Once In A Blue Moon

Chapter 10

November 9, 2008
1:43 p.m.
Max's Home.

Mia was staying at a friends home for the weekend again. Max's parents were coming back from there anniversary trip in two days. I wasn't ready to leave Max and go home or even go to school! I was scared to even be alone in a room. Max told me not to worry about it and enjoy my weekend.
"I wish we had more classes together" I told him.
"So do I, but that can be arranged" He said with a smile.
I gave my weak one a try and he frowned. He touched my cheek and right when our skin touched I closed my eyes, I heldhis handthe one onmy cheek. I opened my eyes and he was smiling again. I moved my hand and he did the same.
"I wish you would smile"
I did the weak one and he said:
"Thats not what I meant"
"I know, but thats all I got"
He kissed me full on the lips, making sure to use his tongue, this kiss was more forceful, more passionate. My heart went faster and faster. I was getting dizzy from all the excitment. Then he stopped and he pulled his head back. He smacked his lips and said:
"What you got now?" Saying it with his mostgorgeuos smile yet.
I beamed a full smile, it only lasted a second, I couldn't help it, the pain inside of me took over.
"There it is!"
"Only for a second though" I noted, feeling ashamed.
"Well, we will just have to practice, won't we?" He smirked.
He then kissed me again. His one hand on my lower back and the other on my waist. My one hand on the back of his neck, the other twurled in his hair.
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November 9, 2008
2:12 p.m.
Max's Home.

We kissed passionatly for a little while, then I broke off when we started getting carried away.
"Sorry...I-I'm just not--"
"--Don't apoligize, I understand" He beamed, then held my hand.
I gave him the best smile I could manage. Then he said What I had, just four days ago:
"I love your smile."
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November 11, 2008
3:43 a.m.
Max's Home.

Max was asleep, I was in his arms, supposed to be sleeping as well, but it got harder to close my eyes. I couldn't help but see Mike and Kyle's face everytime I tried, so I usually just pretended to fall asleep and listen to Max's heart beat slow as he would drift into his own world.
I glanced at his alarm clock on his bed side table, it read 3:46 a.m. WOW! I'am so going to be distracted in school tomarrow, not like I wanted to go anyway. I can trick my mom into letting me stay home. Maybe.
Max shifted under my body. I carefully looked up and he looked back, nothing but tired on his face.
"Good...." He looked at his clock and said:
"Yeah, good morning to you as well"
"Have you been up for a while?"
"You can say that"
I moved off of him, so he can sit up. He stretched, yawned, then scratched the back of his head, he glanced at me and smiled. I did my weak one and he stood up. He went to walk away and like always my stomache did summer saults, so I stood up and walked over to him. He glanced at me and I noticed he had same sort of hurt look on his face. We made it to his bathroom, I stood waiting at the door as he went in. I was alone and I knew it. I could feel my heart going faster. I felt stupid, Why was I so scared to be alone?! I knew why, I just couldn't bring myself to ammit it!
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November 11, 2008
12:04 p.m.
Max's home.

"Okay, bye" Max hung the phone up after he was done talking to his mom, their flight was canceled so they wouldn't make it until late Tuesday evening I liked this news.
"What luck."
"Yes! But you should call your parents, you are suppose to be going home today!"
I glanced at the phone, then at him, he started walking away:
"MAX!" I shouted nothing but fright in my voice.
He turned around and seen the look on my face. He came back and sat down at his table.
"Sorry" He said after he adjusted him self in his chair. I gave my weak smile smile, and turned to the phone. It rang three times before a "Hello" came.
"Hi mom, its Cher."
"Oh, Hello, How have you been? Haven't seen you in a while...been busy?!"
Normally I would tell her off just for making a comment like that but I just couldn't find it in me.
"I've been better, ya a week, so long."
"Yes, very, So I assume you will be here by dinner"
"Well actually--"
"--Okay dear, see you then, love you bye"
"Ya whatever love ya to, bye"
There was a couple of seconds then I hurd a click at the other line. I to hung up then turned to Max.
"You didn't ask to stay an extra day?"
"Ya, she wasn't paying attension, she said I'm due to arrive at dinner time"
I took a deep breath and sat down next to him.
"When is mom and dad coming home?" A small voice said.
"Oh, hey Mia, Didn't see you there, uh...ya Tuesday night, their plane was canceled" Max replyed.
She ran off, such a behaived child. I looked at Max, he looked back, I think he knew I didn't want to leave him, he put his hand over mine, and I pecked his cheek.
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November 11, 2008
6:17 p.m.

Max pecked me on the lips and said "Bye, Love"
before returning to his car and driving off. I waited till I couldn't see his car, then I walked into my house.
"Hello, it's been a while sence you've been here! HaHa, Not like I've noticed or anything" Alton was the first to greet me.
When Aunt Sarah would take me to her house for weeks on end, I would come back and Alton would be the first I would see. He doesn't like to ammit he misses me but he does, I know he does, Well Aunt sarah only takes him now, anyway.
"Right....." I replyed
Usually I would go to my room and shut myself out from the rest of the house, but like at Max's home, I couldn't shake the feeling of fearing,being alone.
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