Once In A Blue Moon

Chapter 13

December 4, 2008
9:42 a.m.

I was marching down the hall, it was deserted because everyone was in class.
"Do you have a pass miss?" The hall monitor asked.
I ignored her and kept going.
"Excuse me, Miss, Do you have a--"
"--No, I don't, now, please stop following me"
"You can't be in the hall--"
"--Well, I'm sorry but I'm in the hall, so get--"
"--Okay, maybe you can go to the office and talk about manners with--"
"--Sorry, I'm sorry, I--"
"--Office, now!"
I stared at her for a second, then looked at her staff tag, Mrs. Canning.
"Okay, Mrs. Canning, Sorry for the rudness, I'm going"
I smiled my weak smile and headed for the office. Out of the two years I was here, this is my first time ever having to go inside.
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December 4, 2008
10:11 a.m.

"That was rude what you did to Mr. Gliiff, Cher, unacceptable!" Mr. Spez yelled.
I was sitting in the chair watching Mr. Spez and the principle, Mr. Bringham, take turns lecturing me. When I got here Mr. Bringham, checked my schedule on the computer and when he asked me why I wasn't attending science today, and I didn't answer him, he called him on the loudspeaker, and when Mr.spez arrived he explained that I refused to work in groups and that I hit a student then choose to leave myself. I wanted to say I had a goodenough excuse to hit that bastard, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.
"Hello, do you hear me?"
I didn't even move, I just kept my eyes on the poster, to the side of the room, I read it so many times I probably would memorize it by the time I get out og here.
"Cher?....Miss. Sulmon, hello?" Mr. Spez said.
"Why did you hit, uh who was--"
"--Kyle Gliiff" Mr. Spez answered.
"Right, Why did you hit Mr. Gliiff" Mr. Bringham finished.
"Did you have a reason, did he say something, or did he hit you, touch you in anyway?"
I glanced at him when he said that but quickly looked away back to the poster.
"Okay, wait here, Miss. Sulmon."
They both walked into the room to my right and about five minutes later Mr. Bringham came back.
"Okay Cher, Mr. Spez won't write you up, instead you will see the school psychologist three times a week, okay?"
"Wait, I'm not crazy!"
"Well, its not necessary for only crazy people, sane people can see them to"
"Name three!"
"Well, we will start with you, me, I used to when I was younger, and well I'm sure theres others. You can go after school today, Lets make them for Tuesdays, Wendnesdays, and Thursdays, alright?"
"Yeah sure, I guess, I have no choice"
I got up and grabbed my bag, when I got to the door I put my hand on the handle and right when I went to leave, Mr. Bringham said:
"Oh Cher, everyone has a choice, its how you follow it that makes the difference, have a nice day!"
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December 4, 2008
2:10 p.m.

I told Max during lunch that, I was forced to go see the school psychologist, he thinks its going to go well, I don't. The bell rung and I slowly walked to the shrinks office. On the door it read: Dr. Eric Barr. I knocked once as softly as I could, trying not to let him hear me.
"Enter" A deep mans voice said.
It sounded nice, but it probably was an act. I walked in and sat at the lounge chair.
"Hello Miss. Sulmon, Mr. Bringham has told me, that I will be seeing you Tuesdays through Thursdays after school, for an hour each of them days.
"I guess"
"Well lets not waiste any time, lets start with--"
"--Okay, I personally don't think I need to be here, I'm not crazy!" He smiled at that " I think everyone is blowing this out of porportion, seriously"
"Well, Miss. Sulmon, I--"
"--Please, Cher, Miss. Sulmon makes me feel older then what I have to be"
"Okay Cher, I think everyone should have at least one person to talk to and I'm free, so lets begin. Why do you think your here?"
"Because, People think I'm crazy"
"--Maybe I' am crazy, I don't know your the one with Dr. in their name"
"No, you not crazy, no one thinks your crazy"
"Then why am I here?"
He laughed for about a minute.
"Well your good at reversing things, I think your here because you have a secret your hiding, either for you or someone else and you want to tell some one just to get it off your mind, kinda like relieving your self."
I just stared at him, how the hell did he know that? well he is the Dr.
"something like that, I guess"
"Anything you tell me, I Keep to myself unless of course you want me to tell, then I will."
"Even something really big?"
"So lets say I killed someone?"
He laughed again, and I did my little weak smile.
"Yes, even if you killled someone, you.....didn't kill any one.... did you?"
"No, just an example"
"Oh okay good, so whats this secret"
I bit my bottom lip and glanced down, I didn't want to tell him, well I could he wouldn't tell antone I just didn't know how to say it.
"Not sure how to start off?"
"Can you read minds?!"
He laughed once again.
"No, I don't"
"Alright, is this secret for you or someone else?"
"Well kinda both, if you think about it"
He scribbled stuff on his note pad.
"If you don't tell anyone then why are you writing it down?"
"You know you should trust me, and others, its easy, try it out some time. I write it down just incase I need to look over it again. Don't worry you secret safe with me"
I pondered over this then just shut it out of my head.
"So, about this secret--"
"--I'm not ready to tell you my secret"
"Thats perfectly fine, lets talk about, science class then, why don't you like to work in groups?"
"It's easier to do it by your self, gets it done faster."
"Okay, Do you have something against Kyle Gliiff?"
I thought about it, I wasn't much of a lier but I didn't want to tell the truth either, I went with the lie.
"Not really."
"Why did you hit him then?"
I thought about this to, if I said he touched me I'm not exactly saying what he and Mike actually did, yeah I'll tell the truth on this one.
"He touched me."
"Is this the secret?"
"Does it have something to do with the secret?"
"N-No, not e-exact-tly" I lied.
"Okay...." He wrote again.
"Where did he touch you?"
"Hmmm... if I guess will you nod if I'm right?"
"Probably not"
"If I'm to help you, you have to give me something to work with"
"He carrested my legs and...up more, Okay?" I said angrly.
"So he likes you and he thought he can get ahead, do you like him?"
"NO!" I said to fast.
"Does he have something to do with this secret?"
"A part of it"
"Okay, so he touched you but that has nothing to do with the secret but Kyle IS part of it. Am I correct so far?"
I just looked down at my knees, he was only half correct.
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December 5, 2008
1:25 p.m.

I hated math, but it was barable only because I sat in the back, so I really didn't have to pay attension, and because the teacher was my favorite one, shes the nicest.
"....Do you agree, Miss. Sulmon?"
I liked the poster on the wall, it was a quote from Cher, not me, The Cher, It said: "I can trust my friends...These people force me to examine myself, encourage me to grow" She was wise to say it, but the difference between
"....Miss. Sulmon?"
That Cher and me is that she has friends and I don't
I jumped then said:
"What, Ms. Joke?"
"Do you know the answer?"
"Do you know the question?"
"Maybe your not so good at Math because you don't attempt to try"
"Sorry, I just--"
"--Its quite all right, detention, today after school"
"I can't"
"Well, none of your buisness, but I can do it friday"
"Make it tomarrow"
"I can't do--"
"--Tomaarrow end of discussion. Okay class, now what..."
I let her talk on without noticing. She is just going to have to settle with friday, she can deal, no biggy.
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