Once In A Blue Moon

Chapter 18

December 20, 2008
1:43 p.m.
Cher's Home.

Max's P.O.V:
Cher was still missing, I couldn't take it anymore, what if she-- NO! She couldn't be-- Don't think like that!
My sister called my name, I hurd her but I was to much in thought to answer. We where still at the Sulmon's, Cher's mom insisted we stay until Cher was found, that away we all knew at once. It was getting harder and harder by the day. I could hear Mrs. Sulmon crying at night, and Mr. Sulmon as well, I even hurd Alton a couple of times, I'll ammit to you, I've cried my self to sleep ever sence she went missing.
"Will I ever see Cher again?"
"What makes you think you won't?"
"I don't know, It's just shes been gone for 9 days, maybe...she...d--"
I knew she was going to say the 'd' word.
Suddenly the doorbell rang. My heart felt like it stopped for a second, I think Mia's did to because she was clutching her chest. Mia and I where in the guest room, So we ran down stairs as quickly as possible, I was scared, can it be good news....maybe it was bad!
"....Yes, I'm glad for you and your family!" A couple of cops where outside on Cher's porch.
Mrs. Sulmon was crying harder then ever, but it was tears of joy not sadness. I walked up to her, putting a hand on her shoulder then glanced at the police men.
"Well?" I feared the worst.
"Mia, go back upstairs"
She ran back upstairs and I asked the police again:
"She was found. About an hour ago, found in a park, not far from where she goes to school, we are doing all we can to find who did this to her"
"YES!" I couldn't help my self.
Then I turned to Mrs. Sulmon not realizing my hand was still on her shoulder and said:
"I think you should call your husband, and possibly tell Alton, can you tell Mia as your up there?"
"Yes, good idea, and of course"
She was gone in a flash. I had this big grin on my face, my nightmares where soon forgotten.
"I do have to tell you though, she looks...." He flinced then continued. "...Really bad"
"Nonsence" I said.
She has always been simply beautiful.
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Date: ?
Time: ?
Place: ?

Cher's P.O.V:
My vision was blurry, I could hear voices but, they where muffled. I remembered that day, Mike explained to me "I will knock you out, and dump you some where they can find you easily" I didn't talk ever sence that day he showed me the mirror. He told me he would knock me out but dump me a couple of days later. I was just glad I was getting out of his basement.
"....Is she coming to?...."
"Please for the last time, SHHH!" A woman's voice came.
"Sorry, Nurse Cindy"
I knew that voice, It was MIA! I didn't know a Nurse Cindy though? I must have been in a hospital then. I open my eyes as far as they would go without them stinging.
"SHE"S WAKING UP!" Mia shouted.
I just laid there, then the Nurse spoke to me:
"Hello dear, How are you feeling?" Can you manage to speak? Or comprehend what I'm saying?"
I just stared at her, I wasn't slow or anything but she sure was acting it how rude!
"Blink twice if yes, Blink once if no"
I decided to give her the benifit of the dought, so I blinked twice.
"Anything hurt?"
I blinked twice again.
Which was the truth, everything hurted, but my face the most.
"Okay I'll get some medication for you!"
I blinked once.
I didn't want any, they would only make me tired, and I think I slept long enough.
"It will make your pain go--"
--I blinked once, silently saying no.
She gave me a weak smile and said:
"I will get your parents and boyfriend then" She ran off.
"Hi Cher, your mom and dad couldn't take looking at you like this, they said they felt your pain and it hurt to much, so there in the "waiting" room, and Max went to go comfort them. I stayed just in case you woke up!"
She put her hand on mine, and smiled big.
"Alton is at your Aunt Sarah's, I think her name is that, they wanted me to go to but I simply couldn't, they agreed after a huge fight!"
She looked tired, I wanted her to go and sleep, get some rest and not worry about me, but I didn't talk so she did:
"But all is better now, because your home, I'm afraid you missed Christmas though, I'm sorry...."
She acted so old for her age, only going on 12 and she all ready is matured, I guess thats what happens when your parents are never around and you have to well, just grow up.
"Can you please talk to m--"
It was my mom, followed by Max, then my dad. My mom came to my side but, I just turned my head the other way so she couldn't see my face, I'm sure she has already but I didn't want them to. I also moved my hand from Mia's grip and put my blanket up to my chin leaving my arms under it. Max went to the other side of my bed, opposite of my mom. I didn't want him to see my face either but I HAD to see his.
"Hello Cher, I missed you so much!" He stated.
He placed his hand on my swollen face very gently, it stung a little so I flinced, I knew he wanted to touch me any where so I took one of my arms out from my blanket and held his hand. I watched his face, his beautiful face, and a tear went down his cheek, I closed my eyes as it slid down, I couldn't take looking into his eyes and seeing all his guilt, worry, sadness, and.....pain.
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December 26, 2008
4:22 p.m.

Nurse Cindy made everyone get out so I could get some rest but I refused to sleep. The Nurse told me someone special is coming to visit me, and he/she will be here any moment now. I didn't really want to see anyone but Max.
The Nurse came in.
"Hes here sweety, Can I send him in?"
I just stared at her.
"Okay, I'll send him in"
She reminded me of a mouse, so small, but chunky, she even had mouse grey hair. I hurd her talking to "him" outside the door.
"...Yup Right, in there, afraid she doesn't talk , just yes and no questions, She'll stare at you for yes and look away for no, well good luck deary"
"Thank you ma'am"
I hurd the mans deep but nice voice and I instently knew who it was....Eric Barr, the school shrink. He came in and sat down at the chair to the side of the bed. He flinced when he seen my face, but recovered quickly.
"Hello Cher, feeling better I hope?"
I looked away from him.
"Hmmm....Do you know who did this to you?"
I looked at him instantly, but turned my head away just as fast.
"Do you remember where you where?"
I didn't look at him, I didn't feel like talking--Uh, Communicating with anyone.
"It's tragic what happend to you"
I looked at him this time. He really did look sad. He was watching me, then he stood up and walked to my window I watched him do so.
"Did Kyle Gliiff or Mike Moss do this to you?"
Even though he was facing the other way and couldn't see my face he knew I didn't look away
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