Status: Comments are like dessert I love them.

Thrills in Loving Me

Dearst Child Mommy Is Going To Be Safe

After about 23 ½ hours she was here. She weighed in at 8 pounds 6.3 ounces and was 24 inches long. She started crying right away, it was so beautiful to here. She was real healthy the doctor said she might be able to come home in a few days.

My aunt left my side after two hours to bring two vistiors in at a time, since there is probably a lot of people out there. I get over whelmed easily. The first two people she brought in was my uncle and my grandma.

My grandma gasped, “Oh isn’t she so precious. She’s like a porcelain doll.”

I carefully handed her to my grandma, “Here hold her.”

She took her from my arms, “So what is her full name?”

“Tyla Jazle Harfe.”

“Wow where did you get Jazle at?”

I giggled, “We combined his mom and my mom’s name together. His moms name is Yole (pronounced U-Lee), and my mom’s name.”

My grandma smiled, “That’s so cool. Here Hermy hold your great niece.” She passed my baby to my uncle.

“I feel so bad. I shouldn’t be here.”

“Did the detective come to your house yet,” I questioned.

“No but I was pulling out of the drive way the moment he was waiting to turn in. I bet he followed me.”

I huffed, “Great can’t have a day without the law interfering.”

“I know sweetie. Is it ok if me and your grandma go out and let two more people come in.”

“Yea.” I turned Deyo than back to my uncle, “Hey is Deyo’s parents out there?”

“Umm just his mom, she said his dad was at work and she couldn’t contact him.”

“Ok well can she come in with someone else that’s family. I don’t want friends coming in tell every family has seen and touch her first.”

My uncle laughed, “You sure are one of a kind.”

A few minutes later Yole and Deyo’s aunt came in. His aunt being a jokester demand, “Where is this precious doll everyone is talking about. I demand to see her and hold her right now.”

We all started laughing. My aunt Tara was holding her at the moment, “Here she is.” My aunt passed her off to her.

I piped up, “And if your wondering her name is Tyla Jazle Harfe. Her middle name is a combination of Deyo’s moms name and my mom’s name which is Jazmine.”

Yole spoke softly, “What a beautiful name and a gorguse baby. May I hold my granddaughter now please?”

“Yes you may.” His aunt passed Tyla to her grandmother.

“She is so soft and warm. We will be by the house once the baby is born. I don’t want to spend too much time in here you got about twenty more people to go.”

“Wow that’s a lot can you bring four in this time I just want family first?”

“I sure can.”

Once the last person say my baby and left my uncle came back in.

Turning towards him drossy I slurred, “You know you are not suppose to be here.”

“I know but I was not going to miss the birth of my great niece.”

Someone knocked on my room door. My aunt walked to it and opened it. She walked sadly towards everyone with nurse behind her, and a huge man that looked like he could be a bulldozer.

“Mr. Cholata you have to come with me, and Ms. Yoesafas once your released from this hospital you may face jail time.”

My uncle raised from where he was sitting. He slowly walked out the door, and Mr. Bulldozer followed. I started to cry, that’s when my aunt and Deyo rushed to my side. My aunt looked like she was about to snap. She turned to the nurse that was on duty right now.

Then she lost it, “Why would you let him come in? How could you do something like that? This is a special moment for us. To Hermy its like seeing his grandbaby being born. We never had kids because we couldn’t. Knowing Justice was pregnant it was like our own daughter announcing she was pregnant. I couldn’t believe you did something like that. You made Justice cry, all she wanted was for her closet family to be able to be around the baby. Now knowing that she may be token away from her daughter. That is the worst news especially since it’s a miracle that she had a baby.”

“I am sorry mama but it’s the law. I had no choice.” Than she walked out just like that.