Once In A Blue Moon

Chapter 20

January 2, 2009
1:43 p.m
Going Home.

They agreed to let me go home because I finally said something. That was it though, those where the last of my words.
"Aren't you happy, dear? Your finally going home" My mom said, as she did she grabbed my hand with both of hers.

I snatched my hand away. I was happy, but that doesn't mean I forgot how much we hated each other. She looked sad as I did that and she walked over to the door. My dad put his arm around my shoulder. I didn't shrug him off. He looked sad as well.
"Okay young Cher, now before we can certainly let you go, you have to do a little test for us, Okay?" The doctor asked as he walked over to me and my father.
"What exactly does she have to do?" My father asked a little worried.
So thats why they where sad looking, they where scared I wouldn't pass or anything.
"Well she doesn't have to do anything, but she has to say everything I do, ready Cher?"
WHAT?! Thats not fair! I had a whole debate going on in my mind, say nothing stay here vs. say what he does go home. So you can only guess what I choose .
"Do you know your name?" He asked.
What kind of stupid question was that? Its not like I hit my head and was in a coma or something.
"Cher" I finally stated.
"Good, How about your parents names, do you know them?"
No I have never met them before, This guy couldn't be serious.
"Lisa and Larry"
"Okay Now repeat after me, I Cher Sulmon, is cured and I'm fine to go home"
Cured from what, I didn't have any disease or viruses? Maybe this doctor should be the one in the assylum. Then I realized what he meant, he meant I was over what happend and I wouldn't show signs of depression.
"I Cher Sulmon, is cured, and I'm fine to go home"
What a lie that was!
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January 2, 2009
3:16 p.m.

It felt different here. Its been so long, so thats probably why, I ignored the feeling.
"Welcome home Cher" My father greeted.
The feeling came back when he said home, I decided to leave. I turned around and headed for Max's house.
I turned around and found myself, facing my brother, he looked sad.
"Cher, I--uh, wanted to say-- Welcome back"
He ran up to me, and hugged in a bone crushing way. I didn't hug back I just let him finish.
"Can I speak with you?"
I turned and walked away.
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January 2, 2009
Max's Home.

"Your crushing me"
"Sorry I just missed you so much"
"I know I missed you as well"
Max and I didn't let go of our hugs until Mia came running in.
"Mia stop yelling, you'll pop Cher's ears!"
"It's Okay Max, I missed her to"
"Mia go play I have to talk to Cher."
"Fine, talk to you later Cher"
"Okay then"
I watched as her curly hair danced behind her head as she ran from the room. Then I was spun around so fast my head was spinning.
"I need to talk to you!"
"Okay Max, is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I just have a surprise for you!"
I didn't like his surprises, everytime he had one, something wrong happend.
"Uh well, I'm not going any--"
"--No, listen, I bought us something"
"--My parents get back tomarrow and they are mad, I called to let them know but they yelled ab--"
"--What is it?"
"About it, but they will allow it, you just got to talk about it with--"
"--What is--
"--Your parents"
"So you going--"
"--I got us an apartment!"
"Ya, its a great place, you'll love it!"
"Okay when can we--"
"--You really mean it?"
He looked so happy I couldn't refuse.
"Yes, of course I do"
"As soon as you talk to your parents, I will come if you--"
"--No, I can do it alone"
They owe me one!
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January 3, 2009

This is the happiest I've been in a long time. My mom was biting her nails, so nervous, the last time I told her I wanted to talk, I said she was unfair to me, I have a feeling this time shes going to cry.
"Mom,Dad,Alton, I'm moving out"
I decided to just come out with it and not sugar coat anything.
"Dad stop--"
"--Your not moving out, I--"
"I am going to move even if you say no, I just wanted your opinion on it first"
"You can't leave" Alton mumbled.
This hurt, I knew he couldn't make it a week without me.
"You just got back" He added.
His head was bent down so I couldn't see his face, but I knew it was full of hurt and worry, then a single tear fell onto his lap. I got up and hugged him.
"You can come visit anytime"
I chuckled.
I let go and held him at arms length.
"I promise"
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January 3, 2009
Max's Home.

My parents didn't approve but they agreed. After an enormous debate about it. So I packed everything in my room, and stuff that was mine in the bathroom, and headed dowwn stairs.
"Are you sure about this?"
"Yes lisa, I'm sure"
I hugged her quickly and my dad said:
"If you come home preg--"
"--Larry please"
"Just because your moving doesn't mean you can call us Lisa and Larry, It's still Mom and Dad to you Missy" He stated before crushing me in a huge hug.
"Dad cant-Breathe"
"Oh right sorry"
"You guys act like I'm going away forever, the apartment is near my school couple of blocks from here, come over when ever" I said half hearted.
Alton gave a worried look and then there was a knock at the door
"I got it"
I opened the door and Max stared back, Huge smile on his face.
"Ready love?"
I heard a"ugh" from Alton before I said:
Max picked up mybags and we headed out the door "Bye" I said without turning back.
"So whats it look like?"
"You'll see"
"What made you decide to get it"
"When you where gone" He paused "I knew I couldn't be without you anymore when you come back, so I decided this"
"Thats great I'm glad we can move in with each other"
"Me to"
We got into the car with my bags and drove to our new house.
Our new home.
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