And If The Sun Comes Up

Another One of Those Sleepless Nights

Jakes P.O.V (Saturday pm after the Halloween Party; October 1995)

It was now 1:35pm and I still hadn’t heard a peep from Sophie. I’d had no proper sleep last night just through worrying over her and I felt like crap. If I’d have paced up and down my bedroom floor anymore today I think I’d have worn a deep groove into the carpet.

Everything you could possibly envisage about your best friend being missing was going through my head at warp speed, but the main thing that kept springing up to the top of my thoughts was that Lucas had turned her. I can’t get through to her on her mobile; it’s just got that dead tone. What do I do? If I go round to Sophie’s house, her Mom will hit the roof when she sees that Sophie isn’t with me. All I can do is head on over to Lucas’s place and try and find out what the hell’s going on.

The walk seemed longer than it had done last night for some reason; maybe because I hadn’t got so much on my mind. I finally got to his place around 2:15pm. I didn’t need to knock as Lucas was standing there on the entrance to the house.

“I assume you’ve come to find Sophie?” he said abruptly.

“Jeez, you’re quick aren’t you Lucas; how on earth did you guess?” sarcasm tainted my voice. “Yes, I’m here to collect her, now where is she?”

“She’s upstairs in the master bedroom. She’s sleeping so don’t barge in like a bull in a china shop. She’s had a very late night and she needs the rest.”

“I just want to get her and go Lucas; she can go back to sleep when I get her home.”

I stormed upstairs and I could hear Sophie snoring quietly. The door to the master bedroom was ajar slightly, so I didn’t need to search too long. I stood at the door and gently pushed it open a little more. Sophie was curled up underneath the covers of the bed and was sleeping soundly. At that moment I took a little heed to what Lucas had said, so I tiptoed to the side of the bed and sat down on the floor by Sophie’s side. I just looked up at her peaceful face and felt relief that she was ok. If I had to sit there all day then I would. I started to get sleepy just from watching her and felt my head lolling back every minute or so until finally I nodded off.

“Jake, Jake, wake up Hun,” I felt myself being gently rocked back and forth until I slowly opened my eyes to be met with Sophie’s, “How long have you been here sugar?” her voice was almost a whisper and so very sweet.

“Err, I’m not sure. What time is it?” I hadn’t got my watch on to see.

“Its 6:30pm sugar and I think it’s time we better be getting back.” She was starting to speak a little more normally now.

“Shit, is it really?” I exclaimed with shock in my voice, “I got here at 2:15pm and had a few words with Lucas at the front door. When I found you it must’ve been about 2:20pm and I remember feeling really sleepy, so I must have nodded off just after that. Christ Soph, I must have needed the sleep.” I was finally starting to pull myself together.

Sophie helped me up from the floor and stood there in front of me. She looked at me and smiled then ruffled my untamed curly hair. I hadn’t even put a brush through it yet today. We walked out on to the landing and then down the stairs. Lucas was sitting at the kitchen counter reading a newspaper and sipping from what seemed to be a freshly brewed cup of coffee. We tried to slip past quietly, but Lucas spotted us like a hawk spots its prey.

“Could I tempt you both to a hot drink? Hell, you probably need it; you’ve been up in there all afternoon. I thought I was going to have to call out a search party!” He was surprisingly chipper and as much I was desperate for my first cup of coffee for the day, I still felt that Soph and I should just press on.

“No thanks Lucas, we really must get going now, we’ve got things planned.” I was getting to be a good liar in front of him.

“Well, never mind then, maybe some other time eh?”

“Yeah, some other time then.” Like that’s going to happen. I never want to set eyes on Lucas and Eleanor ever again after what they’ve put me through.

Sophie and I nodded our goodbyes and finally managed to get through the front door and out onto the street. Sophie wrapped a black scarf around her neck and pulled a pair of gloves out of her bag for me. I was deep in thought while we were walking until her voice broke the silence.

“Is everything ok Jake, I mean, is everything ok between us?”

“Yup, why shouldn’t be?” I wanted her to admit to me that she’d made a mistake by not contacting me last night.

“I don’t know; you seem distant.” Talk about stating the obvious.

“Ok, good call; yes I am feeling a little distant,” I answered, irritation present in my voice, “but I think I have every right to, don’t you think Sophie? You will never believe the thoughts that have been speeding through my head since I left you at that, that party last night. I knew damn well that I never should have left you and I’ve been feeling guilty ever since, but when you don’t call me to let me know you’re ok, the guilt gradually turns to fear; fear of what could’ve happened to you. Why on earth didn’t you just pick up the phone and let me know that you were safe?” My voice was almost breaking and tears were slowly starting to form in the corners of my eyes.

“Oh, Jake, I know that I’ve put you through hell and back up until now, and I’m not trying to make excuses, but I was having such a good time that I honestly forgot.” She seemed to sound sorry, but it still didn’t make this conversation any easier.

“You forgot; that’s just great! Jeez Soph, I don’t want to argue with you, but I’m your best friend and you scared the living shit out of me last night. I love you for peats sake.” It all came pouring out now.

“I know, I know Jake and I’m so very sorry. I know that I acted like a silly bitch last night when I didn’t come home with you when you asked me too. I know I should’ve done because I felt totally out of my depth, but hey, you live and learn.” The regret in her voice was slowly making me come round.

“Well, it’s all over with now, but for God’s sake in future, please call me if I ask you too then none of this will ever happen again hopefully. Deal?” I put out my arms to hold her.

“Deal.” She walked into my embrace and buried her head deep into my neck. She pulled away from me and looked at me. I could see pure love in her eyes and at that moment we understood that nothing in the world would ever come between us again.

We were both dithering. It could’ve been the cold Saturday evening air but it also could have been the pent up energy of not seeing each other all night; whichever it was, it was time to get a move on.

I walked Sophie right up to the door and waved at her Mom who was in the kitchen cooking something wonderful as per usual. Her Mom waved back and smiled.

“Why don’t you stay with me tonight Jake?” Sophie questioned me.

“Do you want me to?” I hoped she would say yes.

“Of course I do, you idiot. I realise that I’ve been a little selfish and really want to make it up to you?” she said coquettishly.

“Oh really, and what might that involve?” This was getting interesting.

“Well, my Mom’s fine home cooking for a start and maybe a few beers and DVD later; why, what else could you have been thinking?” a little smirk was added for effect.

“Oh, nothing really; sounds good though, so yep, I’ll stay,” as if I wouldn’t have done, “but I’ll need to just pop back home quickly to pick up some stuff and just say hi to my folks. I never said a damn word to them this morning and I want to let them know what we’re up to, you know, in case they worry.” I smiled back at Sophie and was just about to head off when she hurled her arms around my neck and pulled me close.

“Thank you.” She whispered.

“What for Soph?”
“For just being you and always looking out for me. I know I love my independence but it’s so amazing to have someone keep an eye out for you and watch your back. Underneath this hard exterior I really am just a big softie.” Gratitude emanated from her.

“I know you are,” I said as a placed a kiss on her soft lips, “Now, the quicker you let go of me, the quicker I can come back and have a great night with you.”

“Ok Hun; see you in a little while. I’m looking forward to it already.”

I knew when she uttered that last sentence that she meant every single word of it. After all the worry and stress of last night I was finally glad that I would be spending the rest of the weekend with the only girl who’s ever meant anything to me. If I could bottle the happiness that I had found with Sophie I would, then I’d always have a touch of happiness to take with me everywhere.

I know its clichéd and a little cheesy, but as I walked back to my house I felt a spring in my step and I really, truly, did not care.
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This is my last update for tonight folks. I'm going to have some dinner and chill out with my pooch, but that doesn't let you off the hook; far from it.

I would be great to come back tomorrow and find some comments on this, but hey, we can't have everything.

So, anyway, comment if you like; if you don't then I'll come after you and kill you!

Only kidding my chickadee's.

Nighty, night; don't let the bed bugs bite.
