Once In A Blue Moon

Chapter 17

Date: ?
Time: ?
Place: ?

Cher's P.O.V:
I ached every where, I wasn't on a chair any more. now I was on the floor, it was cold cement. I wasn't tied either, or I didn't have tape on my mouth. I stood up, but fell down.
"OW...Ugh, naked again?"
I looked down, okay now I'm pissed, what a cowardly asshole, I hated him with a passion. I got up and looked around there were little windows that showed the outside, okay still in the basement I remembered theres a door I walked over to the door, wait I'm not going to go naked....Nope he took my clothes, dammit, haha, he left a towel. I wrapped myself in it, that will have to do for now I climbed the stairs and there was the door, locked, what the hell, my luck. I kicked it, it didn't even move!
Mom someones knocking at the door"
"Okay thanks Mike"
I ran down and went to the window. COPS! Good now I have some luck. Right when I went to hit the glass some one grabbed me!
"What are you doing? Hmmm the towel fits you, now, your lucky my mom didn't hear you, You have a phone you hid from me, the cops are here?"
"No, wait whats today?"
Its Sunday the 16th, Why?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
"Well you took me what was it Wendesday, its now Sunday, So they are considering me a missing person"
"Why come here though?"
"Well, you go to my school, there probably going to evry ones house that goes there"
"Hmmm....yeah that makes sence"
As he was thinking I took my chance and punched him as hard as I could, he fell down, PERFECT!! I ran for the door, the unlocked door, I almost made it....
"Mike, honey?"
I was going to scream HELP ME! but Mike grabbed me and put his hand over my mouth
"Coming mom"
I bit his hand and he let go.
"What the fuck!"
He threw me onto the floor then pulled me up to this metal poll by my hair. The poll was sticking out of the cement and it went to the cieling. There was many of these so I knew they were used to keep the floor from falling down. He tied my aems to one so my arms were behind my back and I was sitting up against the pole.
"Okay thats so you dont try to break a window and run or bang on the door"
Then he pulled out of his pocket more tape and a pill."This will make you sleep it says for 8 to 24 hours so take this and I will be back to check on you maybe even sooner"
He pulled the towel off of me.
"Who knows my mom has work today!"
He forced the pill in my mouth so I spit it at him, he punched me and I gasped. He put it back then put the tape on my mouth so I couldn't spit it back out.
"Now swallow"
I did what I was told. I don't want to be concious for what ever he is planning for me.
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Date: ?
Time: ?
Mike's Basement.

I have a major head ache. I was still tied to the pole. I looked around Mike was sitting there on a chair, watching me. He looked tired, or no, like he was.... crying?
"Hi" He said.
I didn't answer him, I rather just keep my mouth shut.
"Don't talk, I don't mind the quiet"
"I'm hungry" I said after a couple of minutes
"Yeah, its been a while, I would untie you but, I don't trust you"
He walked off, about ten minutes later he came back he went to feed me but I turned my head to the side.
"Come on eat it"
"Let me at least feed myself"
"Are you going to hit me, if I untie you?"
"Its tempting but no" I answered
"Well, okay then"
He untied me and handed me What he made, I looked at it and raised an eyebrow
"What am I suppose to do with this?" I asked looking again at it.
It was toast, just a piece of bread with butter slapped onto it.
"Eat it, DUH!" He laughed
"Uh no, you don't cook much, do you?"
"Nope but you'll manage: He got up and left.
I was NOT eating that, so I just set it next to me and bunched my knees up to my chest wrapping my arms around my legs and resting my chin on top of my knees. Sitting there, doing nothing but getting lost in my thoughts
"Here ya go"
I didn't even notice Mike coming back, He handed me a glass of water. I took it without a word. I didn't realize how thrirsty I was! A couple of minutes went by and I finished my toast....uh, bread. It was nasty but what choice did I have?
"Today is Tuesday" He stated.
"You coming to a point?" I asked
I will ammit to you that I was scared of him, but I sure as hell wasn't going to show it.
"Its been a while sence you been home. Don't you--"
"--What are you going to ask me? If I what? Miss my friends and family? or where you--"
"--Okay, well, I'm sorry, alright?"
I didn't believe him.
"No its not alright, You KIDNAPPED me, people go to jail for that"
"I know thats why I've been thinking--"
"--I don't think you should do that, when you think, stupid stuff happens"
He ignored me.
"I will let you go, but you have to pretend like you don't know who took--"
"Why n--"
"Because, I'm sick of saving your ass, what if you do it again?"
"I won't, I prom--"
"I don't believe you"
"I won't risk taking you ag--"
"--Not me, someone else!"
He thought about it then answered:
"I promise it won't happen"
"I can't keep this a secret"
"They would probably believe you, your face looks like you can't see out of it anyway" He stated
He got up and grabbed the mirror to his right, he must of planned on using it.
"Take a look" He said, his face looking guilty
I stared at the person in the mirror, was that really me? NO! It couldn't be, my....face, I remembered it feeling swollen, but DAMN! It was puffed out, at both eyes plus purple and blue every where, my lips looked like they finally stopped bleeding oh my....
"What the fuck?" I said.
I tried to open my eyes wide but it stung, so I stopped.
"What the hell did you do to me?"
"I'm sorry....I-I got carried away" He said while scratching the back of his neck and pretending to kick an invisible stone.
"Carried away?! You can't even notice its me! I Can't even notice its me, and I think I would know my own face!"
"Yeah, you look like hell!"
"Oh thanks, that makes me feel better"
"Your body has some bruises as well, but not as much as your face" He pointed out. Then he added:
"So , maybe, you can tell them you didn't see...."
I blanked him out, I was still holding the mirror to my face, well my new face. I think he noticed I wasn't paying attension to him and only to my face because I hurd him say:
"....Your face will go back to normal you know?"
"Yeah, no thanks to you"
I threw the mirror out of rage and it shattered!
"I hate you!"
Is the last words I spoke.
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