Once In A Blue Moon

Chapter 22

June 24, 2009

10:30 a.m.


I opened my eyes and Max wasn't there, I could hear the shower going, so I knew he was there instead. Saturday Max and my day off.Tomorrowto but I promised Alton and I didn't want to hurt him again.

"Hey morning"

"Good morning Max, uh, I promised Alton I would bring him over tomorrow you know how--"

"--Cool it's about time he seen the place, maybe I'll send Mia over to"

Although we haven't seen my family a lot, we talk to his every so often.

"My parents already seen the place, you should bring yours over with Alton."


I'm probably sure mine aren't used to me moving yet which reminded me.

"You know they had my room exactly how I left it!"

"Really, haha, why?"

"To see if I would come back just in case I did I would have my room still"


"I know, like I would ever go back"


"So what will we be doing today?" I asked.

"Anything you want" He smiled big.

"No I'm not--"

"--Okay with me" He kissed me on the lips and my heart went racing.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

June 25, 2009

1:43 p.m.

Mom's Home.

Max stayed home to clean up, not like there was much to do in thatcategory, we kept it clean all the time. I tried to knock but before I could even touch the door it swung open.

"Hey I knew you would come mom said you--"

"--Mom? Well thats why your so nervous, never listen to mom"

Alton's P.O.V:

She always liked dad more, I don't know why, I rather live with mom but I guess its because dad never--

Cher's P.O.V:

"So you going to come or are we going to--"

"--Yeah!" Alton cut in.

"Okay just go get mom for a sec--"


"Just do it, Alton"

"Okay Okay"

He went off and a minute or so later they came back.

"Hi dear, I'm--"

"--Do... I don't know, want to--maybe-- come to?" I regretted asking it already.

"Oh do you mean it?"

"Yes, oh mom don't cry it's no big deal!"

"Okay" Sniff "I'll come" Sniff Sniff "Along"

"Okay tell dad he can come as well"

"NO!" Alton shouted.

"What? Why?"

"Mom?" He said.

"Uh, no I don't think--"

"--Just go get him!"

"Fine." Alton said a little angry.

"I have to get dressed, Please come in and wait" Mom ordered.

I walked in and sat on the couch. I'll admit I didn't like it here, I couldn't wait to get home.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

June 25, 2009

2:34 p.m.


"So when did you learn to drive any way?"

"Dad, please it's--"

"--It's a simple question"

"Around the time I got my car, Max has one of his own. So--"

"--You each can afford one, with no jobs--"

"--Max and I do have a job, he works at Summers Inn. at the front desk. and sometimes as a bellhop, and I work at Schunckers, as a waitress, plus his parents helped out with the cars" I stated as if he should have known that.

"Oh so you talk to them often?"

"Once in a blue moon" I shrugged.

"Ah so why--"

"--Why are you lecturing me?"

"Just trying to catch up, thats all"

I was driving and he was in the passengers seat, my mom being behind me and Alton being behind my father.

"I think Cher drives great"

"Thanks Shrimpy"

Wow haven't used that in a while. I got used to Mia's nickname, Squirt! HAHA!

"So how much longer?"

"We... Are... Here!" I answered.

I pulled into the parking space that said "Cher Sulmon" on it. Next to it was Max's car. where his sign said "Max Shuckters Jr."

"You get your own spot to park in?"

"Yeah it helps, so people don't fight as much"


Alton would be the only one to think that, well other then Mia there so much alike.

We make it to 14C and I open the door with my key and we walk in.


"Yup, i'm coming" he shouts back

"Want some--"

"--This place is great" Both my parents say together.

"Thanks" Max and I said in sync as he walked in.

"Wow great view"

"Yeah i like it to Alton, but the one from our bedroom is even better"

"Can i--"

"--I'll take ya to see" Maxvolunteered.

They were off, to leave me alone with my parents.

"So you want some thing to drink?"

"No we're fine"


"Uh, no, thats okay"


I sat down on the couch and they did the same.

"So what is it that--"

"--Did you two have sex yet?!" My mom asked all to excited.

My mouth hung open and I could feel the blood flow to my face

"Uh no, and thats a private question."

"Good, I don't think you should till your married, not like that--"

"--Oh Larry, I'm sure they will sooner" My mom cut in with a wink.

Sex talk with my parents GROSS! and my mother allowing us to with no hesitations DOUBLE GROSS!!!

"Uh moving on so how have you been? Is it different with out me there?"

"YES! So different, Alton misses you SO much" Mom explains.

"Yeah it does feel different" My father adds.

"Wow it is a better view, you where right Cher"

"Told ya"

"Mr. and Mrs. Sulmon, would you like to stay for dinner?" Max asked.

"We would love to, Thanks for asking"

"Your welcome Mrs. Sulmon"

Great Max's parents and mine together, plus Mia and Alton, tonight isn't going to be fun.

At all.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

June 25, 2009

7:16 p.m.


Max and I finished cooking we decided to makelasagna I already set the table. My family and Max's family were at the table waiting. I had to change to be more "formal" even though it was just our families but his parents were like that. His mom and my mom were in conversation and so were my dad and his dad. Alton and Mia also were deep in a talk. I'm glad they all were getting along. I looked down at my dress, it was pretty, my hair was in tight curls and my make-up was fresh.

The dress looked snow white, with a black bow that went around thestomach area. It went right under my knees and like the other one I used for my first date it was flowy, but tighter at the chest area. And I just had heels on that laced up to my ankles.

I liked it thats why when I seen it at the mall I had to get it, glad I did. Max was wearing dress pants that were pin striped and grey with a black formal jacket, his tie was pin striped as well and just a normal white T-Shirt under it, haha he still had his hair in his little mohawkthough.

We set the food on the table and Max and I took our seats next to each other. We had to find chairs sense we only had four but we just borrowed from down in the lobby.

"So... How have you been mom?" I started.

"Well you know I--"

"--We been the same" My father cut in.


I cut the food and passed some to everyone. We sat in quiet till Max broke the silence:

"How was yourbusinesstrip dad?"

"It was fine we--"

"--So is there some reason you all of a sudden invited us?"

"No, Cher just wanted to see you, it's been--"

"--A while?"

"Dad thats rude tointerruptpeople, your a guest now so you--" I tried to say before he once again interrupted.

"HA! And like you didn't interrupt me when you lived in--"

"--Whats your problem all of a sudden?"

"Nothing, its just weird you want to talk--"

"--So sorry next time I won't bother!"

What was with him, usually it would be my mother and me fighting. We sat quiet till Max's mother said:

"You look lovely tonight Cher, and Handsme as always Max"

"Thanks Mom" Max and I said at the same time.

I had a habit of calling her mom, we were closer then my real mother, I even called Max's father, dad, weird, I know but all in all my mother didn't like that:

"Why would you call her that?"

"Oh I hangout with her--"

"-- Its not my fault you haven't spoke to us in a half of a year!"

"You keep saying it like its our fault, you could of called anytime so don't put it all on us!"

"Your the one who moved so--"

"--If you haven't noticed Lisa, EVERY CHILD MOVES!"

"Yes, but when there 18, not 15--"

"--I'll be 16 in a couple weeks"

"Still to young, you--"

"--Why do you care any way? Huh? She acted more of a mother then you, and she probably cared more--"

"-- I think we should leave now"

"Fine, It was so wonderful to see you again, really its been a blast... Lisa, Larry, Alton I'll take you home now"

"Uh Cher I'll take them you can keep my family company"

"Okay Thanks"

He kissed me quickly and showed them out the door. And I couldn't help to think what a mistake this was as they went.
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