Once In A Blue Moon

Chapter 16

December 12, 2008
2:35 p.m.

I decided I wouldn't go tomarrow that away I would have to tell him, I could do it.
"Hey long time no see"
I turned around and gasped.
"Awe whats the matter, you didn't think I up and left did you?"
"Uh, Mike, you have to leave me alone, I don't want nothing to do with you"
I turned around and went to walk away I was almost home, just a little more....
"Oh no you don't"
He grabbed my arm very hard, I turned around and faced him, his hand still tightly around my upper arm.
"Let go!"
"NO! I wont, you broke my nose!" He yelled while pointing to his face.
"I don't care, you hurt me to, I didnt want to lose my virginity to you! How do you think I feel? HUH?! I have to go the rest of my life knowing my first time was stolen from me!"
"Awe,life sucks, get over it!"
"You are truley an evil person"
He pulled me closer to him his face right in mine.
"You know it, now come to my house I want to show you something!"
"HAHAHA!! You think I would really go with YOU?! Your CRAZY!"
"Yeah I know thats why I'm forcing you to"
"I think not"
I stomped on his foot and started to run then he grabbed my arm and said:
"Why do you constantly run from me?"
"Why do you constantly mess with me?"
"Because your so pretty and valrable, and its fun to mess with you cause you won't tell anyone!"
"Well, That sucks for you because I already did!"
All went black.
* * *
Ow, my face hurted and it was blackall around me, I couldnt see, Where the hell was I now? I tried to move, was I tied to a chair WHAT THE FUCK?!?! I was tied to a chair, WHY?! I seen a light shimer from behind me, I looked around as much as I could then a light flicked on.
"Mhkshbta" I mumbled.
Dammit mouth taped again.
"Hahaha,shhh Cher, relax, now who did you tell?"
"Oh sorry"
He ripped the tape off my mouth.
"OW! Geez What the hell Mike, where am I?"
"My basement, don't try to scream my parents won't be able to hear you and my brother isn't home so, no one--"
"--Why exactly am I in your basment?!"
"I brought you here, now tell me, who did you tell?"
"If you wish!"
He put the tape back on my mouth he raised his hand and swung at my face, closing my eyes right in time.
Max's P.O.V:
I was home cleaning the house, Mia kept bugging me today.
"Where is Cher, shes usually over or your usually over there"
"She had a session today"
"Yeah I know that but why didn't you wait to walk her home?"
"Because I had to go see your teacher today. remember? You can't stop opening you mouth during class?"
"You could of waited for mom or dad to do it, You not even my father!" She screamed.
I looked over at her, butshe stomped away, shes right I'm not her father just her older brother.
I felt bad, I knew she felt the same way I did. I acted more like a parent to her then our actual parentsdid. I walked to her room, she locked it.
"Mia, can I come in, please?"
A couple of seconds went by and I hurd a click, I waited till I hurd her bed creak, then I came in.
"Sorry M--"
"--No, Max I'm sorry, I--"
"--I know, its hard to have two parentsthat are doctors and that are never home, I didn't have someone to take care--"
"--Thats what I was going to say, our parents don't act like we exist, but I have an older brother, you, to take care of me, you didn't have anyone, and I'm thankful that I have you."
"Well I'm thankful you have me to"
She hugged me and I hugged her back, I kissed the top of her head.
"Did you finish your homework?"
"You had to ruin the moment didn't you?" She siad muffled because her face was burried in my chest.
"Yes, now go, dinner will be ready soon"
She ran off and I went to the kitchen. Nothing fansy today, just some cheeseburgers and fries. I got the deepfryer ready and threw the fries in, then got the pan out and put the patties on there, my grandmother said six minutes on one side six on the other then flip them and one more minute with the cheese to melt it. She is a good cook.....The patties where done, cheese melted great I put them on the buns, and the friesdinged just in time I served the meals on the table and called Mia down.
Cher's P.O.V:
"Please let me go" I could barely breathe.
He had finally look the tape off my mouth.
"Whatyou don't like it when I hityou?"
"No...I don't....just let me go"
"No I don't think so, now are you going to tell me who you told?"
"I lied I didn't tell anyone I swear"
"I don't believe you!"
He put the tape back on and continued swinging.
Max's P.O.V:
"Come on Mia, eat"
"I don't want to I'm not hungry"
She crossed her arms and turned her head.
"Okay I didn't mean to yell at you, but just because mom and dad are gone doesn't mean the rules change"
She looked at me and stuck her tongue out, I chuckled, and she began to eat
"Alright be good at school tomarrow and Friday and I'll tell mom and dad you where an angel, Okay?"
The phone rang I went to go get it but Mia jumped off her chair and screamed:
"Alright, geez, calm down"
"Wait....ya hes here...um...No shes not....hold on, heres Max..."
She walked into the room.
"Cher's parents are on the phone"
"Okay, hand it over, squirt"
"Hell?" I said into the phone.
"Hi, Max is Cher there, Please tell me shes there!"
Cher's P.O.V:
"Okay Cher, I don't think I can hit you anymore without knocking you out so last chance who did you tell?"
"Mhktephlatofla" I mumbled
Barely able to keep my head up, I could feel my face swelling up, it was a horrible feeling. He ripped the tape off.
"Ow...I....didn't...tell anyone"
"Your lieing, was it Max? Your family? Astaff member at school? Why are you seeing the school shrink if--"
"--They make me--"
"Prinvple...Mr. Spez...."
"Did you tell them?"
"No...I didn't tell anyone"
"Well if you don't want to tell me...."
He put the tape on once again.
"Mktopflaz" I mumbled
"You should of told me" He stated.
I closed my eyes.
Max's P.O.V:
"No, Mrs. Sulmon, I swear, I didn't see her...no not even after school...I had to go to my little sisters meeting... she was bad in school"
"Then where the hell is she, she never came home and its 6:43 p.m."
"I wouldn't know, her sessions are over at 3:10 p.m. so she would of been either here or home by now"
"Yes, the police can't pronounce her missing until twenty-four hours"
"Want me to come over?"
"Yes, you can, just incase Larry needs help searching"
I looked at Mia, I wasn't going to leave her here, her eyes were wide and I could tell she was scared.
"My little sister, can--"
"--Oh yes, you bring her as well"
"Okay see you soon"
"Okay dear, good bye"
I hung up and turned to go get my coat.
"What, Stop screaming, go get your coat"
"It Cher hurt?!"
"I don't know, Mia"
No one does.
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