around corners, Murphy shot the occasional man on patrol through the halls, and then almost too easily they made it to a large window.

Murphy slid the panel outwards and first helped Paige through it, she was reminded of the familiar situation where Connor had helped her out a window, and never made it through himself – Paige instinctively grabbed onto Murphy’s arm, clutching it tightly just in case anyone was there to pull him back.

The sun was going down now. Paige had spent less than 24 hours in this place, and she had Murphy to thank for that. Once he was safely through the window, they each took cover in the nearest alley. Murphy pulled out a cell phone, one recognized as Duffy’s. Murphy made a quick call to Dolly, who informed him that the police were on their way down there, and that they needed to hide. Paige looked to her left and saw the ocean. She knew where they were, and where to hide.

Darkness had finally passed over their heads. Murphy was still helping Paige to walk as they headed down an empty street. Ahead there was a bright blue neon sign for a motel, a place that Paige had frequented for work.

“I don’t have any money.” Murphy said. Paige nodded and went into the office anyways. After greeting an old friend she was given a key to an end room. Murphy realized that she had quite a few connections in this town, and some might not be all that bad.

Paige unlocked the rusty door and slipped inside. Murphy was quick to call and inform Dolly where they were hiding, and Paige took a minute to sit down and finally breathe.

She touched her hands to her face and they came away smeared with blood. She realized that must have been why her friend had given her the room so quickly at no charge. Murphy got off the phone, and was peering out the window looking for anyone that might have seen them.

“Can we trust your friend?” he asked.

“Yeah, he’s good at keepin’ shit under a rug.” She said. “I need to wash this blood off though, incase he comes by to make sure you aren’t the one beating the shit out of me.”

Murphy nodded. When Paige stood up he found himself grabbing her arm again. She winced while she tried to walk to the bathroom; Murphy helped her and sat her at the edge of the tub. He pressed the stopper down and pulled out the faucet to being the flow of hot water. He gave her one last look, one to see if she needed anything before he left, when she didn’t he silently shut the door and began to keep watch.

Paige waited for the tub to fill. Finally once it had she stripped off her clothes and sank into the hot water. She scrubbed everywhere she could, and tried to get some of the blood out of her clothes. She decided to sit here until the water turned cold, it was already pink and beginning to lose it’s temperature.

When she heard a knock at the door she panicked. She slowly eased herself out of the tub, she realized that the hot water must’ve helped because she stood up on her own. She wrapped a towel around her body and stepped out of the bathroom clutching the wall. Murphy was slightly unsure of what to do about the situation at the door, he held his gun, he didn’t look like he wanted to use it, but he knew he might have to.

Paige limped to the door and could see Marty, the motel manager, outside the door. She put her hand up and shook her head, and Murphy relaxed a little. Marty took his master and began to unlock the door to check on Paige himself. Paige took Murphy’s hand and let Marty walk in on his own.

“Oh.” Was the first thing he said.

“Hey.” Paige added. She realized even cleaned up, she still probably looked like shit.

“I just came to…” Marty began eyeing Murphy cautiously.

“Marty, he’s a friend.”

“Ya sure?” Marty asked.

“I fuckin’ better be after what I did.”

Paige rolled her eyes at Murphy, “Yes a friend.”

“I didn’t recognize ya without the blonde.” Marty said, “You sure… you’re okay?”

“Yes Marty, thanks for checkin on us. If… anyone asks if you’ve seen a girl and a guy lookin’ beat up will you-“

“Tell them I ain’t seen a thing.” Marty said. “Stay as long ya need, I know you’re good for it.”

“Thanks Marty.”

“Yeah – Thanks.” Murphy added. Marty cautiously shut the door behind himself. Paige stopped holding Murphy’s hand, and an awkward moment passed between them.

“How’s Connor?” she asked him, still clutching the corners of the towel, her hair dripping. Murphy laughed at her for a minute.

“I suppose he’s right better than you.” Murphy said. Paige turned around to face the mirror that was bolted to the wall. She could see her black eye, several cuts on her lips and bruises all across her chest.

“Shit.” She muttered.

“Hey let me look.” He said. With his thumb and index finger he lifted her chin and turned her face to the left and right. “You’re pupils are slow to react, how’s your head feel?”

“Like a train wreck.” She said.

“You probably have a concussion, Dolly says we should stay here, so you should lie down while we wait this out.” Murphy said.

Paige nodded her head. Murphy was right. Might as well rest, after her extremely long night, she should have a chance to sleep. She was just grateful Murphy found her so quickly. She slowly limped back to the bathroom, and she felt Murphy’s cold hand against her arm.

“Why ya limpin’?” he asked.

“My hip.” She said. “It rolls funny after being… upside down.” She said.

Murphy sighed, “Well get dressed, I’ll have a look at it.” He said.

Paige nodded, and continued to the bathroom. Again, she stood in front of the mirror and dropped the towel to the floor. Even more cuts and bruises were revealed. She put back on her pink boy short panties, and her black tank top, it hid the bloodstains well. She finger brushed her hair trying to look half decent, why? She wasn’t sure. She suspected that Murphy might have something to do with her attempt at appearances, but what would that matter? He’d seen her beaten and bruised, she was sure anything other than purple, he’d find pretty. But she looked at herself once more before stepping out of the bathroom.