Once In A Blue Moon

Chapter 12

December 1, 2008
3:54 p.m.
Max's Home.
Cher's P.O.V:

I was so tired, I hadn't had a good nights sleep in about a month. I couldn't take the dreams, nightmares, whatever you call them, any more. They where starting to get to my head, they made me feel like he owned me now, I hated Mike and Kyle, but Mike even more.
"You should take a nap" Max suggested.
"I can't....I'm to tired."
"Haha, your to tired to take a nap?" He asked.
He grabbed me and set me on his lap we where already on his bed relaxing, So all I had to do was curl up on his chest, he hugged me close to him and he hummed, it was soothing, again with him being so good at calming me, soon I was off in my own world.... not so different from hell.

I was again in the alley, Running this time, it was Mike who was chasing me, it seemed like I was Running for ever, but still in the same spot. After what seemed like hours, I ran into some one, Kyle, I tried going the other way but Mike soon caught up. I was trapped I ran passed Mike and he grabbed me we fell tothe ground, I was on top so I grabbed his neck then Kyle pushed me off, I rolled over and Kyle got ontop off me, Mike pushed him off and took his spot then Kyle plus our clothes were gone.
"I told you not to tell any one!" He said.
He forced himself into me, I screamed but I had no voice again. He pushed in and out very hard, I finally pushed him off and went to crawl away he grabbed my ankle and with my free foot I kicked him in the face, he yelped but grabbed me before I could get away. He go on top of me and raised hist fist above him.
"You shouldn't of done that!" He said.
Then he swung his hand down, aiming for my face.

I jumped up scared, Max sat up and put his hand on my shoulder I looked over at him and he had a face that looked terrified.

Max's P.O.V:
She shot right up out of her sleep, she was breething really hard, I put my hand on her shoulder silently telling her I was there, and it was only a dream. She looked at me tears going down her face, I knew she wouldn't talk so I decided to start with:
"It's over, just a bad dream, thats all"
"How l-long have I-I been as-asleep?" She studdered because of her crying.
I glanced at my clock on my stand it read 8:30 p.m.
"About four and half hours, around there."
She glanced down and just sat there, like she was frozen only her tears were still going down her cheeks so I knew she wasn't. I hated when she cried, it made me hurt inside, because I couldn't do anything about it. I placed my hand under her chin and gently moved her face up to look at mine, I used my other hand to wipe the tears away with my thumb. She looked at me as I did it, I kissed her on the lips. I then said without thinking:
"Its been about a month, how about we tell your parents or someone like the school shrink and then they won't bother you or any one else again?"

Cher's P.O.V:
I looked at him, surprised!
"You think because it has been a month, I'm over it?"
"No, I didn't mean like that, I--"
"--What?! Think I'm crazy or something? School SHRINK?!"
I was mad he even mentioned it, maybe I was crazy, maybe I was right, he's sick of babysitting me.
I got up and moved to his door to go downstairs and to my house. He came from behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Please....don't leave.... me"
There it was the voice again like he needed me to stay, he said "Don't leave.... me" did he really think I wanted to? Maybe we where both going crazy? I turned around, I put my hand on his cheek, his hands now on my lower back.
"I told you, I would never."
"You got up to leave"
He didn't say it as a question but it was meant to be one.
"No, just to stretch my legs" I lied.
I was going to leave, but I was going to leave the house..... not him.
"Well, I was going to go home, to clear my head, but I wasn't going to leave, well, you" I laughed at that thought.
"Oh, Okay, You can go then, Clear your head and then come back okay?" He pecked me on the lips and went back to his bed. My heart started to go faster. I panicked.
"WAIT....What if I don't want to go?" I asked taking a step towards him.
He grinned.
"Then don't"
I ran towards him, and clasped in his arms.
"Don't scare me like that again!" He told me.
I grinned this time.
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December 2, 2008
11:11 a.m.
Max's Home.

Max and I didn't leave each others side sence last night. I liked it that way, and by the look on his face I could tell he did to.
"Good Morning" Ms. Shuckters said.
"Morning Mom" Max said back.
I didn't reply, I really haven't much lately, I noticed she glanced at me, she looked nervous, then she looked away when she realized I was looking back.
"Any plans mom?"
"Well your father has a buisness trip for a month--"
"--What?! He will be gone for Christmas?!"
"Don't interupt Jr. And Yes, he will, So will I, it will just be you and Mia."
She did the slightest glance at me I think she knew I was over when they went out for that week.
"How long will you be gone?"
"Well considering your father and I are going together, same amount"
"Great, So how come you have to go to?"
"Same reason he does"
I never mentioned itbut, Mr. and Mrs, Shuckters are doctors, normally it would be Dr. and Dr. Shuckters, but they where just fine with Mr. and Mrs. And at times they would travel to other places to help others in need. Mrs. Shuckters always wanted to be a lawyer thats why she adores my father, because he is one, but if she didn't become a doctor, Max and Mia wouldn't be here.
"When are you leaving?"
"Oh, a couple days, on Monday"
"The third?"
"Thats tomarrow m--"
"--OH! Be right back then"
I felt sorry for Max and Mia, they had to grow up with there parents there only half to little of the time, like they didn't have any! Made me feel grateful, for my father....and mother.
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December 4, 2008
9:20 a.m.
Science Class.

Class just started five minutes ago and I'm all ready tired, Our science teacher, Mr. Spez, was trying to get everyone to settle down, so he can start his lesson, probably on cells or something. I didn't listen I already knew it. Kyle was in my class, I sat two rows ahead from him. I'm thankful for that row between us.
Kyle's P.O.V:
Science, grrrr, I hated it, but I was anxious for after school, Mike and I made a plan to lure Cher to the back of the school up at the football field, it wasn't football season so no one would be up there, Mike was going to get back at her....for breaking his nose. I couldn't wait.....
Cher's P.O.V:
You know that feeling like something bad is going to happen, well I had that feeling but I couldn't do anything, so I ignored it. Mr. Spez was telling the class to get into there science pairs
"Alright hurry up class, you know your partners, if your partner isn't here, just get into some one elses group" Mr. Spez ordered.
I didn't have a partner, class is odd and there is only two, to a group so I would do it alone or there would be a group of just three. I decided to work alone today, I did when I was in a group anyway.
"Hey, lets be partners"
I looked up and my heart went faster.
"N-No, I-I don't think s-s-so" I replyed back.
Kyle sat down anyway and got his supplies for the project out.
"Oh, good Miss. Sulmon you found a partner!" Mr. Spez said.
"No, I-I'm not working w-with h-h-him!"
"It will be good, gives you particapation points, Mr. Gliiff, make sure you do some of the work as well."
"He can do all o-of his o-own work, I-I'm n-not working with h-h-him!"
"Yes you are"
Then Mr. Spez walked away.
"Oh come on Cher, I'm fun to be around."
He placed his hand on my thigh and rubbed it gently. I glared at him then smacked his hand away. He frowned and said:
"Don't be like that Ba--"
"Why don't y-you sit over there a-and do y-your own w-w-work?"
I tried to slide my chair over and he grabbed it by the back and bottom. And moved it closer.
"We are partners got to sit close.... you know?"
He put his hand on the inside of my thigh and moved it closer to my crotch. When he did I got up hit him with my science book hard on the top of his head and picked my bag up, marching out the room, whipping the tears away as I left.
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