Once In A Blue Moon

Chapter 21

January 3, 2009

3:58 p.m.


The apartment was simply beautiful, I hardly could explain it. It felt right here, like it was meant to be.

"Welcome home Cher"

We walked up to our floor, 14, to be exact, and went to our room, 'C', '14C'. I couldn't be happier. We walked in and Max handed me a spare key. YAY! I looked up from my key and I could tell Max was here before me, all the furniture was in place already. I smiled at that.

"You can redecorate it if--"

"--It's perfect the way it is!"

He took my hand and I beamed a smile, the first one in a long while.





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June 22, 2009

2:15 p.m.


"Come on Cher, it's been almost six months and you still won't talk to anyone but Max" Dr. Eric Barr explained.

It was the last day of school. I was so happy about that. It was a Thursday so it was kinda weird to end it there, but eversenseApril, Eric made the "sessions" Tuesdays to Fridays, him adding an extra day. He said during summer i am to come see him still, of course instead of after school (considering its summer vacation) it will have to be after work, YES I got a job around March, I believe. WOW you have missed out on a lot.

"And you still never told me what Mike and Kyle did, let alone who took you"

I flinched at that, yeah my face was better but it still hurt inside. Mike doesn't come near me, hes scared if he does some one would think it was him. So Kyle usually is his messenger guy. I ignore him to the best of my abilities.

Max and I are still the same, I still feel that electric tingle every time he touches me. He has a job too.

"Look ignore me, I don't mind but you'll talk--"

"--I told you it doesn't matter, he doesn't bother me anymore"

Well he doesn't mess with me, I should of said. It still bothers me what he did though.

"Right, but I'm the one with 'Dr.' in his name, I should know what will help you"

I gave a sign and closed my eyes, maybe I'll visit my family today, I haven't seen them sense I moved out.

"Okay, Tuesdays to Fridays you see me, I want you to--"

My eyes shot open. "--You want me to come Mondays to?!"

"NO! I was going to say, I want you to go to this program it's helped lots of people, it's for people who go through what you did, theres three owners who run it, you know one of them"

"Oh yeah, You?"

"No, your favorite teacher, Miss. Joke"

"Oh, Cool"

"Yeah her and her two sisters, Drew and Marte"

I closed my eyes again as he continued.

"You can see them on Mondays, and Me Tuesdays to Fridays, and you can have your days off, Saturdays and Sundays to spend with Max"

"Okay" I opened my eyes. "Eric?"


I thought about something I came so close to telling him like before, I would say his name he would say yes I would then think and make my mind up and say never mind. Then he would sign and change the subject.

"Never mind"

He signed. "Is that a good idea?"

Told you. "Yeah, sounds like you have my vacation all planned out."

"Yeah, looks like it"

He signed again.

And I know it's because I put so much stress on him by not saying my secret.

Sorry Eric.

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June 22, 2009

3:33 p.m.


"Okay, So I don't have to go to work until" He looked at his schedule "4:10 p.m. and I come home 9:25 p.m." Finished Max.

"Yup, and I don't have to go until 5:00 p.m. and I get out at 10:15 p.m., but don't forget our schedules change startingtomorrow, we have mornings instead of nights" I explained.

"Yup, I remember" He pecked me on the cheek and went to get ready.

I chuckled and thought, Well I have a while, maybe I will go see my family, I forgot to mention I worked at Schunckers, the place he took me for our first date, and you remember Luther right? Well I'm good friends with him now, I'm a waitress just like him (well him a waiter) And Max works at this hotel across town, called Summers Inn. weird because it's open all four seasons, hes a bellhop, and he also works at the front desk, believe it or not he makes good money, very popular hotel.

We saved up, with help of his parents, for some cars, we both have our own so it's easier for work. I'm glad we got just about the same schedules! It's perfect cause then we can see each other all the time.

I got up and took a quick shower, our 'uniforms' are black dress pants and a red shirt with Schunckers on the front. We have to have black shoes as well plus if your a female (or male with long hair) you have to wear you hair in a ponytail (or bun). And females have to use a red headband as well.

I choose a ponytail put my headband on, i put my name tag on my shirt clipping it above my left breast. I put my make-up on, which I only use for work or specialoccasions. Then Max came in.

"You don't have to be to work for another hour, what are you getting ready for?"

"Well I thought I would visit my family before I go. And your suppose to be gone already, It's four o'clock, you have ten minutes!"

"I know I know, say hi to them for me see you tonight, I love you" He kissed me and that tangly feeling came.

"Okay I will see you later, I love you too"

He ran out the door and I couldn't help but laugh.

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June 22, 2009

4:16 p.m.

Mom's Home.

I knocked on the door, I know I used to live here about six months ago but I didn't no more so it would of felt weird just walking in.

"I got it" I heard Alton scream.

He opened the door, and seen me, his eyes got big.

"Hi Alton, so long no--"

--He shut the door in my face!


My mom came after a few minutes and said:

"OH! Cher, I missed you so much I'm glad you could make it!"

"Yeah I just thought I would drop in, see how everyones doing. Whats up with Alton?"

"Oh hes mad because you promised him some thing and didn't-- I don't know, PLEASE, come in"

I knew though, I promised he could come visit and I never let him. I felt bad.

"Okay but only to talk to Alton, then I have to go to work, but we can catch up on Sunday?"

"Oh yes great idea!"

I walked toAlton'sroom but went down another way to look at my old one. It was still how I left it, like I never moved, It brought tears to my eyes, but I pushed them away.

"Mom didn't want to change it just in case you decided to come back"

"Alton I'm sorry, I was so busy with school, sessions, and work, plus hanging with Max, I completely for--"

"--I understand" He smiled big and ran over to hug me.

I forgot his hugs. "Sunday I'm coming over to catch up with mom, how about after I show you my place?"

"Yeah that would be awesome"


"Max said Hi"

"Say Hi back"

"Will do" Pause. "Wheres dad?"I added.



"Can I ask you something?" He said.

"Yeah of course"

Alton's P.O.V:

I didn't know how to say it but maybe if I did she would take me away or someone else would... I decided now wasn't the time so i said...

Cher's P.O.V:

"Never mind" He finally came out.

"Okay if you change your mind, I'm here"


I went down stairs and called my mom. Now I still didn't feel like she was a mother to me, so i decided to keep it short:

"Well I should be off tell dad I said hi and so does Max to everyone"

"Okay bye dear, nice seeing--"


"Right" She said to happy.

I walked out the door and headed for my car, it was weird being back here, I could of sworn Alton had something on his mind. All well. Tomorrows another day.

Off to work.
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